MY WISH { I WiSH We CoulD ReViEw CliEnTs}

KenMonk's Avatar
I like MsElena lol... Your thoughts and ideas are clear and well spoken. Excellent job!
bikebryan's Avatar
You might fake it but I have a trail of puddles behind me

No emotion required. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
I'll have to agree with Seinfield's observation on this one:

Women have two types of orgasms, the real ones and ones they fake. The general male opinion: We're fine with it. You do whatever the hell you need to do.
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
Ms Elena is sexy and fun and you definitely know where she stands on issues!
I like MsElena lol... Your thoughts and ideas are clear and well spoken. Excellent job! Originally Posted by KenMonk
Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week and remember to tip your bartender and waitresses.

Ms Elena is sexy and fun and you definitely know where she stands on issues! Originally Posted by Smoking Monkey
You make me blush SM....thank you. SMOOCHES
Sens55's Avatar
Oh, btw...I'm carrying a 4.0 at my shitty texas college while being a single mom, working a full time job and hookin on the side...any other cutdowns pussy boy? Originally Posted by tntangie

TNT..don't feed the troll. You don't need to justify yourself to someone who's handle says he's a pussy toy. But he's at least an fair and equal opportunity troll. He talks shit on everyone.
Sens55's Avatar
There is a reason it's called the oldest profession. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
I've heard that quote and often wondered where they guys back then got the money if THEY didn't have a profession....
Sens55's Avatar


Y'all never know what you really want. Originally Posted by tntangie
No shit. We're waiting for a woman to tell us....Oh, wait. That's the wife. Sorry.
sasnaK's Avatar
Omahan nailed it...if its bad for us were out the cash...if its bad for the provider they can refuse future services...If any service industry started reviewing its customer's they would have a lot less business period....I've always said if I could have a business without customers and employees I would have it made...!
Sometimes the difficult customers are also the the most seen and the ones we charge more because they are difficult..check the source.The one who Smell't it dealt it may apply here!
there are obviously 3 or 4 men on this site who want to monopolize it and run off all the newbies through smart ass comments and threats, leaving all you ladies for themselves. maybe it'll have to come to that before things change.
KenMonk's Avatar
there are obviously 3 or 4 men on this site who want to monopolize it and run off all the newbies through smart ass comments and threats, leaving all you ladies for themselves. maybe it'll have to come to that before things change. Originally Posted by rharley
I only thought that once and that was on the national board when I was looking for advice on seeing a provider. Other than that everyone in the KC boards were more than helpful and some even PM’ed me with advice and suggestions on which providers I should see to gain experience and a reference base. You clearly have some sort of grudge against some folks here because nearly every post I have read from you has been negative in some way, shape, or form.

I have seen one provider one time and the same people who offered great advice have continued to offer great advice in the forums so I don’t see where this argument comes from. Not a single guy on this board has attempted to run me off, or anyone else I have seen really.
there are obviously 3 or 4 men on this site who want to monopolize it and run off all the newbies through smart ass comments and threats, leaving all you ladies for themselves. maybe it'll have to come to that before things change. Originally Posted by rharley

They dont go after many posters, yes some posters appear to be going after you. Im not going to jump on this pile, but I will point out that they do not go after many people.
Perhaps it is not a case of a handful of posters trying to run off a newbie....

But a group of people re-acting to a specific poster's style????

Sometimes looking into the mirror can be blinding!!!!!
malwoody's Avatar
Perhaps it is not a case of a handful of posters trying to run off a newbie....

But a group of people re-acting to a specific poster's style????

Sometimes looking into the mirror can be blinding!!!!! Originally Posted by vkmaster
I'm glad you phrased it like you did GT Maestro..
You kept me from getting into more trouble..ha ha. We were all newbies once and I have never sought to run any newbies off..after all, all we have in the lifestyle is each other. Of course when a newbie tries to act all knowing and makes constant putdown remarks especially concerning women..well lets just say I may not be as friendly..
there are obviously 3 or 4 men on this site who want to monopolize it and run off all the newbies through smart ass comments and threats, leaving all you ladies for themselves. maybe it'll have to come to that before things change. Originally Posted by rharley
I am so pleased that you did not include yourself in the 3 or 4.
The information I gain through your insightful posts is without reproch.
I like the way you do not belittle people for petty shit such as grammer or do not stoop to these pricks level and maintain such high standards. I aspire to someday reaching the level of respect, so much deserved, you have gotton. The shame is heaped on them for having the gall to call your posts puke inspiring and so full of shit.
No site should have to put up with 3 or 4 pussy horders. I say exile them to Indepence Ave. At least till they learn to bow to your thoughts you share.
Interesting comments, big exactly who are the 3 or 4 who want to monoplize the site and run off the newbies...serious question???