Whales, Spinners & Mucho Dollars City

I would, it goes with hobbying. Bitch, ho, cumslut, hooktard. Its whatever. Me being a cumslut is something I wouldn't want to be called outside the hobby, but for business sake call me a cumslut, I call it to myself. If I called myself a whale, everyone would be scratching their heads!
Man... I thought fat people were supposed to be jolly.
dearhunter's Avatar
............If I called myself a whale, everyone would be scratching their heads! Originally Posted by bustyamy
I thinck not
tracer's Avatar
Well.... For arguments sake...... Why associate it with the 2nd part of the title and not the 3rd?

Rich guys, little gals, and big money.......? Maybe, Like I have been saying, it was a play on the "Whale Wars" thread...... But the fact that it was almost immediately derailed and focused on that single precieved slant, will not let us know what the true nature of the thread was to be....

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
More "depends on what the definition of is, is" bullshit. Do you parse words into something other than their clearly intended meaning for a living or just for fun and defending your pals?

You can say what you want about increasing membership, but the silent majority here would choose an alternative with less drama if given a viable alternative. I don't personally give a damn enough to stomp my feet and swear off this place, but I would gladly pursue a better policed alternative. Actually, I would not even care if you just wanted to do away with any rules, guidelines, etc.. Admit that it is a free for all for some with rules applying if you want them to and I would not object at all. The annoying part is those spewing that line of crap about how some people here are just such geniuses that they walk a fine line. That is bullshit. This isn't a court of law. Those gray areas you cling to exist only because you let them. The idiots in question are bullshit artists, not geniuses. Chess players? Oh, please. They fancy themselves chess champions because they play either even more ill-equipped people or an opponent who was forced to play without a queen because it is in your pocket.

Reading the drama was fun for a while and then it wasn't. Poking the offending morons in the eye was fun for a while and it, too, got boring. So now I don't venture in as often and will eventually join the inevitable migration elsewhere.

Never had a point or been banned here before, but I suspect that is changing soon! Have a great day all...
dearhunter's Avatar
tracer, come to the dark side.......it is so warm and cozy......points and banning are not so bad......ijs
Sarunga's Avatar
More "depends on what the definition of is, is" bullshit. Do you parse words into something other than their clearly intended meaning for a living or just for fun and defending your pals?

You can say what you want about increasing membership, but the silent majority here would choose an alternative with less drama if given a viable alternative. I don't personally give a damn enough to stomp my feet and swear off this place, but I would gladly pursue a better policed alternative. Actually, I would not even care if you just wanted to do away with any rules, guidelines, etc.. Admit that it is a free for all for some with rules applying if you want them to and I would not object at all. The annoying part is those spewing that line of crap about how some people here are just such geniuses that they walk a fine line. That is bullshit. This isn't a court of law. Those gray areas you cling to exist only because you let them. The idiots in question are bullshit artists, not geniuses. Chess players? Oh, please. They fancy themselves chess champions because they play either even more ill-equipped people or an opponent who was forced to play without a queen because it is in your pocket.

Reading the drama was fun for a while and then it wasn't. Poking the offending morons in the eye was fun for a while and it, too, got boring. So now I don't venture in as often and will eventually join the inevitable migration elsewhere.

Never had a point or been banned here before, but I suspect that is changing soon! Have a great day all... Originally Posted by tracer
Excellent post....completely agree with the part in blue.

Please don't lose hope yet.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Guess you missed that first line of "For Arguments sake...". Thats ok.... We can chalk it up to an oversight...... I do not pretend to cling to anything in regards to the grey areas.... They are there..... The people who know how to toe the line are not necessarily geniuses, but they do have a working understanding of board rules, so I'll give them that.....Have been a part of heavy handed boards and have been a part of free for all boards...... The ones in the middle make the owners the most money and thats why this place is how it is..... Not sure I have ever claimed ivan as a friend... But if it helps your argument...... So you're "poking of the offenders" is the just side of things is it? Or does it just make you the same of a different brand "offender"? You can't speak out about this group of people and then follow suit on the other side of it and be ok with it........ Or maybe you can.... Also, very glad to know that you speak for all of the silent majority.... I was hoping they would chime in here.....

