What is your definition of Energy Independence

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  • WTF
  • 03-15-2022, 01:51 PM
But there Originally Posted by lustylad
You should have stopped there....

Please explain this energy independence.

Why did Trump stop the magical energy independence ride in March of 2020?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Can you show me the stats that show when the world wide price of oil is high our gasoline prices drop in this country as long as we are energy independent?

I've heard you claim it as fact but have never seen this economic phenomenon.

I've seen ungodly low gasoline prices in nations that have nationalized energy sectors. Is that what you are looking for? To nationalize our energy sector? Originally Posted by WTF

Yes! great idea let's nationalize everything! in 5 years the US will be a bigger shithole that the shitholes the shitheads flooding into the border come from so they'll all leave.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-15-2022, 01:59 PM
Yes! great idea let's nationalize everything! in 5 years the US will be a bigger shithole that the shitholes the shitheads flooding into the border come from so they'll all leave.

brilliant! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That is not my idea....that is yours.

You were the one claiming that we had low gasoline prices when oil prices were high.

The only countries I've seen that phenomenon are in energy nationalized countries.

Is that wtf you want?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That is not my idea....that is yours.
Originally Posted by WTF

if you say so
lustylad's Avatar
I've seen ungodly low gasoline prices in nations that have nationalized energy sectors. Is that what you are looking for? To nationalize our energy sector? Originally Posted by WTF
It has nothing - nada - to do with whether the energy industry is nationalized or not. All it takes is a government stupid enough to subsidize the retail price of gasoline.

Btw - are you old enough to remember when the federal govt tried to cap the price of domestically produced oil from "old" wells?

  • Tiny
  • 03-15-2022, 02:36 PM
you keep saying such stupid shit. Trump didn't shutdown anything. a net exporter doesn't call Saudi Arabia begging for oil. and they didn't take Biden's call.

Biden's policies are the cause of this.


Team Biden is 'gaslighting' on gas prices with #PutinPriceHike

Opinion by Joe concha, Opinion Contributor - Yesterday 7:00 AM

No more subsidies for the fossil fuel industry! No more drilling on federal lands! No more drilling, including offshore! No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period. [It] ends. Number one!"

That was candidate Joe Biden declaring war on American energy independence during a CNN primary debate in March 2020. He promised no new fracking too.

Now here's President Biden earlier this week: "Loosening environmental regulations won't lower prices. But transforming our economy to run on electric vehicles, powered by clean energy, will mean that no one will have to worry about gas prices. It will mean tyrants like Putin won't be able to use fossil fuels as a weapon."

Timing is everything, especially in politics - and this may be the most disconnected, tone-deaf message to come out of any White House in some time.

As you may have seen and felt while filling up your car at the pump, gas prices are at their most expensive point in history, at $4.17 or more per gallon. On former President Trump's last day in the White House, gas cost $2.38 a gallon.

But if you listen to Biden, Vice President Harris, their staffs and their cheerleaders on TV, this is totally the perfect time to ditch your gas guzzler and buy an electric vehicle.

"We are all in the midst of a turning point. We have the technologies to transition to a zero-emission fleet," Harris said on March 7 amid soaring gas prices and inflation. "We can address the climate crisis and grow our economy at the same time."

"Our view is that the rise in gas prices over the long term makes an even stronger case for doubling down our investment and our focus on clean energy options so we are not relying on the fluctuations and OPEC [Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries] and their willingness to put more supply and meet the demand in the market," White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters a few weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine.

"Today, the average gas price in America hit an all-time record high of over $4 per gallon," CBS "Late Show" host Stephen Colbert said. "OK, that stings, but a clear conscience is worth a buck or two. I'm willing to pay. I'm willing to pay $4 a gallon. Hell, I'll pay $15 a gallon because I drive a Tesla."

Hilarious! And that Tesla he drives? That's probably out of the price range for much of his audience watching at home.

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before," former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel told corporate executives at a Wall Street Journal conference during the 2008 financial crisis. And that's what Team Biden is attempting to do here: somehow convince the American public, already fatigued, frustrated and beaten down by everything from COVID-19 to crime to rising inflation, that we need to embrace the Green New Deal and all the wonderful things that come with it, regardless of conditions felt by the lower and middle classes.

