Selling murdered baby parts for profit and other connected things

LexusLover's Avatar
You have the potential to be an Ax murder....

The video I saw had PPH explicitly stating that a contract needed to be signed. Originally Posted by WTF
I have "murdered" some trees in my life time, so I guess your are correct.

As for your follow up remark of extraordinary naiveté ...... about "a contract"...

.... I have only one comment ..... "So what?"

That's just another "shell" in the "game" ... CALLED A "CYA"!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-22-2015, 06:10 PM
I have "murdered" some trees in my life time, so I guess your are correct.

As for your follow up remark of extraordinary naiveté ...... about "a contract"...

.... I have only one comment ..... "So what?"

That's just another "shell" in the "game" ... CALLED A "CYA"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
CYA is the name of ever fucking legal game. Nothing new there. Under the law, PPH can transfer the cost of harvesting cells to the scientist that want those tissues. The donor nor PPH can profit from this. Change the law but that CYA is called a fucking law!
southtown4488's Avatar
Cadavers have always been used for research and advancement of medical treatment, nothing new. The person recorded may have been a little relaxed about the subject but its similar to a mortician who might have a snack next to a dead bodies. . . others find it cold but its human nature.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
nicely put, but do you think the pack of howler monkeys will take the time to see things you're way, even more a. Minute?

Nawwww! they're having too much fun being ghoulish.

no candy for them!
lustylad's Avatar
Cadavers have always been used for research and advancement of medical treatment, nothing new.... Originally Posted by southtown4488
"Nicely put???"

So you see no difference between someone voluntarily donating his corpse to medical science at the time of his/her (presumably natural) death - and unborn children or holocaust victims being slaughtered so their body parts can be harvested for medical research without their consent?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
CYA is the name of ever fucking legal game. Nothing new there. Under the law, PPH can transfer the cost of harvesting cells to the scientist that want those tissues. The donor nor PPH can profit from this. Change the law but that CYA is called a fucking law! Originally Posted by WTF
Do you have a link to support this, or are you just making shit up again?
LexusLover's Avatar
Do you have a link to support this, or are you just making shit up again? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Door #2 .. making shit up again.

"fucking" is supposed to add that level of "credibility" that cannot be refuted.

Kind of like ....

.... Zimmerman will be "fucking" convicted of something in Martin's death.

At least he has the integrity to call it what it is .....

"CYA is the name of ever fucking legal game."

If I recall correctly, he's the one who looks the other way when his subs use illegal aliens as workers, since it's not his concern. I guess that's his "legal game"! Perhaps that is why he thinks "Kate's Law" is "stupid" ... his murdering and raping illegal alien workers will get arrested and his "job' won't get done "on time"! "Fuck" the "Kate's" in the world, right WTF, a profit has to be made. The house has to be built, and the baby parts need to be marketed. It's capitalism.

"42 U.S.C.§ 289g-2"

"(a) Purchase of tissue
"It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive,
or otherwise transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration
if the transfer affects interstate commerce.

(b) Solicitation or acceptance of tissue as directed donation for use in
It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit or knowingly acquire,
receive, or accept a donation of human fetal tissue for the purpose of
transplantation of such tissue into another person if the donation
affects interstate commerce, the tissue will be or is obtained pursuant
to an induced abortion, and--
(1) the donation will be or is made pursuant to a promise to the
donating individual that the donated tissue will be transplanted
into a recipient specified by such individual;
(2) the donated tissue will be transplanted into a relative of
the donating individual; or
(3) the person who solicits or knowingly acquires, receives, or
accepts the donation has provided valuable consideration for the
costs associated with such abortion
(c) Criminal penalties for violations
(1) In general
Any person who violates subsection (a) or (b) of this section
shall be fined in accordance with title 18, subject to paragraph
(2), or imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both."
If I recall correctly, he's the one who looks the other way when his subs use illegal aliens as workers, since it's not his concern. I guess that's his "legal game"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
"If I recall correctly, he's the one who" constantly defended Shrubbie's ill fated and ill advised decision to "invade Iraq" for 12 consecutive years and now runs and hides, "since it's not his concern. I guess that's his legal game"!
LexusLover's Avatar
"Nicely put???"

