**Official MOTHERFUCKING NBA Playoffs Thread**

One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
So Heat win 3 in a row. I'm shocked!!
Hell, they even did it in OKC fashion with a shitty 1st Q then outscoring OKC 58-49 in the 2nd half.

Hard fought win by the Heat. They left it all on the court tonight..

With Lebron's cramps..

I've experienced a bad cramp in a pick up game recently and its more scary than any thing else.. Fuckin leg locks up in full flex and then the muscle spasms out. With stretching, massage, and replenishing lost hydration/electrolytes, I'm sure he'll be back in full force. BTW Un-fucking believable 3 pointer on that cramped leg.

Then D. Wade's back and bad landing...

This concerns me more than Lebron's issue. Back issues don't always kick in right away and I doubt you can play effectively on muscle relaxers. Hopefully just a stinger.

Hell, even Bosh lost body fluids out there..


In this series you got 6 players than can give u 30pts any given game and 4 that can give you 40pts. Yeah Don I agree what a game by Westbrook!! Sux about the bone-head foul. He'll prob remember that more than his 43pt performance.

I think the youthful Thunder can still Thunder-UP and force a game 7. I'm hoping.

Cuz these fucking athletes are amazing!!
TheDon's Avatar
Fine post, Willy.

But the thing is, we are getting a game 7, but it's actually just going to be game 5...

There's a couple of reasons I picked the Heat in 5. First off, I believe the 2-3-2 actually benefits the road team, and I thought Miami could definitely take advantage of that. And secondly, experience. Now I sure as heck didn't think the Thunder would commit really dumb fouls (Harden game 2, Westbrook last game) but I thought the finals inexperience would go against the Thunder, plus, they had almost every break go their way the entire playoffs so far, it had to balance out at some point. And for as long as I've watched basketball (Which hasn't been that long compared to most of y'all lol) young teams almost always lose. I remember Lebron got swept in the finals the first chance he got...

I know it seems like the Thunder can just win a game, and take it back to OKC, but it's really going to be way harder than that, they had to get one of these first two games. Because it doesn't matter if the starting line-up is Wade, James, me, you, and Exotic Beauty, Lebron is going to go Balls out to get this win. Lebron will probably play the whole game if he has to. Ever since they were down 2-1 to Indy, anytime they needed a win, James has delivered and then some, with the highlight being game 6 against Boston where he went bananas.

This is it, there's no excuses now for Lebron and the Heat. They have put two hard years into this, and they are in the perfect situation to finish what they started. Especially Lebron, it's time he does what he has been trying to do the last nine years, win a championship, it doesn't matter that he plays defense and passes better than Kobe, if he wants to be compared to them, he needs rings, and I would be shocked if this goes back to OKC.

But OKC and their fans shouldn't feel bad, they had a great run, they were just at the wrong place at the wrong time, but they gained some tremendous experience here.

My only regret (And it's a big one) is not putting down some money on the Heat to win in 5 after they lost game 1. They had such great value, I think 20 to 1 or something lol. But at least it's not as bad as when I didn't pull the trigger on the Broncos or Titans landing Peyton Manning at 70 to 1 odds or whatever crazy number that was...
kerwil62's Avatar
I'm kinda shocked with thse Finals. I wouldn't have thought OKC would fall like this! I guess it depends on who's hungrier. And Lebron is most definitely hungry to get his first ring since the Heat is the most pressured team in the NBA to win it all(with assistance from the refs, as Game 4 was poorly officiated).

It could be all over for OKC tonight. But they shouldn't hold their heads down as they had a great season. They're still young, and have many years to go. OKC will be a team to be reckoned with in the coming years.

But on the other hand, OKC could take this game and make a Game 6 back in Oklahoma City!

We shall see........
TheDon's Avatar
I think Miami is just the better team. They are bigger stronger (Not faster) lol, but they just seem to be too much.

I think the only way OKC has a chance tonight is if they play a perfect game or if there is an injury to Lebron, Heatles have invested too much into this to let it go back to OKC.
and they won!

TheDon's Avatar

It's too bad we can't make anymore LBJ ringless jokes...RIP 2003-2012

Thanks to everyone who posted in this thread, it was fun, y'all. It was an exciting finals, and playoffs as a whole.

Congrats to Shane Battier! A first class act.

