I’m not a very political guy. That was never why I joined Eccie. I joined to get information to make better decisions about what escorts to spend my money on. Most the time I read the reviews or send a private message to a bud on here. When I’m killing time I’ll read some banter on my local board. Every blue moon I’ll drop in here for a laugh. Don’t think I’ve ever posted here but there’s always a first time I guess and this thread goaded me to post.
I B Hankering, you did it. You made me lose my cool and write this. Because you are a deceitful, lying douche bag. Every other poster I read eventually writes something clever, something insightful, or something humorous. The Blind Squirrel kind of thing, ya know. Except you. You rant, you rave, you make stupid insipid posts that nobody cares about. When you are called out you act like a pantywaist whining for his mommy. You don’t have the spine to admit when you’re wrong and the only defensive reply you seem capable of is either to cry like a baby or spit out comments that would make the Diceman blush. What a disgusting waste of electrons you are. Okay, jackass, you just demonstrated with your diarrhea post how much you don't "give a shit / care about" what is posted in this forum which makes your whole post the antithesis to what you claim, jackass. BTW, you're the one who is stupidly 'wrong' -- there was never was an avatar depicting a “homosexual blow-up doll” as Old-Turd fallaciously claims, so shut the fuck up, you ignorant, lying jackass.
You’ve been butt whipped so bad every time you open your mouth and the only person who can’t see it is you. I never replied because I saw no reason to pile on since any decent ring official would have stopped this slaughter long ago and I saw no purpose to pile on a defenseless moron. It's only in your pathetic, little dreams that you imagine Assup, yourself and Old-Turd are in any way superior. That you'd jump in and ally yourself with Assup speaks volumes to the nature of your degenerate character.
But you did it with your lies this time. You sure as hell did have a gay ass-fucking picture for your avatar, no matter how badly you want to shout you didn’t. The only thing I could never figure out was whether you were the gay guy doing the butt-fuck or the one getting it. I don’t care either way if your 99% gay. I don’t care if you were too stupid to realize what the picture said about you. I don’t care if you lose every fight on here by a unanimous 100-0 decision on every judge’s card. If you can stand the ridicule and embarrassment of being wrong every damn time you open your mouth and that’s your thing, more power to you. Now you've joined the ranks of the other liars making the same allegation. The really rewarding part is calling you, Assup and Old-Turd liars, because you KNOW you're liars when you make that allegation. "Homosexual, blow-up dolls" must be a particularly disgusting fetish that you dumb-ass, lying libetards enjoy.
Watching how you react to being poked in the eye with your own stick I’m sure you’ll come back with a 5 page tirade about how none of this is true, you are the divinely anointed truthsayer, and I’ve always hated you. But you know it’s not true. I’ve never taken sides in here and I don’t give a damn about politics most days of the year. But I hate whimps who don’t own up to their screw-ups. That avatar Old Guy says you had, YOU HAD You're a liar. "Homosexual, blow-up dolls" must be a particularly disgusting fetish that you dumb-ass, lying libetards enjoy. . Maybe you’re gay, maybe you’re not. Don’t care. Maybe you can convince yourself it had some deep satirical significance. Don’t care. But man-up and own your choice of a picture. You, Assup and Old-Turd are all liars. "Homosexual, blow-up dolls" must be a particularly disgusting fetish that you dumb-ass, lying libetards enjoy.
Damn you’re a disgusting coward. And you're just a full, fledged jackass that does nothing but lie. Originally Posted by TGBeldin
Another cut and paste job by the Duke of Dipshits."Cut and paste" is what you did, Assup, when you "cut and pasted" that picture from your personal photo album!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I doubt that. He just sounds like a sane individual who finds IBBabbling's posts to be childish, whining, and filthy.Damn, Old-Turd? You quit bragging about your co-dependency, your "OTC" -- "Off-The Cock" and "On-The-Computer" dates you have with providers -- and your degenerate and disgusting Old-Turd fantasies of deviant and filthy behavior with homosexual blow-up dolls and adult theaters?!? Gracious, gracious!!!
