11 Officers Shot 3 Dead

Hard to argue with facts and statistics THN. But watch someone will. 13% commit 50% of the murders WOW! And most are Black on Black murders I would guess. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
Yes that's from the FBI website:


I'm not suggesting that it justifies police brutality toward any one group. I'm suggesting that the disproportionate percentage of fatal shootings involving police and Blacks reflects the disproportionate percentage of murders involving Blacks.

Police brutality is a very real thing. I'm not arguing that. But it seems to be a symptom of a much bigger problem and that is something only the black community can change from within itself at this point. We have become so divided and alienated from each other that I just don't see a way of pulling out of it together. The more Black leaders try to make a name for themselves by being divisive, the more difficult it's going to be to mend fences.

I cannot for the life of me understand why some of my very intelligent Black friends buy into this highly unlikely scenario propaganda. Less than 4% of police shootings in 2015 were unarmed Black men according to a study by The Washington post (and they are a very liberal media source). The #BlackLivesMatter movement just seems more and more like a distraction to real success meant to keep the Black community toiling over things that will get them nowhere. It's a classic wag the dog tactic, like abortion and gay marriage.

Why aren't community leaders organizing passionate protests and outcries aimed at encouraging Black men to stay home and raise their children? Why isn't the community outraged at itself for allowing their family, friends and neighbors to fall into imaginary ideals of success based solely on superficial materialism? Where is the outrage for being indifferent to violence in your own community? All these things are causing the communities to fail. And the failures bring violence. And the violence brings the police. And there we are. More police means more altercations. And yes brutality. Because police brutality exists for everyone. But if there's more violence in your community, then there will be more police and more police brutality.

I mean seriously, wtf?!

Maybe all this anger and upset toward a very small percentage of deaths by a very small percentage of police is really just a representation of the cumulative frustration that's been building for decades about why the black community as a whole can't seem to get its shit together.

I'm not saying racism and descrimination don't play a role in a Black American's quest for success. It does. But DAMMIT! So does raising your fucking kids right and being a positive force in your community and the crime rates in America are reflective of that shit not getting done.

God this issue gets to me. Idk why but it does. It really does.
dallasfan's Avatar
i would imagine when compared to the general population more blacks and Latinos are killed by cops than any other race group. But I would imagine it is consistent with the crime rate in those groups.

That is like men protesting in a men's lives matter protest because men probably make up 90%-95%+ of the population of people killed by police.

Who's with me in a men's lives matter protest?
Frique-Me's Avatar
Yes that's from the FBI website:


I'm not suggesting that it justifies police brutality toward any one group. I'm suggesting that the disproportionate percentage of fatal shootings involving police and Blacks reflects the disproportionate percentage of murders involving Blacks. Originally Posted by THN
Life has taught me the numbers are DEFINITELY skewed and flawed... I don't care what local, state, or federal agency reports them.
dallasfan's Avatar
The stories that will heal the community and bring people together are the ones like.....

The Dallas police chief who is black sent in robot to blow up the shooting suspect. You think he had to stop to think about what race he was. No. He was trying to protect his people (cops) whatever their fucking color is.

It's the stories like the black lady that was there for the blm protest only to be shot by a black man while white cops shielded her and her boys from getting killed with their own bodies.

It time to stop protecting and making heroes out of thugs and punks like Michael brown etc. it's sending the wrong message to black youth. It's time to starting teaching thee kids it's not okay to kill or rob 4 people until you figure it out.
Life has taught me the numbers are DEFINITELY skewed and flawed... I don't care what local, state, or federal agency reports them. Originally Posted by Frique-Me
It's impossible to come to any common understandings then if one side believes the information is false and the other side believes it is accurate.

The whole thing frustrates me so...
Mavs fan's Avatar
Thank you Frique for making me a prophet. I told you somebody would question the FBI statistics didn't I THN? Yes Frique it is an FBI conspiracy to skew crime statistics in order to keep the Black man down. Why the fuck would the FBI do that? Better yet why would the FBI , which answers to a Black Attorney General be allowed to do that. Why would the Black Attorney General be allowed by the Black President of the United States to let the statistics be reported wrong. Don't you think these powerful Black people who have been in power for 7 years would make sure the stats are correct? You can't really point to the Feds as the enemy when Executive Branch and the Justice Dept. are run by Blacks.
The fact of the matter is that numbers tell you the "what" and not the "why". I feel too many are focused on gazing at the fingertips of Lady Liberty when she is pointing towards the stars. There are numbers to support assertions from both sides, but it does nothing to get to a solution, neither does it provide means of both sides reaching common ground.

My opinion is that, there shouldn't be "sides". Both sides should have enough internal character to really dig into the anals (lol, anal) of history and really try to see it from the other persons point of view, not focusing on the "what's" but the "why's". When one can confidently answer that question giving equal consideration and weighting to "both" sides, then, and only then can we even begin to discuss a solution. However, when either side blindly dismisses the argument from the other on the basis of how they feel and not by rigorous investigation, interpretation, and consideration, conflict ensues. But hell, we're all tricks and hoes here anyway, not like we'll be getting any nobel peace prizes here, so let's just fuck and die in our ignorance and hope for better for our offspring. Beer, Bitches, and 'Merica' FUCK YEAH!!!!
Frique-Me's Avatar
It's impossible to come to any common understandings then if one side believes the information is false and the other side believes it is accurate.

The whole thing frustrates me so... Originally Posted by THN
PM sent
Randall Creed's Avatar
Black men just have to own it, 'it' being, acting like the dads that they should be. Too many still have that 'gotta get mines' attitude, and they're going about it the wrong way. They need to understand the process of authority. When you're growing up, you're not 'running' anything. You don't have anything. No power, no money, no proper education, no training on anything. These things are learned. Their dads should be showing them things that dads show their sons. They completely miss this chapter in their lives, or pick it up late.