dearhunter's Avatar
tracer, don't listen to them........there is no hope........come to the dark side and let out your inner asshole.......ijs.
Sarunga's Avatar
tracer, don't listen to them........there is no hope........come to the dark side and let out your inner asshole.......ijs. Originally Posted by dearhunter

If there's hope....there's a will. If there's a will....there's a way......ALWAYS.
dearhunter's Avatar
You keep "hope" alive.........I am depending on it.........ijs.
tracer's Avatar
Not sure I have ever claimed ivan as a friend... But if it helps your argument......

Maybe my screen output differs from yours. Would you do the courtesy of showing me where I said ivan is your friend? Seems to be missing for me. Or did you not understand that my not saying ivan is your friend is not the same as saying you have none?

So you're "poking of the offenders" is the just side of things is it? Or does it just make you the same of a different brand "offender"? You can't speak out about this group of people and then follow suit on the other side of it and be ok with it........ Or maybe you can....

You are not as bright as I thought if you cannot see the distinction. More definition of is bullshit.

Also, very glad to know that you speak for all of the silent majority.... I was hoping they would chime in here.....

Again, apparently my screen is failing me again. I am missing the part where I claimed to speak for the silent majority. I allude to its existence, but in no way claim to speak for it. Sorry for the confusion, I understand some of these concepts are difficult.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Happy to help.......

Not sure I have ever claimed ivan as a friend... But if it helps your argument......

Maybe my screen output differs from yours. Would you do the courtesy of showing me where I said ivan is your friend? Seems to be missing for me. Or did you not understand that my not saying ivan is your friend is not the same as saying you have none?
Do you parse words into something other than their clearly intended meaning for a living or just for fun and defending your pals? Originally Posted by tracer
My bad... I guess you called him "My pal"... my mistake....

So you're "poking of the offenders" is the just side of things is it? Or does it just make you the same of a different brand "offender"? You can't speak out about this group of people and then follow suit on the other side of it and be ok with it........ Or maybe you can....

You are not as bright as I thought if you cannot see the distinction. More definition of is bullshit.
That it is YOU going after them and not them going after someone else? Sure... but then again, we're splitting hairs aren't we? If its wrong for one side, is it then not wrong for the other? Or when you do it are you more justified because you have deemed them "Bad people"? Seems as bad an argument as they have really......

Also, very glad to know that you speak for all of the silent majority.... I was hoping they would chime in here.....

Again, apparently my screen is failing me again. I am missing the part where I claimed to speak for the silent majority. I allude to its existence, but in no way claim to speak for it. Sorry for the confusion, I understand some of these concepts are difficult.
You can say what you want about increasing membership, but the silent majority here would choose an alternative with less drama if given a viable alternative. Originally Posted by tracer
Looks like you're trying to speak for them there doesn't it?
Originally Posted by tracer
There you go champ..... That's how my screen read it anyway...... Perhaps a tone in what I was reading on my part..... but that's how I read it...... But I will absolutely bow to your intellect.... I never have claimed to be the sharpest tool in the shed.....But I'm not the dullest either.....

LexusLover's Avatar
If persons "chime in," ....

..... would they remain "silent"?

The OP has moved on, why keep stirring the stench?
chicagoboy's Avatar
You can say what you want about increasing membership, but the silent majority here would choose an alternative with less drama if given a viable alternative. Originally Posted by tracer
I have a sudden hanckering for some creme burlee.
tracer's Avatar
Wow. I will simplify further. I was not referring to ivan.

I suspect the moral equivalence of your second staement makes sense when viewed through the filter of partiality. Your bias will apparently not let you see the ignorance of that position.

I was certain that my statements about the silent majority were stated as my opinion. So certain, that I didn't bother to re-read it because I knew that was what I meant. I was rushing to put down my thoughts before leaving my computer and erred in my haste. You are correct that it appeared I was attempting to speak 'for them' rather than simply imply its existence. That was not my intention.

I suggest your closing statement lacks evidence as well...ijs