What would you do or expect if caught?

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Sweet n sassy, will you marry me and knock my socks off.

fun2come's Avatar
Sweet n sassy, will you marry me and knock my socks off.

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
I'd opt for the demo version first at 180/hh or 280/hr
Hey I'd be happy with just pulling my socks off. They always get stuck to me knees.
Just because he cheated he is a horrible father? Sorry but I don't understand that. He didn't bring the kids along. He didn't leave them in the car while he ran up for a quickie.

this should not reflect on his parenting abilities. Was he stealing from their piggy bank to hobby? . Originally Posted by Sweet n sassy
Raikage's Avatar
Lawl, this is the once a year, Y U DO DIS / I NOW HAVE STD AND UR ALL FUCKED thread that gets posted from some bs user with no credentials or seasoned past. I kinda got bored of reading through this, I made it to page 8 ... did this person give an update?

Also, Faithfulforyears or whatever... if getting a STD was the proof of this guys infidelity, then why are you eager to fuck his boss? must be one of those easy to get rid of STD's since you're considering fucking somebody else. Oh well, guess i'll read from page 8 and see if i need to edit this


Y'know I use to be a supermoderator on a forum site that has similar code to this one. It is not hard for a supermod or admin to check this persons ip address and compare it to the ip of an older member or a banned member. hmm...
Eh maybe this is real, maybe it's a troll. I'll play. When something like this happens you need time to digest all of this before you act. The choices you make now will impact the rest of your life and everything you care about. Take a few weeks.

He lied to you about something important to you, that's bad. EVERY man lusts after other women from time to time. He acted on it when he (literally) swore he wouldn't, I can see why you're pissed. It's not some perverse unnatural act though. It's called the "oldest profession" for a reason. If the urge weren't normal, it wouldn't need to be something you double dog swear on the bible not to do. Sorry that happened. Sorry he did not choose to forego his natural urges for your benefit and for the benefit of your marriage...or even just talk to you about his desire to, um, branch out and see if there might be agreeable terms (maybe he knew no way).

Some things to consider once you cool off:

What's best for the kids. Really best...forgetting either of you. You indulging your rage at their expense isn't any better than him indulging his lust at their expense. You shouldn't need a judge to tell you that.

Some men have sex with pros because there's no chance of emotional entanglement (see fatal attraction) on either side to threaten the marriage. Most men do NOT see all sex as a sacred bonding religious experience. Many men segment. Sport sex is not the same as relationship sex.

Were you happy before you learned of this? Really? Lots of relationships survive cheating because it happens a lot in various forms. We're all sinners in some manner. People with relationships to save talk. They explain their reasons. They get more honest. Sometimes they improve. They redefine the relationship and rebuild trust. You sound like someone who finally has the excuse and the upper hand to bail on a situation you were tired of while feeling justified and empowered to grab all you can get along the way.

There's more, but right now your best move is to not act, let it sink in, cool off and think things through. You're entirely justified leaving him, but even if you do, the decision should be a thoughtful one. Also if you do there are much worse and much better ways to go about it, and you lawyer will NOT explain that to you because he's trying to make a buck.
Eh maybe this is real, maybe it's a troll. I'll play. When something like this happens you need time to digest all of this before you act. The choices you make now will impact the rest of your life and everything you care about. Take a few weeks.

He lied to you about something important to you, that's bad. EVERY man lusts after other women from time to time. He acted on it when he (literally) swore he wouldn't, I can see why you're pissed. It's not some perverse unnatural act though. It's called the "oldest profession" for a reason. If the urge weren't normal, it wouldn't need to be something you double dog swear on the bible not to do. Sorry that happened. Sorry he did not choose to forego his natural urges for your benefit and for the benefit of your marriage...or even just talk to you about his desire to, um, branch out and see if there might be agreeable terms (maybe he knew no way).

Some things to consider once you cool off:

What's best for the kids. Really best...forgetting either of you. You indulging your rage at their expense isn't any better than him indulging his lust at their expense. You shouldn't need a judge to tell you that.

Some men have sex with pros because there's no chance of emotional entanglement (see fatal attraction) on either side to threaten the marriage. Most men do NOT see all sex as a sacred bonding religious experience. Many men segment. Sport sex is not the same as relationship sex.

Were you happy before you learned of this? Really? Lots of relationships survive cheating because it happens a lot in various forms. We're all sinners in some manner. People with relationships to save talk. They explain their reasons. They get more honest. Sometimes they improve. They redefine the relationship and rebuild trust. You sound like someone who finally has the excuse and the upper hand to bail on a situation you were tired of while feeling justified and empowered to grab all you can get along the way.

There's more, but right now your best move is to not act, let it sink in, cool off and think things through. You're entirely justified leaving him, but even if you do, the decision should be a thoughtful one. Also if you do there are much worse and much better ways to go about it, and you lawyer will NOT explain that to you because he's trying to make a buck. Originally Posted by irishlad

Old news. He supposedly returned last Friday and by now has already been confronted. It's long over and strictly between them now.

If this were remotely legit the very last thing she would still be doing is logging in to read advice from us low life members of a disease ridden cesspool.

I'm still waiting for the new handle to pop up.
Sweet n sassy's Avatar
I'd opt for the demo version first at 180/hh or 280/hr
Originally Posted by fun2come

A demo wouldn't be needed if we were married... he'd have all his heart could desire for free the rest of his life. I consider myself a double whammy of a catch...good in bed & I have a great full time job... free massages for life to my future husband. Whoever he may be lol. xoxoxo
PSW1995's Avatar
Absolutely one of the best threads I've read in a long time.
Ladies, yall are brilliant.

