Eccie members that have served in the military

Political thought...I bet if we had a draft today, and everyone's son or daughter was at risked to serve overseas...we would not be so quick to put "boots on the ground" just because some political (Dem or Rep) says so Originally Posted by vkmaster
The draft would do nothing to deter a war. Now if we forced each congressman and President to have a few of their children be drafted and deployed to a combat zone, now that would help.
I can relate CPT, I served on active duty (Army, 13th Sig Brigade, 1-5 Cav) from 85-89. Made CPT but my then fiance now ex did not want to live the military life so I got out. One of my biggest regrets. Originally Posted by satexasguy
I had a very similar story. I was a 1st Lieutenant in 1973 and was promised the Captain's bars if I would reenlist. My fiance at the time did not want the uncertainty of the military and the rest is history. i can't say that I have ever regretted the decision. Life has been very good to me!
danceman's Avatar
U.S. Air Force '76 - '82

Homestead AFB
Torrejon AB Spain
Barksdale AFB

Would do it again.
LexusLover's Avatar
... it doesn't address what we were talking about.

Oh wait. You did say you knew why Bergstrom closed. But I noticed you didn't say why because you would have to admit I was right about that. ...... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
""The cuts (below) during the Clinton admin were the "peace dividend" which were mandated by Congress...."" #154

Bergstrom closed in September 1993 ... nine months into Clinton's administration. And being the self-proclaimed military expert you are then you know damn well that Congress doesn't vote a base closing and the base get closed in nine months .. in reality it would have to be more like 5 to 6 months.

For years the units were being redeployed elsewhere ... as for any "peace dividend" ... during Clinton's years! I won't mention Bosnia and Iraq.

Bullshit ... again from you. Does the red and blue print make it "official"?

Back to the regularly scheduled thread topic.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
[QUOTE=LexusLover;1051967386]""The cuts (below) during the Clinton admin were the "peace dividend" which were mandated by Congress...."" #154
Bergstrom closed in September 1993 ... nine months into Clinton's administration. And being the self-proclaimed military expert you are then you know damn well that Congress doesn't vote a base closing and the base get closed in nine months .. in reality it would have to be more like 5 to 6 months.
Read much? No one said the Clinton administration proposed and executed the closing of Bergstrom. I have said repeatedly that the base closed during Clinton's presidency. It did, you admitted it.
For years the units were being redeployed elsewhere ... as for any "peace dividend" ... during Clinton's years! I won't mention Bosnia and Iraq. Good thing you don't mention them. They have nothing to do with the term "peace dividend" as I have consistently used it. Remember this?
Per wiki;
Peace dividend is a political slogan popularized by US President George H.W. Bush and UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the early 1990s, purporting to describe the economic benefit of a decrease in defense spending. It is used primarily in discussions relating to the guns versus butter theory. The term was frequently used at the end of the Cold War, when many Western nations significantly cut military spending.

Clinton because he was treating assaults on the U.S. as a "law enforcement" matter ... and neither one of them needed a military ... they had a "peace dividend" Just your simple view of the world combined with an incorrect use of the term as I used it or wiki described...

Bullshit ... again from you. Does the red and blue print make it "official"? You seem to have forgotten why red and blue were used.
Here is why.
Originally Posted by LexusLover [IMG]file:///C:/Users/Tim/AppData/Local/Temp/msoclip1/01/clip_image001.gif[/IMG]
"The cuts (below) during the Clinton admin were the "peace dividend" which were mandated by Congress...."
The red text answered your question before you asked it and the blue text shows who put the cuts into the budget.Based on your immature level of posting I have no doubt that I passed through Bergstrom before you were born, ass wipe. It was a SAC base then.And your point about having been there means what? Since you didn't know it was being closed as a result of the accepted term, peace dividend, your point is added tripe
Back to the regularly scheduled thread topic.That's right. This thread is about who was in the military. Since I only read your posts when they concern me, I probably missed where you described your service. If it matches the sheer number of your posts on this thread, you must be a 25 year man.

Which branch were you in?[/QUOTE]

How full of shit are you? No, don’t tell us. You’ll depress the price of shit.

It's funny watching you make point after point, my points that is.

Remember, this all started with you demanding to know if cuts made during Clinton's term were reductions.

Cuts are reductions, Virginia.

Try to remember context next time you repost me.

You know, like the rational you used for sucking dicks. Because you were in prison and that's all there was.
LexusLover's Avatar
Try to remember context next time you repost me. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I do. Yours fit with COG's posts. Struggling to look knowledgeable.

Only he's not obsessed with the dick sucking as you are.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
I do. Yours fit with COG's posts. Struggling to look knowledgeable.

Only he's not obsessed with the dick sucking as you are.

Wiki? Originally Posted by LexusLover
As he goes out with a whimper.

I love it when people question sources when they can't produce information that contradicts or proves that source wrong. It shows they don't have jack shit.

Moot point in this case. The meaning of the term "peace dividend" is common knowledge. I went as far as explaining the meaning and how I was using it, A true last gasp seeing as that if you could prove me wrong you would have.

Wiki is like any source. You back-check it if possible.

The only part of my post that you mention is the part about sucking dick. And you say I'm obsessed?

We do share a few similar opinions.

One is that cog struggles to appear knowledgeable.

The other most notable is your take on the Jews and Israel. About the only thing I would add to your position is that if the Palestinians had stayed and fought side by side with the Jews, they would be a great people today and the middle east would be a totally different place.
But they didn't and it isn't.

It's like winning the love of your life because you expressed your feelings at crunch time or losing her because you did nothing at the time it mattered.

LexusLover's Avatar
As he goes out with a whimper.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You confuse dismissive silence as weakness. Like I said ....

... You struggle to appear knowledgeable. Just like COG.

FYI: The issue is not the "meaning" of "peace dividend" ... It is ...

was Bergstrom closed because of a "peace dividend" ... but like COG it is easier for you to divert attention away from the incredible statements you make.... and your equally incredible efforts to sustantiate them with more diversionary bullshit...

then capping off your discourse with more immature remarks...

..which FURTHER associates you with COG.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
U.S. army, 12/68-9/70. Drafted after college. Stationed in Va. for 19 months. Nothing but respect for those that served in Nam.