What is sin and mans relation to God?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
More OH rebuttal that is mostly babble, what else is new.

Jews and the ten tribes of Israel fought wars against each other
after the two separated into the northern and southern kingdoms.

Originally Posted by bojulay
Arguing over mythology is ridiculous.

Sounds like a bunch of Sci Fi nerds fighting over the proper grammar in Wookiee.

However, there were TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL.
Arguing over mythology is ridiculous.

Sounds like a bunch of Sci Fi nerds fighting over the proper grammar in Wookiee.

However, there were TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
More disturbing is the phrasing: "Jews AND the ten tribes of Israel".

So the ten/twelve tribes of Israel weren't Jews?
bojulay's Avatar
I'm through trying to school you. You obviously are a true believer that has issues with reading comprehension. For the last time - the benevelant tenants of Christianity are wonderful. I just don't believe the myth that man created making jesus and his lesser sybling the Holy Ghost are Gods. Unfortunately, I'm way to busy today to disect IB's post, but I wish you luck with your personal quesst to convert the sinnners. Peace to you fellow traveler. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Nothing as I thought.

Not trying to convert anyone and I have no issues with reading
comprehension. you offer no real proof of anything just opinion.

Trying to school me in what, twisted logic?

You simply can't separate the man from what he said and taught
about himself. He was ether a nut, a liar, or what he claimed to

Labeling him a good and wise teacher and that's all doesn't
work. You can't take part and leave out the rest, that is
dishonest. Just call him a nut or liar and be done with it.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Arguing over mythology is ridiculous.

Sounds like a bunch of Sci Fi nerds fighting over the proper grammar in Wookiee. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Not Wookie...Klingon

bojulay's Avatar
Arguing over mythology is ridiculous.

Sounds like a bunch of Sci Fi nerds fighting over the proper grammar in Wookiee.

However, there were TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You say that you are a Jew and you don't know your own history,
or mythology as you put it.

The whole book of Hosea talks about it. there was a separation
of the 12 tribes after the reign of King Solomon into a northern
kingdom and a southern kingdom where the tribe of Judah and
Levi separated from the other 10 tribes and two different kingdoms
were formed.

After this separation is the first time in the bible or history that you will
find the term JEW being used (to describe the southern kingdom)
which was made up of the tribe of Judah and Levi.

The northern kingdom consisted of the 10 other tribes of Israel.
What eventually would be referred to as the 10 lost tribes,
after they were carried away into bondage and lost to history.

After the separation they are ever after referred to as the house of Israel
( the 10 northern tribes) and the house of Judah--THE JEWS ( the southern kingdom)

Ezekiel gives reference to it when he talks about the two sticks being joined together
again sometime in the future, apparently God has kept up with the 10 lost tribes
even though they have been lost to history.
JCM800's Avatar
Not Wookie...Klingon

Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

that is a tough language...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You say that you are a Jew and you don't know your own history,
or mythology as you put it.

The whole book of Hosea talks about it. there was a separation
of the 12 tribes after the reign of King Solomon into a northern
kingdom and a southern kingdom where the tribe of Judah and
Levi separated from the other 10 tribes and two different kingdoms
were formed.

After this separation is the first time in the bible or history that you will
find the term JEW being used (to describe the southern kingdom)
which was made up of the tribe of Judah and Levi.

The northern kingdom consisted of the 10 other tribes of Israel.
What eventually would be referred to as the 10 lost tribes,
after they were carried away into bondage and lost to history.

After the separation they are ever after referred to as the house of Israel
( the 10 northern tribes) and the house of Judah--THE JEWS ( the southern kingdom)

Ezekiel gives reference to it when he talks about the two sticks being joined together
again sometime in the future, apparently God has kept up with the 10 lost tribes
even though they have been lost to history. Originally Posted by bojulay

Obviously you don't know shit about Judaism OR Jews.

Unlike many other religions, we are encouraged to question EVERYTHING, including the pronouncements of emotionally challenged dipshits who sit in the bathroom jerking off to the Bible!

Like you, bubba.

You didn't know that either, did you!

Whats your point? I studied Jewish history exhaustedly as a kid. Pretty good student too. But we argued over ethics and philosophy, not what the Bible told us. We agreed on the mythology and considered heavier questions.

You're a fucking moron. Go study your Klingon...
bojulay's Avatar
Obviously you don't know shit about Judaism OR Jews.

Unlike many other religions, we are encouraged to question EVERYTHING, including the pronouncements of emotionally challenged dipshits who sit in the bathroom jerking off to the Bible!

Like you, bubba.

You didn't know that either, did you!

Whats your point? I studied Jewish history exhaustedly as a kid. Pretty good student too. But we argued over ethics and philosophy, not what the Bible told us. We agreed on the mythology and considered heavier questions.

