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Social Media Purge Oct
16th. Q banished from
FB. Agenda 21 discussion - 1:32:26

Special Guest Martine Carlina founder of No Masks Saskatchewan joins The Angry Albertan to Discuss the current social media situation. We also talk about Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030.
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Sometimes good things come in a set of three. These make an interesting set:

  1. There are a couple traits about honey badgers I probably had forgotten, so I looked them up on Wikipedia:... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
  2. But wait! There's more!! The Left-tards are flailing and failing to label it all as - wait for it, wait for it - RUSSIA!!!! disinformation, via Politico. Of course, without any proof what so ever. Even Adam Shifty-Schiff is touting it - though we are still waiting on his clear evidence in plain sight from before... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
  3. A yet to be fully confirmed video supposedly from a Chinese Whistleblower Reveals Hunter Biden “Sex Tapes” Contain Video of Joe Biden’s Son Sexually ABUSING Multiple...
    1. No! It does not show any of what is mentioned, but puts in context the leverage potential of it
    2. I thing he's a big money playa from China, think billionaire.
    3. It does discuss the "three" as being hard drives, one of which is the Hunter Biden emails, which Twatter and Faceplant are fiercely censoring...
11 mins, with subtitles in English and Mandarin

The world, as most know it, is about to go parabolic?!?
I wonder what the surfing is like in a parabolic world

Bonus material:
I believe Jon Voit sums it up succinctly on this 2 min Biblical Twatter message.
Redhot1960's Avatar
Redhot1960's Avatar
Sometimes good things come in a set of three. These make an interesting set:

  1. A yet to be fully confirmed video supposedly from a Chinese Whistleblower Reveals Hunter Biden “Sex Tapes” Contain Video of Joe Biden’s Son Sexually ABUSING Multiple...
    1. No! It does not show any of what is mentioned, but puts in context the leverage potential of it
    2. I thing he's a big money playa from China, think billionaire.
    3. It does discuss the "three" as being hard drives, one of which is the Hunter Biden emails, which Twatter and Faceplant are fiercely censoring...
11 mins, with subtitles in English and Mandarin

The world, as most know it, is about to go parabolic?!?
I wonder what the surfing is like in a parabolic world

Bonus material:
I believe Jon Voit sums it up succinctly on this 2 min Biblical Twatter message. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Redhot1960's Avatar
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dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Sometimes good things come in a set of three. These make an interesting set:

  1. A yet to be fully confirmed video supposedly from a Chinese Whistleblower Reveals Hunter Biden “Sex Tapes” Contain Video of Joe Biden’s Son Sexually ABUSING Multiple...
    1. No! It does not show any of what is mentioned, but puts in context the leverage potential of it
    2. I thing he's a big money playa from China, think billionaire.
    3. It does discuss the "three" as being hard drives, one of which is the Hunter Biden emails, which Twatter and Faceplant are fiercely censoring...
11 mins, with subtitles in English and Mandarin

The world, as most know it, is about to go parabolic?!?
I wonder what the surfing is like in a parabolic world

Bonus material:
I believe Jon Voit sums it up succinctly on this 2 min Biblical Twatter message. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

not really surprised by what the CCP was doing. 15 years ago, I was reading an article about chinese corruption and how they were cracking down. it went on to showcase some high profile commie leaders got jailed, others executed. it mentioned that there was blackmail involved.

I figured that it was only a matter of time when Xi used the art of corruption to a new level and that was with the New Silk Road Belt vision which involved entrapping as many countries as possible in bad deals; blackmail and entrapment were key to this.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
1 Originally Posted by Redhot1960

pretty woman. id boink her too!
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