But here's the best part, if unintentional comedy is your thing: Team Biden and its allies in the media are attempting to portray inflation, especially higher gas prices, as being just recently thrust upon Americans by Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

"For months Putin has been saber-rattling, and for months gas prices have been going up - up 75 cents since he began his military buildup," White House communications director Kate Bedingfield tweeted earlier this week. "This is the #PutinPriceHike in action, and [Biden] is going to use every tool at his disposal to shield Americans from pain at the pump."

And here's Psaki on March 8: "Americans are paying a higher price at the pump because of the actions of President Putin."

The facts, however, show that gas prices have been rising since November 2020, more than 14 months before Putin's "saber-rattling."

Funny how up until a few weeks ago the White House never made any connection between Putin and domestic gas prices, instead blaming everything from OPEC to oil companies here at home.

But traditional broadcast media outlets got the memo and followed it to the letter.

"The U.S. economy has been hit with increased gas prices, inflation, and supply-chain issues due to the Ukraine crisis," was the Twitter headline from CBS News.

"'Putin's price hike' will be borne by American consumers," said ABC News.

"The new message, which has been tested in Democratic polling, is threefold: empathize with the economic strain high fuel prices are putting on Americans, which Biden already has been doing; send a strong warning to oil and gas companies that might seek to exploit the crisis; and blame Putin," reported NBC News, quoting an unnamed White House official.

No mention in this threefold, poll-tested approach about turning to the likes of oil-producing nations Venezuela, Iran or Saudi Arabia instead of unleashing American energy independence.

Restarting drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which the president suspended not long after taking office, as he promised to do during the campaign, would be a good start. Uncanceling the Keystone XL pipeline would be another good step for the long term. And reducing restrictions on fracking would be welcomed by everyone but the far left, which lives in the utopian post-Green New Deal world that the administration is still pushing as you read this.

On Tuesday, Biden was asked what Americans can expect on gas prices. "They're going to go up," he said. When asked about solutions, he offered this shoulder-shrug response: "Can't do much right now. Russia is responsible."

This is an administration that is especially accomplished at pointing fingers.

So, inflation at a 40-year high? Blame Putin - or blame COVID-19.

"Today's inflation report is a reminder that Americans' budgets are being stretched by price increases and families are starting to feel the impacts of Putin's price hike," Biden said Thursday after the Labor Department reported that prices rose 0.8 percent in February and 8.4 percent over the last three months.

Millions of migrants illegally crossing the U.S. southern border? Blame Trump.

Murders at a 25-year high? Simply say Republicans are the ones who back defunding the police.

Everything is everyone else's fault, and this administration and president are just victims of circumstances beyond their control.

Gallup shows that nearly 8 in 10 Americans (78 percent) are dissatisfied with the country's direction. The president is at historically low approval ratings.

Biden promised on Election Day that he would take responsibility for any mistakes, declaring, "I promise you. I'm gonna take responsibility. When I make a mistake, I'll admit it."

Instead, passing the buck has become Biden's norm. And if history is any indication, his party will pay dearly for it in November 2022. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
What a self serving load of crap. If the progressives had gotten their way we'd be in the same shape as Germany right now.

Expanding one of Concha's points, it's not necessarily the existing government rules and regulations that are the big damper on the oil industry. It's fear of what will come later. More and more institutions refuse to invest in oil and gas, in part because they don't want to be canceled, and probably more importantly because they fear the government at some point is going to put the producers out of business.

WTF believes the reason institutions are holding back money is because they demand their oil and gas investments produce free cash flow. Fair enough. But that's only part of the reason.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-15-2022, 02:38 PM
It has nothing - nada - to do with whether the energy industry is nationalized or not. All it takes is a government stupid enough to subsidize the retail price of gasoline.

Btw - are you old enough to remember when the federal govt tried to cap the price of domestically produced oil from "old" wells?

https://www.instituteforenergyresear...ontrols-1970s/ Originally Posted by lustylad
I hate to tell you but that was a step towards nationalization.

Thank you for making my point.

That is exactly wtf say Iran is doing.
..subsidizing the retail price of gasoline.

You silly fuckers know nothing about the energy industry.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-15-2022, 02:48 PM
What a self serving load of crap. If the progressives had gotten their way we'd be in the same shape as Germany right now.

Expanding one of Concha's points, it's not necessarily the existing government rules and regulations that are the big damper on the oil industry. It's fear of what will come later. More and more institutions refuse to invest in oil and gas, in part because they don't want to be canceled, and probably more importantly because they fear the government at some point is going to put the producers out of business.