You're a fucking moron. Go study your Klingon... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Caught you with your pants down AssUp, just like your
mom has done so many times, and still dose no doubt.

I was talking about a matter of historical record widely accepted
even by secular historians, which you obviously knew nothing

Not mythology, widely accepted historical fact.

You studied Jewish history but argued over ethics and philosophy?????

What a mook!!

You need to go back to Hebrew history class and try to stay awake
this time.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's the difference between spirituality and mindless bullshit. Again, you don't know jack shit about my faith or my people.

Obviously you were taught not to question anything. You watch a lot of TV?
Be sure to send in those checks, bunba.

Historical fact? Like CREATIONISM? What a rube.

Are you arguing that because there WERE 12 Tribes and THEN there were 10, that you are right and that is a historical facts.

Hysterical is more like it.

Again, you're a fucking idiot.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Thanks, Essence. I was just wondering why anyone who truly believes the Bible, or believes that Jesus is God would be posting such beliefs here, instead of obeying what He said.
bojulay's Avatar
That's the difference between spirituality and mindless bullshit. Again, you don't know jack shit about my faith or my people.

Obviously you were taught not to question anything. You watch a lot of TV?
Be sure to send in those checks, bunba.

Historical fact? Like CREATIONISM? What a rube.

Are you arguing that because there WERE 12 Tribes and THEN there were 10, that you are right and that is a historical facts.

Hysterical is more like it.

Again, you're a fucking idiot. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm talking about the actual people not their faith, doofahlopalous.

The northern kingdom, the southern kingdom, house of Joseph,
house of Judah, 10 lost tribes. You don't have a clue do you?

If I were a Jew I would want to know all the history of my people.

Or do you think being a Jew is just a religion?

There is a difference between a true Jew and a person who practices
the Jewish Religion (now so named). A true Jew is a descendant
from the house (or tribe) of Judah.

Don't you know that, I'm a gentile and I know that.
pyramider's Avatar
I just thanck the holy Tebow daily for taint.
joe bloe's Avatar
Not Wookie...Klingon

Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

Q: How many theoretical physicists specializing in general relativity does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two. One to hold the bulb and one to rotate the universe.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm talking about the actual people not their faith, doofahlopalous.

The northern kingdom, the southern kingdom, house of Joseph,
house of Judah, 10 lost tribes. You don't have a clue do you?

If I were a Jew I would want to know all the history of my people.

Or do you think being a Jew is just a religion?

There is a difference between a true Jew and a person who practices
the Jewish Religion (now so named). A true Jew is a descendant
from the house (or tribe) of Judah.

Don't you know that, I'm a gentile and I know that. Originally Posted by bojulay

If the so called 10 lost tribes went away, then how come YOU we can FIND all twelve of their symbols on the walls of virtually every synagogue in the world? Have you been to a synagogue, other than to light a fuse?

CAN YOU TELL ME WHICH OF THE "10" tribes those insignias represent, asshole?

Northern Kingdom was Israel. Southern Kingdom was Judea. That was later on... though your deep historical perspective seems to put it sll together ... long about the time dinosaurs and man lived together.

House Joseph sounds like a tailor Shop in Jaffa... but comprised Ephriam and Menassah and wasn't an official tribe. Not mentioned in the Bible as I recall. and nothing we discussed in history class.

Religion versus people versus nation versus race? DEPENDS ON WHO ARE ADOLF.. Only the christian church dares to define Jews like that. Oh yeah, and the Nazis.

I am a Jew. I attended religious school from pre-k through high school and raised three adult Jewish children. WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING POINT? My ancestors were kicked out of Spain and Eastern Europe by religious fucks like you. My family came to America and had their synagogues bombed by religious fucks like you. Many of those who couldn't get out of Russia then perished in the Holocaust. I guess were "True Jews" enough for the Romanoffs, Hitler and Stalin. My family is spread throughout the world.

A True Jew -- from the south -- deals with annoying Bible thumpers like you every day. You want me to teach you the Torah while you stand on one foot? Hop to hoss!

You're totally full of shit and unworthy of further discussion.

But I know you're a fucking loony who watches way too much jesus TV.

Go away.
Thanks, Essence. I was just wondering why anyone who truly believes the Bible, or believes that Jesus is God would be posting such beliefs here, instead of obeying what He said. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Kinda what I was thinking too. Guess you cutie-pie lawyers are good for something .

@Yussip - I can't find the post where you asked bojulay if he's saved, and you said he watches too much Jesus TV. My thoughts are:

1 - He's some kind of preacher, and
2 - with all the HA HA HA's, he's an incarnation of Marchal.