Danielle Silver

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
boobs. the first and last thing a man should see after a life well lived!

  • Tiny
  • 06-15-2019, 01:27 PM
Damn, Can we at least get 5 stars on this thread. I mean Damn, no one has asked to see my boobs or my face. Originally Posted by Danielle Silver
This thread is about me Damn it..
Get on TOPIC.. Originally Posted by Danielle Silver
Two thoughts. First Danielle has shown us her breasts, which are magnificent, and this thread deserves more than three stars. Please cast your vote under "Rating" in the upper right corner of this web page.

And on the subject of voting for Danielle, how about President? She appears to be right of center, and she'd no doubt be head and shoulders above any of the other bozos who are running, so she gets my vote. I was going to vote for the Libertarian or write in Amy the Wonder Dog, but Danielle's the best choice.
12 pages with no taint request by pyramider?
  • oeb11
  • 06-15-2019, 03:03 PM
Oh My - What a Lovely Mod.

Perhaps a trip to Oklahoma City is in order.
bambino's Avatar
Oh My - What a Lovely Mod.

Perhaps a trip to Oklahoma City is in order. Originally Posted by oeb11
I ain’t going there. Maybe she should do a roadie to Pittsburgh.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I ain’t going there. Maybe she should do a roadie to Pittsburgh. Originally Posted by bambino
To far.
Perhaps Kansas City, that's just up the highway a hop and a skip from OKC.

At least the thread is back on topic.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
OP's thread...

anyone find it ironic that he makes a thread about DS 3 days into public posting, and 3 days later he's banned by our mod.
OP's thread...

anyone find it ironic that he makes a thread about DS 3 days into public posting, and 3 days later he's banned by our mod. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Nope. Hopefully WTF got a Premium Lifetime Ban.

As for the threads topic, I move that StC TRIPLE her mod salary! Who seconds this?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Oh My - What a Lovely Mod.

Perhaps a trip to Oklahoma City is in order. Originally Posted by oeb11
I got the shit beat out of me in Oklahoma City
OP's thread...

anyone find it ironic that he makes a thread about DS 3 days into public posting, and 3 days later he's banned by our mod. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
He probably missed this sticky...
That could be the irony..

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He probably missed this sticky...
That could be the irony..

https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2595663 Originally Posted by bb1961

ignorance of the rules is not a valid defense. so where is he now???

1st offense: 30 days => probably here
2nd offense: 90 days
3rd offense: 1 year

If the behavior still persists, then the member(s) in question will be banned permanently.

this is assuming not banned on points which is 90 days.
could he get banned on points (90 days) and stalking/harassing (30 days) ..?


if he's on Strike 1 we shall know in a month. points .. 90 days .. both 4 months.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
those rules were posted on the dallas co-ed forum. haven't seen that any where else.
I believe these rules apply across the ENTIRE site...time will tell.
WTF was an equal opportunity trasher...
I think this post was the final straw...

Originally Posted by Austin Ellen:
Hey, God told me tell you to shut the fuck up again. You better listen. He would tell you himself but God is busy so he sent me.

Response from WTF:
You tell God to go fuck herself.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I believe these rules apply across the ENTIRE site...time will tell.
WTF was an equal opportunity trasher...
I think this post was the final straw...

Originally Posted by Austin Ellen:
Hey, God told me tell you to shut the fuck up again. You better listen. He would tell you himself but God is busy so he sent me.

Response from WTF:
You tell God to go fuck herself. Originally Posted by bb1961

one wonders how WTF knows the sex of the GOD?