WTF believes the reason institutions are holding back money is because they demand their oil and gas investments produce free cash flow. Fair enough. But that's only part of the reason. Originally Posted by Tiny
If your Aunt had balls, she'd be your Uncle.

I do not give a fuck why the energy sector has become more disciplined towards investors. But I do know one thing....management never drilled a well for patriotism over profit.

You keep going back to what the extreme left wants. Shit, our rivers would all look like Love canal if the extreme right had their way. I do not get investment advice from either extreme. You should stop doing so. Energy sector is a good 3-5 year play imho. So because of unwarranted fear ,imho I'm able to get a high return. Don't invest if you're scared!

I'm the one actually betting that the loons on the left will not shutdown the energy sector. I think it is a sure fire win.

Which is really strange....the person who started this thread is the one with the biggest bet on free market principles thwarting any silly ass dreams of the left.

W rd are not making a hard turn to green anytime soon. I do not see the technology...I might be wrong. If so I'll be next to LexusLover greeting folks entering Walmart!
  • Tiny
  • 03-15-2022, 03:01 PM

if biden did "approve" more "permits" than trump did in the first year so be it....a specific drilling permit is required on each well, and there's about 40 thousand drilling requests just languishing

and beside that even, the tenor and talk and actions of this bunch is decidedly anti-oil patch from the get go

they make entreaties to thugs and dictators for oil while wanting our domestic production to wither on the vine, there is no getting around that
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Here's what Harold Hamm has to say about that. You know who he is, but for anyone who doesn't, he pioneered development of the Bakken Formation in North Dakota, and is one of America's most successful oilmen.

Biden’s War on Oil Hits Consumers
The American energy industry is ready to help if Washington stops trying to put us out of business.

Gasoline prices are higher than we have ever seen. The government reported a year-over-year inflation rate of 7.9% for February, the highest since 1982. Americans need relief, and one thing stands in the way: President Biden’s unwillingness to reverse course on his administration’s commitment to put the American oil-and-gas industry out of business at the consumer’s expense.

In the year since the administration froze new drilling leases on 26% of federal land and more than a third of the nation’s resources in productivity, the U.S. has been falling further from energy independence, putting national security at risk. There is no good reason for America to become more reliant on energy imports. It constrains our policy choices, forces us to cede our national security to foreign players and enriches those who would do us harm. This administration is working with the Saudis, Venezuela and even Iran to come to the rescue. Why?

The U.S. needs domestically produced oil and natural gas. In 2019 the U.S. became energy-independent, a net exporter. Gas and electricity prices were low, and the U.S. was the largest producer of energy on the planet. Thanks to abundant and affordable clean-burning natural gas, brought to us by horizontal drilling, the reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions was the most successful in the industrialized world.

Modern life is predicated on cheap, abundant and reliable energy. This administration has manufactured scarcity and mandated insecurity around the globe. Energy prices are rising everywhere, and releasing a couple of days’ supply from our strategic reserves is a temporary patch. The largest strategic reserve in the world is under our feet.

The solution lies in three simple actions: First, make it official U.S. policy to restore energy-independence by using all sources of available energy. Announce the intent to bring on more supply of oil and gas in the U.S. This provides certainty for producers to bring new capital and supplies to the market, meeting current world demand.

Second, open federal lands for energy development. The 9,000 permits the White House keeps touting is misleading at best. Thousands of those sites can’t be developed as they are held up in litigation. Others require new permits and leases to make a full unit. Thousands more await approval. Conservatively, our data tells us the number of available permits ready for production today stands closer to 1,500, and many of those are already drilling. No leases have been issued for federal land since 2020.

Third, support energy infrastructure, including pipelines to transport natural gas, oil and CO2 safely. Projects such as the Mountain Valley Pipeline would increase energy availability and enhance our ability to export to our allies.

Last week we heard for the first time that Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is ready to work with “everyone and anyone who is willing to take a lead into the future by diversifying your energy portfolios to add clean fuels and technologies.” The American oil-and-gas industry has done just that. My message to the administration is this: The people of American oil and gas stand ready to work with you on U.S. energy development.

  • Tiny
  • 03-15-2022, 03:02 PM
If your Aunt had balls, she'd be your Uncle.

I do not give a fuck why the energy sector has become more disciplined towards investors. But I do know one thing....management never drilled a well for patriotism over profit.

