Price of pussy is $40

CurvyKatie's Avatar
I see the same trolling women that are always crying to mods that they're always being harassed but following me around. Go figure Originally Posted by BLM69
Please explain how I am confused.

You had an exchange with a gentlemen (Eidolon), that you quoted in the same post that you made this post.

The person who called you out specifically was a MALE, and you blame the women in this thread for it?

Edit: Shortened my post cause I am wordy.
I don't think anyone here cares what blm has to say. He seems to be an outcast in Dallas and now he's here. I'm guessing he has no where else to go.
He seems eat up with the fact that he can find cheap pussy. All you have to do is look at his reviews and you can see what he likes. Hopefully he didn't spend over his allowance of 40 bucks. His SO probably gives him that to get him out of the house.
Just ignore him and he will go away and pester another city.

Then again.....he's probably a short little fat guy trying to prove he knows a lot. Maybe we should feel sorry for him and make him feel a little more needed here in Houston
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
You really believe you're in a Louis Vuitton type of establishment for providers? You have really high hopes my friend. One must always look around before jumping to any conclusions Originally Posted by BLM69
LoL, LV was just an example. The $5 BJ might have been just as good as a $80 one but I didn't like the packaging & presentation so I didn't go for it. I've been known to haggle with providers; some even claim I speak Hebrew. If you think spending several hours trying to find a cheap lay is a good deal more power to you but I value my time. Naturally I'm going to pay more to get exactly what I want when & where I want it with as little effort as possible. It has nothing to do with trying to impress other "tricks" whome I have never & will never meet.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
I don't think anyone here cares what blm has to say. He seems to be an outcast in Dallas and now he's here. I'm guessing he has no where else to go.
He seems eat up with the fact that he can find cheap pussy. All you have to do is look at his reviews and you can see what he likes. Hopefully he didn't spend over his allowance of 40 bucks. His SO probably gives him that to get him out of the house.
Just ignore him and he will go away and pester another city.

Then again.....he's probably a short little fat guy trying to prove he knows a lot. Maybe we should feel sorry for him and make him feel a little more needed here in Houston Originally Posted by tbone2u
He has made several negative statements towards the women in this thread. And the women here have largely ignored it. But it's almost like he wants to make these statements in an attempt to bait the ladies here.

The fact is, the majority of the negative commentary towards the subject matter has been from the males, not the women in this thread. And I will go back and specifically find all the quotes (mods included) because it frustrates me that we cannot have an adult discussion without someone coming in here and making attempts to bait the women.
That's what he does best Katie. Every rat has more than one hole to run to.. maybe that's why he's here...Dallas doesn't want him. Maybe we should show him more love in our fair city
CurvyKatie's Avatar
I just seen that the OP got banned and why, funny read. This thread will continue and will keep sharing my cheap pussy insight and tips for one's that seek it, you women can keep on hating on it and keep bumping it to the top for me. Originally Posted by BLM69
Ok, so he made this statement here that it is the women hating and bumping this thread.

As evidenced below, you will see it is quite the contrary. All statements below are from MALES.

He is in this thread attempting to bait the ladies.

(And as a side note, this is basically a cliff notes version of the thread)

If you can get it at that rate in the hood why bother looking here ? Originally Posted by MarcellusWalluz
I don't think I want any $40 pussy Originally Posted by tbone2u
Man, I am almost offended!?!

Originally Posted by DarthMaul
I agree with tbone, I wouldn't want any $40 pussy. First of all, I would be embarrassed to offer that amount of money, plus if she would accept, what would he appearance be like, what would the session be like?

This is an expensive hobby, and I would stay away from skanky assed 'ho's who probably haven't shaved their pits in weeks, nor been close to a shower. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
<$50 ass is low end no matter how you look at it. That’s street level quality. Originally Posted by Fresh-Memes
You get what you pay for Originally Posted by Slitlikr
You can't fool us all with the holy Grail hype. A man that has the best of pussy at his beckon call for $20 wouldn't be here just for the game of insulting the providers that have a proven, stellar track record of not ripping off clients and have skills without a trainer. Paying for a legend is worth the price. Originally Posted by A1.
This thread is kind of dehumanizing to me about the women here. I don't really see how most providers would not be offended. Examples have been given on where to get cheaper pussy than Houston around the globe. That's cool. Go there and get it. If you want P4P pussy in Houston, pay the rate or move on and go elsewhere. This shit is not that complicated.