(Now watch IB come back with something witty like, "No, YOUR posts are whining!") Originally Posted by Old-T
That's a LIE! Ive never seen that my in my life!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup RiderAssup, you are incapable of posting nothing but lies.
how typically, IBSyndrome! Lurker comes in with an observation and IBCrying shits all over him like he does everybody else.Another steaming pile of bullshit from Assup! A lie is still a lie, Assup, regardless of whether it's your lying ass telling it or Old-Turd telling it. And as long as your using Odumbo as an avatar, Assup, no other "cartoons" are really necessary, you ignoramus: you're already broadcasting your ignorance.
Careful, TG, he'll be making cartoons about you, soon, too.
If anything, this dipshit is consistent.
and, I'll wager, he really is a jizz guzzler!
and that's no lie. Which I guess makes YOU the LIAR, IBCrying....
SO THERE! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You just stamp your little foot and call everybody a liar.No “foot-stomping” required, Assup. You, Old-Turd and the other moron are all liars, Assup. Old-Turd’s claim about an avatar with a “homosexual blow-up doll” is a lie, and he knows it. That’s what makes this so much fun – it’s great entertainment watching you jackasses make yourselves look even more stupidly ridiculous with your every post, Assup.
Maybe you ought to back down once in a while, and admit that not everybody tells lies about you. Maybe there's a kernel of truth in some of it. Maybe you really are a cocksucker and winner of the Golden Lips Award. Maybe you really are the most prolific DIPSHIT of the year.
Or maybe, just maybe, TGBeldin, who had never posted in this thread before, or any other thread in this forum, speaks for the thousands who just can't waste their time fucking with your happy ass.
It is for those untold thousands of ECCIE brothers and sisters that I am dutybound to help you over these compulsive outbursts you tend to have in every single post, whether it's calling people liars or denying everything anybody says about you... like you're a cocksucker.
We ALL know the difference. Why don't you?
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Old-Turd’s claim about an avatar with a “homosexual blow-up doll” is a lie, and he knows it. Originally Posted by I B HankeringWell then, why do you have such a difficult time telling us what it WAS?
Well then, why do you have such a difficult time telling us what it WAS?It's elementary, Old-Turd. Your allegations about a "homosexual blow-up doll" in an avatar are nothing more than lies based on your peverted personal fantasies, Old-Turd. Anyone else who makes the same claim is also a liar, Old-Turd. BTW, Assup is the one who posted a picture of a "blow-up doll". See @:
It is clear from the posts on here that it LOOKED like a Black devil with a pitchfork having anal sex with a blow-up doll. YOU (and only you) seem to think it was something else. I have asked you multiple times to enlighten us all with your interpretation of the significance of the avatar YOU selected.
The hypothesis is that it's a picture of you on either the giving or receiving end of a very gay sex scene. You have shouted out many times that it's a lie, but you have given no other plausible alternative. What else are we to believe?
By the way, didn't I warn TGB that your reply to anything you disagree with is "Lies", and whining? Yes, I believe I did. Or maybe I only focused on the whining. Yes, that was it. You are soooooo predictable, Buffoon. Originally Posted by Old-T
Assup mixes it up with his "playmate".
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The real question inquiering minds want to know: Which one is IB? Originally Posted by Old-TWhereas truly "intelligent minds" would know that it is neither since the photo is conspicuously from Assup's personal collection, Old-Turd.
Assup mixes it up with his "playmate".
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Assup is a fuck doll. Originally Posted by Yssup RiderYour peversions abound, Assup, but the picture and the doll are yours and yours alone, Assup.
a lying fucking donkey?You're the only one melting down, Assup. Seek more help, and don't let it get as bad as it was last time, Assup. That shock therapy in the institution last time probably made you forget, but here’s to helping you recall a real rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth melt-down over cartoons and pictures, Assup.
About what, pray tell?
You are starting to meltdown like the other three, er, four, er ... Not counting the Slunt who has finally left again... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider