Who’s the biggest hate group in the USA?

lustylad's Avatar
Last time I checked the Dali Lama was a white male. He is the opposite of a hater. You need to join a monastery in Tibet, if you can find one that will accept libtard bots. Originally Posted by lustylad
Btw I misspoke. His Holiness is asian, not white. Does that make it easier for you to ask him for help?
novacain's Avatar
You've yet to dispute my statement or offer up anything to disprove it, yet I am the waste of time. Is it that I am right or that you just don't know how to try to disprove it that hampers you and has sent you to trying to insult me (a popular tactic among the hate group) rather than debate the issue?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No that's per your assumption of how I see it. I never said ALL white males, I only said they make up the biggest hate group out there. I'm not in that group, I don't hate as there is zero point to it and achieves nothing. Originally Posted by novacain

famous last words of a hypocrite. didn't someone else deny being hateful?

lustylad's Avatar
You've yet to dispute my statement or offer up anything to disprove it, yet I am the waste of time. Is it that I am right or that you just don't know how to try to disprove it that hampers you and has sent you to trying to insult me (a popular tactic among the hate group) rather than debate the issue? Originally Posted by novacain
You are once again ignoring the most elementary rules of debate. The burden of proof is on the person making the statement or claim. YOU have to prove the affirmative; I am not supposed to prove the negative. The fact that you even challenge me to disprove your statement tells everyone you can't prove it to be true on its own.

But go ahead and try - show us some proof there are more "haters" (however you want to define and measure it) among white males on the planet than there are among all other groups.

And insults are de rigueur in this forum so try to grow a pair.
The Nazi left even hates each other

For their racism seethes beyond reason

novacain's Avatar
I'm neither a political leader nor do I ever wish to be, but nice stretch there, thanks for not playing. I see your hitler and raise you a Lama

Dalai Lama quote: Feelings of anger, bitterness, and hate are negative. If I kept those inside me, they would spoil my body and my health. They are of no use.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm neither a political leader nor do I ever wish to be, but nice stretch there, thanks for not playing. I see your hitler and raise you a Lama

Dalai Lama quote: Feelings of anger, bitterness, and hate are negative. If I kept those inside me, they would spoil my body and my health. They are of no use. Originally Posted by novacain

who said you were? you don't have to be a world leader to be a world class hateful asshole. Hitler is just a classically recognized example. you do realize that by stating white males are the largest hate group without quantifying it at first, you labeled yourself as a member of a hate group, yeah?

oh you backpedaled after making such a blanket statement but the implication was clear. you stuck your foot in your mouth and you have no way to back off of it, or prove it, unless you just want to admit you were wrong?
I'm neither a political leader nor do I ever wish to be, but nice stretch there, thanks for not playing. I see your hitler and raise you a Lama

Dalai Lama quote: Feelings of anger, bitterness, and hate are negative. If I kept those inside me, they would spoil my body and my health. They are of no use. Originally Posted by novacain
Best way to get ride of a hemorrhoid for good...

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Biggest Hate Group in the USA...... white males. Originally Posted by novacain
If you feel that you are hated, must suck to be you, you should look into why it is you feel that way.
Oh and white males are still the biggest hate group. Originally Posted by novacain
So which group are you in - the hater or the hated? Originally Posted by lustylad
neither. Originally Posted by novacain
your answer is a contradiction. you cannot be the neither. it has be the hater or the hated.

since, you've said that you're not a hater, then you're in the hated group.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You’re a total fucking idiot, BONE COLLECTOR.

Identity politics at its best.

MT Pockets's Avatar
You may need to take a college-level English or rhetoric class. (Note how generously qualified that suggestion is!)

(1) When crafting insults I'd suggest not repeating the same insult twice, but rather following up the first with either a variation or a wholly new insult.

(2) There is a difference between a lie, a mistake, and mere speculation. The text you reference clearly states that it is "somewhat speculative." That alone significantly weakens the accusation of lying.

Further, telling an untruth can be a lie or a mistake. A mistake just turns on the truth or falsity of the proposition offered. To rise to the level of a lie, the accused has to not only offer an untruth, he has to *know* that it is an untruth. This requires knowledge of the state of mind of the accused on the part of the accuser. Your knowing that state of mind is not established in your response, nor is there credible reason to credit you with related a priori knowledge.

Of course when a country has a pathological liar as president it's not surprising that norms about, and even understanding of, lying becomes lost.

Meanwhile Trump fixer Cohen seems poised to flip. Mueller already has almost all of Cohen's evidence in the form of computer files and other media. But having Cohen's confirmatory direct testimony will make the case against Trump all the more compelling.

Again, two words: exit strategy Originally Posted by sean rider
There is no talking to that Dotard. He thinks he is Webster reincarnated. He is also a Pedant and a pathological liar.
I B Hankering's Avatar
There is no talking to that Dotard. He thinks he is Webster reincarnated. He is also a Pedant and a pathological liar. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You're mentally ill, M T Brain Socket, and you haven't an intelligent thought in your head.
MT Pockets's Avatar
You've yet to dispute my statement or offer up anything to disprove it, yet I am the waste of time. Is it that I am right or that you just don't know how to try to disprove it that hampers you and has sent you to trying to insult me (a popular tactic among the hate group) rather than debate the issue? Originally Posted by novacain
He is a chuffer more than anyone here. He rides on IB's and Bambino's coattails most of the time.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Libertarts if its not there way look out fake news blow up people make up shit ,just saying
MT Pockets's Avatar
You're mentally ill, M T Brain Socket, and you haven't an intelligent thought in your head. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I know you sucked them all out. Give me a day and I am sure they will be ready for you, they are in the mitosis stage right now. Do you want me to eat some more Pineapple? Or would you prefer another flavor.