You keep going back to what the extreme left wants. Shit, our rivers would all look like Love canal if the extreme right had their way. I do not get investment advice from either extreme. You should stop doing so. Energy sector is a good 3-5 year play imho. So because of unwarranted fear ,imho I'm able to get a high return. Don't invest if you're scared! Originally Posted by WTF
To be clear, I didn't think what you said was a self serving load of crap. I was referring to Biden, Psaki and others.

Biden's tried to take the implied threat on oil and gas companies to completely new level by nominating Sarah Raskin to be the Fed's top watchdog. She hasn't outright said it, but she wants to put oil and gas companies out of business by preventing them from getting bank loans. Thank goodness Joe Manchin came to the rescue. The news, hot off the presses, is that Biden's withdrawing her nomination.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-15-2022, 03:10 PM
To be clear, I didn't think what you said was a self serving load of crap. I was referring to Biden, Psaki and others.

Biden's tried to take the implied threat on oil and gas companies to completely new level by nominating Sarah Raskin to be the Fed's top watchdog. She hasn't outright said it, but she wants to put oil and gas companies out of business by preventing them from getting bank loans. Thank goodness Joe Manchin came to the rescue. The news, hot off the presses, is that Biden's withdrawing her nomination. Originally Posted by Tiny
Tiny....you keep crying about wtf could have happened.

It was not going to happen. Those are sound bites meant as red meat to voters. I bet a lot of money it was not going to happen.

I'm talking investing. You're talking politics.

There is a huge difference between what is done and what is said.

For economic reasons....we are not shutting down production. Politically that is suicide
lustylad's Avatar
I hate to tell you but that was a step towards nationalization.

Thank you for making my point.

That is exactly wtf say Iran is doing.
..subsidizing the retail price of gasoline.

You silly fuckers know nothing about the energy industry. Originally Posted by WTF

No, dumb ass. Government subsidies are NOT the same as - or even necessarily a step towards - nationalization. Consumer subsidies are a boon for most industries - look at how they juice the sales of EV and solar panel makers. Nationalization is when the govt puts you out of business. It's the death knell.

The only type of subsidy that might be viewed as a precursor to nationalization is when the govt injects capital directly to prop up private loss-making industries. That type of subsidy is intended to save jobs, not incentivize or help consumers. Oftentimes it just delays the inevitable slide into bankruptcy. Once nationalized, a company no longer has to make a profit since it can just raid the public treasury to cover any losses.

If the mullahs in Iran want to distort their economy with retail gas subsidies, they can have at it. It means they will have less money to fund terrorism. And it makes them vulnerable to popular upheavals at home if/when they try to take the subsidies away.


Now stop calling yourself a silly fucker. We already know that.

For economic reasons....we are not shutting down production. Politically that is suicide Originally Posted by WTF
why the heck do you think the biden bunch are lying about the cause of the price of gasoline, they are trying to escape the political hangman

all the while they have tried to shut down production, as biden said,.."we are going to get rid of fossil fuels" and when asked how...he said "we will work it out"

now you call that just politics and "theres a huge difference between what is done and what is said".

well, how about when the two are the same? when what is done is what is said?

and they are the same you ignoramus, they said it and they did it.

they only quit saying it for political reasons when inflation and the price rise got too out hand

the biden kids are lying about the reason gasoline is high because they know they have wanted it high and have done what they could to get it as high as they could

they havent caused all of the price hike but a good portion of it and they are happy about the entire rise but they cant own up to their glee

so they stonewall and lie and blame the supply chain and the oil companies for gouging and for not drilling and they blame putin

but they have their finger prints all over the supply chain problem and the not drilling of the oil companies

and they contributed to putin deciding to do what he has done
lustylad's Avatar
It was not going to happen. Those are sound bites meant as red meat to voters. I bet a lot of money it was not going to happen.

I'm talking investing. You're talking politics.

There is a huge difference between what is done and what is said. Originally Posted by WTF

You're not a fucking oil CEO!

It would be a dereliction of duty for oil execs to go full steam ahead and not take the political climate seriously. We have a senile moron in the Oval Office trying to appoint anti-carbon fanatics at the Fed, the Comptroller of the Currency, the EPA, etc. These far-left cunts would have the ability to cut off your bank funding, make new projects unprofitable, smear your reputation and tank your stock price - and you say no big deal?

You're an idiot who has obviously never seen the inside of a board room.
winn dixie's Avatar
Ya'll are being trolled for attention.