.... so their body parts can be harvested for medical research without their consent? Originally Posted by lustylad
Do you actually believe that fetuses are allowed to remain inside the mother until their organs have developed sufficiently to be separated from the fetus for "medical research" .... these organs are for transplants......and the Federal law "standard" is not "for profit" .... .the law is clear...... when the word ... "donor" is used .. and "recipient" in connection with a transfer of body parts ... it is distinctively different than "laboratory" ... and the urgency of packaging and shipping with "pre-planning" to assure "viability" of the organ is to assure a successful transplant operation and recovery.

Donor's who die of old age are not "donating" "transplantable" body parts, they are donating to medical schools/research facilities as classroom "frogs"!~
Cadavers have always been used for research and advancement of medical treatment, nothing new. The person recorded may have been a little relaxed about the subject but its similar to a mortician who might have a snack next to a dead bodies. . . others find it cold but its human nature. Originally Posted by southtown4488
I think the difference is the mortician is dealing with a dead body, (already dead), that he has absolutly no connection to, or interest in, other than getting it ready for burial.

The abortionist is dealing with an otherwise healthy living entity that he, or she, is going to deliberately kill.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Please avoid distorting the "point" ....

Congress has already addressed "the issue" regarding the varying of the process to facilitate the marketing of the "tissue" .. as you carefully refer to it..... when they delay the harvesting until the "tissue" has grown to recognizable organs and modify the procedures to assure the "organs" are protected in the extraction process.

On another note ... passing off "costs" of shipping "and handling" as "expenses" when they have a potential of being marked up to a profit level is a "pea in the shell" game.... not to mention the informal arrangement of a "charitable contribution" to assure a reliable flow of "tissue" for the donor, who welcomes paying the "extra" shipping and handling, which is passed on to the family of the recipient of the "tissue."

If you want to know how that all works ... and Hillary and Bill. Originally Posted by LexusLover
It is a lot like when you buy a used book from Amazon for a single cent...and pay $3.99 for shipping and handling that only costs about $1.25. They do keep the extra $2.74.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think the difference is the mortician is dealing with a dead body, (already dead), that he has absolutly no connection to, or interest in, other than getting it ready for burial.

The abortionist is dealing with an otherwise healthy living entity that he, or she, is going to deliberately kill. Originally Posted by Jackie S
How do you know that?

this conversation continues to spin out of sanity I to the religious/moral/control issues you fucking RWWipes always fall back on in your utter hypocrisy.

People do NOT donate shit to science at the time of their deaths. They're fucking dead.

PPH is NOT "selling murdered baby parts." Period.

Fucking gullible idiots.

Oh, and BTW -- suppose all aborted fetuses were brought to full term. Are YOU going to spend the money to support the unhealthy, deformed, retarded or UNWANTED children of rapes, incest, underage and unfit parents?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
hey LL,

Why do the Houston whookers hate you so much?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-23-2015, 08:45 AM
Do you have a link to support this, or are you just making shit up again? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-23-2015, 09:02 AM
"Nicely put???"

So you see no difference between someone voluntarily donating his corpse to medical science at the time of his/her (presumably natural) death - and unborn children or holocaust victims being slaughtered so their body parts can be harvested for medical research without their consent? Originally Posted by lustylad
Let me explain the difference.

Nothing wrong with you donating you body to research , if you are in your right state of mind when you did so.

But if you had this silly group of fuckers making you jump through hoops to prove you are sane....then in fact that industry would be in a state of decline because nobody would want to have to prove at much cost that they are indeed sane at the time. Should DPS make you take a sanity test before you check the box of donating organs in the case of your untimely death?

Do not compare embryos to holocaust victims , embryos are not children, just like acorns are not trees.

I would not make the argument to Hitler that it is not ok to kill Jews because harvesting their body parts is morally wrong. I would just say that killing Jews is morally wrong. That is where you are missing the whole absurdity of this debate. You act as if the only problem you have is with medical research on something that would be thrown away...or the procurement of the tissues.

I have said , I understand folks who think abortion is murder, I do not agree but I do understand that POV. The question then becomes middle ground. Much like Gun control.