I don't really see the point in neither directly nor indirectly wasting your time trying to push their rate down. Their rate is their rate so what the fuck is the point about only paying $40 for pussy?

You don't go global for cheaper high quality pussy because of convenience. You pay extra for that convenience to stay home. You add in the travel cost and inconvenience for that pussy, it's around the same cost if you kept your ass at home. It's that simple.

And if you travel around the globe from your home to pay for cheap pussy, I really sorry for you because your local hooker rates are the least of your problems in life. #noshit Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
This ain't the hood. Originally Posted by A1.
I don't see any hate in here but I do see a little disgust Originally Posted by tbone2u
As a black man, I find this post a little offensive to other black men and black women. Originally Posted by ballsdeep

OP, i've hooked up with many gorgeous sistas-ebony spinners are my kryptonite-but never for 40. i think i'm the wrong skin color to get the goin hood rate. i guess i should b happy at least i'm not the mark. maybe they can guess i'm effin loco, n they'd be correct.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Everyone likes getting a good deal but I wouldn't go to the Louis Vuitton store complaining about how I can get a similar product at the Swap-o-Rama for peanuts. This discussion belongs in the Git-n-Geaux parking lot. Originally Posted by MarcellusWalluz

I don't believe the women hate it as much as the real men do. Not for any reason that I believe you can comprehend. This thread and your type are a threat to this community. Exploitation.

Truth be told, the greater eccie community is not here to exploit young naive, victimized or destitute women. They are vehemently against that. They are here to find simple "of free will" consensual engagements.

The truth is, your responses to this thread have shown you to be a detriment to this community yourself. With every bump that detriment is viewed again and again. If you really believe you've shared any real information other than what I have stated your as naive as some of your alleged victims. Originally Posted by Eidolon
The only "trick" here is him
CurvyKatie's Avatar
The only "trick" here is him Originally Posted by tbone2u
And I would just like to point out that statement was made by a male, not me, lol.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-03-2019, 05:07 PM
Ok, so he made this statement here that it is the women hating and bumping this thread.

As evidenced below, you will see it is quite the contrary. All statements below are from MALES.

He is in this thread attempting to bait the ladies.

(And as a side note, this is basically a cliff notes version of the thread) Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
Now that you cherry picked, do the same for your post in this thread and the other women who also posted here to read your contributions, You've been derailing this thread since your first post and continue do so. Hope you're not trying to bait me? lol, you'll get caught in your own web if that's it

Not sure what else you're trying to do here but you're failing miserably at it! Maybe you want to offer some $40 pussy but you're shy to do so? It is the subject of this thread remember?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-03-2019, 05:12 PM
The only "trick" here is him Originally Posted by tbone2u
My man! We're all tricks here, maybe we'll get a honest lady to come in here and confirm this, I respect honesty more than any lie or game running.
...I respect honesty more than any lie or game running. Originally Posted by BLM69
Ok. Here is the truth;

You are not wanted or welcome in this Houston forum. Leave.

Respect that.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-03-2019, 06:40 PM
Ok. Here is the truth;

You are not wanted or welcome in this Houston forum. Leave.

Respect that. Originally Posted by Eidolon
Here is the reality of it, I'm not going anywhere! Can we get back on the subject now people?
I'm curious blm....why start shit in Houston?
What's wrong in Dallas?
Houston is trying it's best to recover and get the ladies back in coed. You are not helping at all.
You are part of the problem we were working hard to fix.
Why come here? I'm curious
CryptKicker's Avatar
Okay folks-- that's enough- we have wandered off the OP's path and are perilously close to garnering warnings and points. Time to take your toys and move elsewhere.....