So eloquent and beautiful. Good sound advice from real world experience.

I don't mind married men. I prefer them that way.

I have heard many times "I love my wife but..."

We don't have enough time

I don't like having sex with her

She thinks I'm a freak

We have kids

She's cheating on me

Someone to talk to, or not.

Thanks Yall
Ms. Betty
Eh maybe this is real, maybe it's a troll. I'll play. When something like this happens you need time to digest all of this before you act. The choices you make now will impact the rest of your life and everything you care about. Take a few weeks.

He lied to you about something important to you, that's bad. EVERY man lusts after other women from time to time. He acted on it when he (literally) swore he wouldn't, I can see why you're pissed. It's not some perverse unnatural act though. It's called the "oldest profession" for a reason. If the urge weren't normal, it wouldn't need to be something you double dog swear on the bible not to do. Sorry that happened. Sorry he did not choose to forego his natural urges for your benefit and for the benefit of your marriage...or even just talk to you about his desire to, um, branch out and see if there might be agreeable terms (maybe he knew no way).

Some things to consider once you cool off:

What's best for the kids. Really best...forgetting either of you. You indulging your rage at their expense isn't any better than him indulging his lust at their expense. You shouldn't need a judge to tell you that.

Some men have sex with pros because there's no chance of emotional entanglement (see fatal attraction) on either side to threaten the marriage. Most men do NOT see all sex as a sacred bonding religious experience. Many men segment. Sport sex is not the same as relationship sex.

Were you happy before you learned of this? Really? Lots of relationships survive cheating because it happens a lot in various forms. We're all sinners in some manner. People with relationships to save talk. They explain their reasons. They get more honest. Sometimes they improve. They redefine the relationship and rebuild trust. You sound like someone who finally has the excuse and the upper hand to bail on a situation you were tired of while feeling justified and empowered to grab all you can get along the way.

There's more, but right now your best move is to not act, let it sink in, cool off and think things through. You're entirely justified leaving him, but even if you do, the decision should be a thoughtful one. Also if you do there are much worse and much better ways to go about it, and you lawyer will NOT explain that to you because he's trying to make a buck. Originally Posted by irishlad

Yet another eloquent post.

Reason #1 for seeing a professional rather than having an affair with a coworker or friend: a pro won't knock on your door and ask you to leave your wife/family (even if she sometimes wants to). Hookers aren't homewreckers. In fact, most of the time we are the reason guys stay married. We give them what they're missing at home. I've had plenty of guys tell me that the hobby saved their marriage.

And one other thing: I hate when people use their children as pawns. Your children aren't married. They don't need to be put in the middle of anything, nor did they ask to be. Punish a cheating spouse however you want, but don't use your fucking kids to do it, because you're only punishing them.

Lastly: take a good long look in the mirror and figure out what you could have done better. He is seeing a pro because you're not giving him something that he needs. Blowjobs, toys, or simply affection.
Who are yall preaching too exactly? Elvis has long since left the building. If not then it's just a troll as most suspected.

"I'll confront my husband when he gets back on Friday but maybe I'll log in for shits n giggles days afterward to just see what kind of unwanted advice a bunch of Johns and hookers are giving".
Were you to be caught would you expect a chance to explain? If you caught your spouse at this would you be forgiving?

For a little over 21 years I was clueless.

It's been a couple of months now since he left behind a very unwanted clue.

He's the one that is clueless now. He and his lady friends.

I really wish I had never found this place and his adventures but now I have what I need.

I don't understand how you all are so nonchalant knowing that you can destroy families and futures. Originally Posted by faithfulforyears
Here's a thought. Since you're bent on ruining your (ex) husbands life, tell us who it is. You shouldn't care. This will add validity to your story and let us see his reviews over the years.

I'm guessing since this is a bunch of made up bullshit that we'll hear nothing.........
Who are yall preaching too exactly? Elvis has long since left the building. If not then it's just a troll as most suspected.

"I'll confront my husband when he gets back on Friday but maybe I'll log in for shits n giggles days afterward to just see what kind of unwanted advice a bunch of Johns and hookers are giving". Originally Posted by Windinhishair
If it's fake, than we're responding to the hypothetical.

If it's real, than you're a fool if you think this is all going to play out in a day or two rather than months.
I just love to fuck. Love it. I don't screen my clients regarding whether they're married or not. That's a decision they make. Remember, I don't go to them looking for anything. They come to me. And you should be a bit relieved...there's no emotional attachment. It's plain and simple, raw and uncut, hard core sex. Nothing more. This isn't Match.com. Think of it as physical therapy.

Conscious clear.
If it's fake, than we're responding to the hypothetical.

If it's real, than you're a fool if you think this is all going to play out in a day or two rather than months. Originally Posted by irishlad
True their marriage issues won't play out in a day or two. What has that to do with my comment?
Point being any scorned wife is unlikely to return here for banter with aliases she's disgusted by after addressing the issue at home.

If we're responding to the hypothetical then I think the topic itself is a great one and the thread should go on indefinitely as a sounding board for folks thoughts on the matter but we are entertaining one another at this stage.

Any scorned civie wife isn't likely to give much credence to marital or relationship advice dispersed here of all places no matter how sound we may believe it is.