Liberal group attacks senators wife with racial slurs

Yssup Rider's Avatar
He'll be back... Soon as his Mommy cleans up his little hiney!

Then you fuckers will be in for a repetitively good time!

It's part of his condition.
It's evident that Liberals have no quams about attacking others. Liberals think they are highly responsible and everyone should be as responsible as them. Thats why Liberals are for Gay Marriage, Abortion, Gun Control, Big Government, Higher Taxes, Against The Death Penalty ect. Opposed to liberty, Don't believe in the Constitution. The Liberals world view only looks good on paper, but in reality it sucks. When anyone strikes a nerve against the Liberal's World view they strike out against them. Liberals fabricate their own reality and expect everyone else to live in it with them. But the world just simply doesn't turn that way. Thats why there will never be peace in this country, because of Liberals.
LexusLover's Avatar
Thats why there will never be peace in this country, because of Liberals. Originally Posted by acp5762
I guess you have a point?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I just love the picture of old time democrats and clowns.

Back to original post; I find it very informative how some people, who happen to have similiar political beliefs, don't want to talk about the FACT that the Kentucky democrats and Ashley Judd were embarassed and apologized for what these zealots did. It doesn't matter about China vs Taiwan. What matters is that some people think that attacks on wives and family are fair in the democratic party. What people? So far we can only find two people inside of Progress Kentucky and if you go to Google and look up the street view then you know that that at least one of the two is a far left radical. What are the odds that the second person is a staunch conservative....probably a snowballs chance in hell. The radical left is so bigoted that they would not work with a conservative so we are stuck with the likely possibility of TWO radical liberals pretending to be grassroot moderates. Very similiar to what happened in Missouri with Todd Akins. A group of liberal democrats put together an organization to support an idiot in the GOP with millions of dollars. Then the primary ended and they disappeared. Taken back into the McCaskill fold.

Conclusion; Ad hominem attacks on family are fair, racist attacks are fair, and ethically challenged tactics are fair in the democrat party. Kentucky will be a dirty campaign. They are going to field an ignorant but pretty celebrity candidate. I suspect that there will more than one "tea party" challenger. Many will be fakes. Democrats trying to pass themselves off as conservatives and the media will happily spread the message like manure on the lawn. So lets get off the China vs Taiwan masturbatory debate.
LexusLover's Avatar
So lets get off the China vs Taiwan masturbatory debate. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
There is no "China vs Taiwan masturbatory debate" any more than there is a "debate" about whether or not the Earth is round. Taiwan is an ISLAND inside of the Republic of China, among other smaller/lesser islands. The Earth is round.

You raised a "slur" issue .. and a "racial" slur at that. You made a mountain out of a mole hill. Now you want to ...

... put differences aside and focus on the real issue.

If Bill Clinton ran for Senator of New York ... would Hillary be an issue?

Now, you want to talk about whether or not a politician's wife, who is also a politician, is ...

... "fair game"?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
BarleySwine goes away for a few days... Did anybody miss his pontificating, exaggeration, name calling, ignorant generalizations and overstating the obvious?

Naw. We were doing just fine without him...

At least he hasn't asked for another picture of my junk! Yet.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You can squeal all you want but these are the facts; A tweet was made attacking Elaine Chaos who occupies no office. Her crime? She is married to a republican politician.
The people (person or persons unknown) work for Progress Kentucky and pulled the tweet.
Progress Kentucky, the Kentucky democratic party, and even Ashley Judd apologized for the tweet which they characterized as racist.
Senator Mitch McConnell did not like the tweet and what it implied.

Conclusion: The tweet by Progress Kentucky was insulting and racist. It embarassed the democrats and Judd. They were forced to disavow the tweet. Elaine Chao is the wife of a politician and not an official. The democrats have hollered long and hard about Hillary, Michelle, and other wives being off limits. Hypocrisy and racism being the hallmarks of the democratic party.
I B Hankering's Avatar
There is no "China vs Taiwan masturbatory debate" any more than there is a "debate" about whether or not the Earth is round. Oh, but there is substantive difference between the "PRC" and the "ROC", LL. Even the wiki articles you keep quoting say as much.

Taiwan is an ISLAND inside of the Republic of China, among other smaller/lesser islands. The Earth is round.

