He meant what he said. I, unlike you, can see that.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
He has heard this line, and he has liked this line, and he agrees with this line. It is in context with his speech, and it is in context with the way he has conducted his administration. To say otherwise is to intentionally distort the facts.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If you two truly believed what you say, this one sentence of his would be meaningless. One sentence, and you two sit there, huffing and puffing about it, desperate to use this one sentence (one sentence in 3-1/2 years of governing, i might add) and claim it proves what a bad guy socialist he is. It's a speck. Hell, it's not even a speck.
The correct answer is not "See? He's an evil socialist". The correct answer is "Maybe he didn't mean it that way but so what? He's still a socialist".
The fact you so strongly hang your hat on this one off the cuff half a speck of a remark speaks volumes about how intellectually honest you truly are about everything else you say about him, and how convincing, or rather, unconvincing, you think that all is.
I am not a socialist.
Oh? Then how do you explain the quote of yours that i have in my signature line? Sounds awfully socialist to me.
I think i know why you won't explain it away - because your only explanation is that i took it totally out of context. To which you know my response would be "BINGO! See how God-damned easy it is to do?"
And if i truly wanted to be an ass, i could very easily sit here and type on my computer, insisting i absolutely
didn't take it out of context, and proceed to insult you, call you names, and tell everyone how stupid you are for thinking i did. That's pretty freakin' easy to do too. It
is a direct quote of yours, after all. Exactly as my Romney quote is in another thread.
You're desperate, you're obstinate, and it's making you both look entirely foolish.