TheDon's Avatar
My thoughts exactly, really the only reason I rooted for them outside of wanting to see James win.
Sarunga's Avatar
Not a big basketball fan....but watched today's game in full....and enjoyed it thoroughly. Was rooting for the Heats from the beginning...hip...hip....hoora y!
kerwil62's Avatar

It's too bad we can't make anymore LBJ ringless jokes...RIP 2003-2012

Thanks to everyone who posted in this thread, it was fun, y'all. It was an exciting finals, and playoffs as a whole.

Originally Posted by TheDon

Them some damn clowns! They're gonna fuck the HELL outta their women tonight(that is, if Chris Bosh doesn't get too damn drunk)!!!

Like I said earlier, Miami was gonna win it. It was just Lebron's day. OKC was never really in the game. And Harden didn't show up again! Nevertheless, great season and a learning experience for the Oklahoma City Thunder.

I was watching the clips at the end and when the final seconds ticked off Lebron went straight to Kevin Durant and they hugged for damn near a minute. That's showing love and respect for each other as competitors and also great sportsmanship. It was good to see that. But it was kinda sad to see Durant go into the hallway to the locker room, hug everyone on staff including the owner then before and while he hugged his parents he began to cry.

I hate to say it, but it was good to see Shane Battier get a ring.

Congrats to the 2012 NBA Champions Miami Heat! And also to MVP Lebron James for finally getting a ring!
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
Time for the Haters to Shut the Fuck Up!

From making the cover of Sports Illustrated at age 16, landing a $90mil contract with Nike before graduating high school, Lebron was always expected to be the greatest NBA player in the league before he even arrived. I can't think of any sports player in history that had to play with as much weight on their shoulders as Lebron. A part of me feels that the criticism regarding his bad decisions wth the media and coming up short in previous finals was a product of him trying too hard to live up to those expectations. Whether its doing too much or too little, he wasn't himself, he was trying to be what he was expected to be. But now it seems different. Now he doesn't care to do what's expected. Now he knows what needs to be done and what it takes. Not only did he find a championship, I believe he found himself. Jordan had Pippen, Lebron has Wade. Congrats Lebron. Congrats Battier. Congrats Heat. The Heat may be just warming up but there is a storm brewing in OKC. This outcome may have been different if Lakers got their trade and Bulls had their Rose. Even so, Heat and Thunder are right where they should be. And with the weight finally off Lebron, I believe he will be even more dangerous even after earning Finals MVP and messin around and getting a tripple double to seal the deal. He can now play free and go as far he can take himself--even if it means being carried off the court. Not only did he prove to be clutch, he now defines it.
TheDon's Avatar
Well said, but I think a pic of him with the Heat should be more preferable lol. Really, he's been expected to win the title for the 5th year now, and he did it. That first trip to the finals where he bulldozed through Detroit just seemed to come out of nowhere. That epic performance just to get there started this giant load of expectations. And because of social media, he has had a hell of a lot of more attention/publicity than any other athlete ever.

But hey, like you said. You sign a 90$ million dollar shoe deal before turning 19, deal with it. And he's done a pretty good job for the most part.
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
Well said, but I think a pic of him with the Heat should be more preferable lol. Originally Posted by TheDon
Nah, pic of young Lebron alone in spot light with Cavs uni goes better with the contents. It was not chosen by accident. I thought it was perfect.
TheDon's Avatar
Nah, pic of young Lebron alone in spot light with Cavs uni goes better with the contents. It was not chosen by accident. I thought it was perfect. Originally Posted by One-Eyed Willy
Fair enough

But lets not forget about the rest of the Heatles. Team effort. But yeah. If you're not from Cleveland are ares still pissed at LBJ, you need to move on, his admitted his flaws and was humbled the last year.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I got to see Lebron play in high school in a summer league tournament in Chicago. I had read about him in SI but had no idea a teenager could play at that level. He dominated but seemed more interested in getting easy shots for his teammates. Some kid from Detroit undercut him on a dunk and he broke his wrist and missed part of the next high school season.

I'm so happy to see him get his first ring, but even without any rings he would go down in history as one of the all time greatest players. Right now he's in my top three with Wilt Chamberlain and Larry Bird. I know that's controversial, to leave out players like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Akeem, and Elgin Baylor from a best of all time list, but my list considers the ability to make the other four players on the court play above their abilities. I saw that unique ability that afternoon in Chicago, and even more of it in this season. He almost pulled it off in Cleveland, just didn't quite have a good enough supporting cast. I can't explain his poor performance in last year's finals, neither can he, but remember the Mavs had Dirk and were shooting lights out and popping 3's from all over the court.