You raised a "slur" issue .. and a "racial" slur at that. You made a mountain out of a mole hill. Now you want to ...

... put differences aside and focus on the real issue.

If Bill Clinton ran for Senator of New York ... would Hillary be an issue? "Like many boring and wasteful posters [Once again, your words describing YOU, LL!] on here, you create issues where none exist and then try to use your answers to the non-issues you create to support your lame-ass argument in a feeble attempt to "prove" your original USELESS apothesis."

Now, you want to talk about whether or not a politician's wife, who is also a politician, is ...

... "fair game"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
The "PRC" and "ROC" are separate political entities, LL, even the wiki articles you are quoting say as much. Chao wasn't born in the PRC, LL. The PRC isn't her "nation of origin"; hence, other than the fact that she is “ethnically Chinese” there is nothing else to connect her with the PRC. Progress Kentucky insinuated Chao was sending jobs to “China” – to the PRC. Thus, the insinuation in the racial slur by Progress Kentucky was not based on “nationality”, it was based on “ethnicity”; hence, it is a "racial slur".

JCM, quit teasing IBH! Man ... you are cruel. Originally Posted by LexusLover
FOR THE EIGHTH TIME, LL: If you were not referencing General Claire Chennault and the AVG @:, then who were you referencing?

Tick . . . tick . . . tick . . . waiting on a valid response, LL. Quit deflecting and lying, LL, and answer the question honestly.

I B Hankering for a candy bar ....
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Is this post of yours, LL, another example of that "intellectual high road" and "moral high-ground" postion you always commend yourself for? BTW, that triple nut fecal bar you're cozying up to, LL, is none other than Assup the jackass, the turd-tongued, shit-for-brains golem: the animated amalgamation of shit and piss – the product of pure, unadulterated trailer-park, cesspool-scat

DOODY! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Assup the jackass, the turd-tongued, shit-for-brains golem: the animated amalgamation of shit and piss – the product of pure, unadulterated trailer-park, cesspool-scat – has posted still another one of his factually vacuous brain-farts.

He'll be back... Soon as his Mommy cleans up his little hiney!

Then you fuckers will be in for a repetitively good time!

It's part of his condition. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Assup the jackass, the turd-tongued, shit-for-brains golem: the animated amalgamation of shit and piss – the product of pure, unadulterated trailer-park, cesspool-scat – has posted still another one of his factually vacuous brain-farts.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lets just call it MARCH MADNESS, OK Corpy?

You are in the midst of a month-long meltdown. I know it's only March, but the good news is, you've probably met your deductible!


Dance little puppet!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Lets just call it MARCH MADNESS, OK Corpy?

You are in the midst of a month-long meltdown. I know it's only March, but the good news is, you've probably met your deductible!


Dance little puppet! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Somebody in the trailer park flushed their toilet; thus, agitating Assup the jackass, the turd-tongued, shit-for-brains golem: the animated amalgamation of shit and piss – the product of pure, unadulterated trailer-park, cesspool-scat – into posting still another one of his factually vacuous brain-farts.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
THREE MINUTES! You're slipping! When I address you, I expect you to talk about shit and piss within TWO MINUTES, Corprophiliac!

TWO MINUTES, little puppet!

Any longer and Mommy will have to spank your hiney!
I B Hankering's Avatar
THREE MINUTES! You're slipping! When I address you, I expect you to talk about shit and piss within TWO MINUTES, Corprophiliac!

TWO MINUTES, little puppet!

Any longer and Mommy will have to spank your hiney! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You’re still a “floater”, Assup the jackass, the turd-tongued, shit-for-brains golem: the animated amalgamation of shit and piss – the product of pure, unadulterated trailer-park, cesspool-scat – and you've posted still another one of your factually vacuous brain-farts.

BTW, Assup the jackass, did your trailer park mommy wipe her ass after giving birth to you, you golem fuck?

Yssup Rider's Avatar

You're a naughty little boy!


I B Hankering's Avatar

You're a naughty little boy!

PULL EM UP! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Assup the jackass, the turd-tongued, shit-for-brains golem: the animated amalgamation of shit and piss – the product of pure, unadulterated trailer-park, cesspool-scat – posted still another one of his factually vacuous brain-farts while he floats in the cesspool.