Trump org indictment

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I think both parties have swung a bit too far to their extremes. Not that I would agree with their policies completely, but I think a more moderate Republican candidate could clean house in the next presidential election. Instead of trying to appease the 10-20% of their party with the most extreme views, they could focus on the majority that exists between the extremes that sits closer to the middle, from both parties. Biden has taken actions in the past 30 days that have made quite a few of my Democrat acquaintances say “WTF?!?”, and I believe many Democrats will be looking for a better option in 4 years.

Most people don’t subscribe to one platform/party 100%. As a Republican, I do believe in reduction in the size of government, particularly at the federal level. I don’t believe in all of these never-ending social programs that have been established. But I don’t believe that the environment should be exploited by business without consequence or recourse; which is not necessarily a “Republican stance”.

But so long as Trump is actively wooing a portion of the population with running again, it will be hard for the GOP to gain support for any other candidate. And if he can’t step aside, it’s very likely we’ll have a President Harris. Selected by the cheese dîck sitting in the Oval Office not because she was the best candidate, but because she checked off the most minority boxes, A candidate that was polling in the single digits of the Democrat primary before she dropped. He selected her.

I’m pretty sure they’ve been spelling his name wrong, There’s no f’n E. He’s just a f’n J O. Originally Posted by Gdubya110
Dead on good anylasis
With social security and Medicaid

There’s will be a fix I just don’t know what it is

You can’t drastically change program when you’ve been taking peoples money for years end the programs if Thsts the option but pay everyone what you stole from them fir these old Kruger and

I have no issue if they tax me over my 150 on ss
Instead of capping I think that’s a good fix
Just don’t tell me o get less at 62