It's just a process of ownership, that needs to be started widespread among black people. That, and just having some basic decency and common sense. I've been pulled over dozens of times. Not once has any stop ever escalated. Ever. For one, I ride legit, so when I have to present any paperwork there's no sense of panic on my part. I don't hang with the 'wrong crowds' or set off any red flags for a cop to take out of context.

I'm not saying every person who gets shot by a cop deserves it. Most probably don't, but what could've been done on the victims' part to prevent escalation of these incidents. Pants sagging, not having insurance, acting disrespectful, fidgety demeanor. These are all red flags, for further prying and escalation by the officer.

I've never been handcuffed, either...ever. I literally don't know what handcuffs feel like (for the record, they do look uncomfortable). I've even done 'drunk' tests, where I had to step out the vehicle and do the nose touch, walk the line, etc. Never escalated. Determined I was good to go. Drove off under my own power, every time. Just gotta not give them any reason to escalate. White cops. Hispanic cops. Black cops, etc. I get the same results whenever I'm pulled over. Again, no reason for escalation. Just cooperate. Get it done. If you're legit, you'll be on your way soon.

Don't know what else to say about it.

Good stuff, Randall....good read. Thanks for giving all of us a glimpse of your own story, as well.

So...in a nutshell...what are the answers......what are the solutions? I wish I knew...I really do. I swear....if we (ie: society as a whole.....blacks, whites, hispanic, asian, etc) don't come up with some tangible ways of fixing ourselves, we are doomed. If we don't all start celebrating our differences and loving one another, we are doomed.

I feel like society is sitting at DEFCON 2 (to borrow a military term) and is teetering on the brink of a bottomless pit. I hate to put it in such negative terms....these recent events have me so worried, so concerned for the future.

I dunno.....maybe it's 'cause I know that come this November all I'll see on the ballot will be the names Clinton and Trump
Or perhaps its because next month's Rio Olympics sounds like it's really gonna blow big time.....
Or its because the long-awaited Ghostbusters sequel has a foot in the grave before it's even been released.
Or because the Cowboys are gonna have another klunker of a season since they did nothing in the off season to fix the defense....again.

So much disappointment.....so much sadness Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
pyramider's Avatar
PM sent Originally Posted by Frique-Me

Post it the open where it can be addressed.
Not a good month for officers


I bet he was mentally ill and "snapped"..
Super Sonic's Avatar
It time to stop protecting and making heroes out of thugs and punks like Michael brown etc. it's sending the wrong message to black youth. Originally Posted by dallasfan
Indeed. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around the type of people black folks choose to rally around. Marion Barry was caught on film smoking crack with his mistress and the black community rallied around him. Everyone knew O.J. Simpson was guilty as sin but he was acquitted by black people strictly on race. Now they want to terrorize Baton Rouge over this simple motherfucker.

Here’s Alton Sterling, the guy they’re making a cause celebre out of.
  • 9/09/96 aggravated battery
  • 10/31/97 2nd degree battery
  • 1/06/98 simple battery
  • 5/04/00 public intimidation
  • 9/20/00 carnal knowledge of a juvenile
  • 9/04/01 domestic violence
  • 5/24/05 burglary of an inhabited dwelling place
  • 7/11/05 receiving stolen things
  • 9/12/05 burglary of inhabited dwelling place
  • 3/17/06 simple criminal damage to property, simple robbery, simple theft, drug possession, misrepresentation during booking, simple battery, aggravated battery
  • 4/12/06 aggravated battery, simple criminal damage to property, disturbing the peace, unauthorized entry
  • 4/04/08 domestic abuse battery
  • 6/03/09 resisting an officer, drug possession, receiving stolen things, possession of stolen firearm, illegal carrying of a weapon with CDs, sound reproduct without consent
  • 10/12/09 illegal carrying of weapon, marijuana possession
  • 8/13/15 failure to register as a sex offender
  • 4/08/16 failure to register as a sex offender
  • 6/14/16 ecstacy and marijuana possession
Read more: http://thehayride.com/2016/07/good-g...#ixzz4EAaaB2vR
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
The fact of the matter is that numbers tell you the "what" and not the "why". I feel too many are focused on gazing at the fingertips of Lady Liberty when she is pointing towards the stars. There are numbers to support assertions from both sides, but it does nothing to get to a solution, neither does it provide means of both sides reaching common ground.

My opinion is that, there shouldn't be "sides". Both sides should have enough internal character to really dig into the anals (lol, anal) of history and really try to see it from the other persons point of view, not focusing on the "what's" but the "why's". When one can confidently answer that question giving equal consideration and weighting to "both" sides, then, and only then can we even begin to discuss a solution. However, when either side blindly dismisses the argument from the other on the basis of how they feel and not by rigorous investigation, interpretation, and consideration, conflict ensues. But hell, we're all tricks and hoes here anyway, not like we'll be getting any nobel peace prizes here, so let's just fuck and die in our ignorance and hope for better for our offspring. Beer, Bitches, and 'Merica' FUCK YEAH!!!! Originally Posted by DarkeyKong

FWIW, the word is annals.
Frique-Me's Avatar
Post it the open where it can be addressed. Originally Posted by pyramider
PM = PRIVATE message... Right??
FWIW, the word is annals. Originally Posted by Chainsaw Anthropologist
Thank you, did you miss the joke? Maybe it was a poor setup? Yeah, I probably suck at these things.

FWIW, I like the Chef's response to the Dallas community "We're Hiring"! If you're so hung up on the way things are, get up off your ass and join the force. That's actually not a bad idea don't become part of the problem, become part of the resolution.