Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Looks like Manchin and Jones are shaping up as potential Democrat Senator votes to acquit already.

Merry Christmas and Happy Acquittal New Year Originally Posted by eccielover
Not surprising at all. Since there is no way Senate convicts Trump, Democratic Senators have to look out for themselves. Jones is unlikely to be reelected in Alabama and if he voted for conviction that would be another nail in his coffin. Joe Manchin is not up for reelection for a long time but he might consider it in his best interests to support Trump at this point in time.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Right , the dim-wit just showed there true colors
But you Bozo brains can’t see it. Trump has fooled all of you with his lies and corruption.
Better start learning Russian. You’re going to need it Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
Irrational Left Wing Small Minded TDS'er.


Rational Left Leaning Pragmatist Poster.

Not surprising at all. Since there is no way Senate convicts Trump, Democratic Senators have to look out for themselves. Jones is unlikely to be reelected in Alabama and if he voted for conviction that would be another nail in his coffin. Joe Manchin is not up for reelection for a long time but he might consider it in his best interests to support Trump at this point in time. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
rexdutchman's Avatar
And Still no answer
We are in the weeds , 3 questions the LSM has forgot about ?
1) IF there was a Quid pro quo was that illegal ?
2) Why are all the "witnesses " (3 hand opinions) disgruntled employees or fired ?
3) Hunters dealings ?
That's the whole base of the investigation
Funny how simple question are to difficult for the Distortion of fact fairy tales
And abuse of power really talk about distortion of facts ,,,,,
  • oeb11
  • 12-23-2019, 08:13 AM
EL - agreed.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Aww, you sound mad again bro.

Fun to watch the meltdown continue. Originally Posted by eccielover
Meltdown? You obviously haven’t been following the supreme leader’s Twitter account, day after day of sniveling about how unfair his impeachment is, while he constantly spews Russian propaganda to his Cult even though his lies have been debunked over and over.

It’s your supreme leader in meltdown mode. Me, I’m waiting for the trial of your supreme leader to be Whitewashed so the next round can begin.
Jaxson66's Avatar
White House official directed hold on Ukraine aid shortly after Trump’s July 25 call with Zelensky

An official from the White House budget office directed the Defense Department to “hold off” on sending military aid to Ukraine less than two hours after President Trump’s controversial phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, according to internal emails.

Michael Duffey, a senior budget official, told Pentagon officials that Trump had become personally interested in the Ukraine aid and had ordered the hold, according to the heavily redacted emails, obtained by the Center for Public Integrity on Friday in response to a Freedom of Information Act request. He also asked the Pentagon not to discuss the hold widely.

But, but, but the perfect transcript about the perfect call released by the perfect supreme leader cried the Cult
  • oeb11
  • 12-23-2019, 08:45 AM
j666 is so good at projecting the cult of DPST narrative!
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, J666
Jaxson66's Avatar
How a Putin ally is aiding Giuliani in Ukraine

FOR MORE than 15 years, Dmytro Firtash has been a central player in Vladimir Putin’s campaign to gain control over Ukraine’s political system and economy. For several years in the 2000s, and again in the 2010s, Mr. Firtash pocketed billions by acting as a middleman for the Russian state company Gazprom in sales of gas to Ukraine. According to a 2014 Reuters investigation, a bank controlled by close Putin associates lent him billions more. Mr. Firtash used the money to buy up gas infrastructure inside Ukraine, as well as petrochemical companies, and to bankroll a Putin-controlled politician, Viktor Yanukovych, who became president in 2010.

After Mr. Yanukovych was overthrown by a popular uprising and fled to Russia, then-Vice President Joe Biden pushed Ukraine to adopt reforms cutting middlemen such as Mr. Firtash out of the gas business. But the oligarch retained his Moscow connections: When he was arrested in Austria in 2014 on U.S. criminal charges, Mr. Firtash paid his $155 million bail with a loan from Vasily Anisimov, a member of Mr. Putin’s inner circle.

Now Mr. Firtash is emerging as a key collaborator in the effort by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani to dig up dirt on Mr. Biden. Last week a U.S. federal prosecutor told a court that Mr. Firtash was the source of a $1 million transfer last September to the wife of Lev Parnas, who was working closely with Mr. Giuliani on the Biden affair until he was arrested in October.

Mr. Parnas’s lawyer told the New York Times that Mr. Giuliani dispatched Mr. Parnas and another associate, Igor Fruman, to solicit Mr. Firtash’s help in obtaining dirt on Mr. Biden. They urged him to hire two lawyers close to Mr. Trump who were already working with Mr. Giuliani, Victoria Toensing and Joseph DiGenova. Mr. Firtash has paid them $1.2 million to help him fight a U.S. extradition request, including rewarding Mr. Parnas with a referral fee of $200,000, according to the Times.

Since then, an affidavit in Mr. Firtash’s case has appeared from a former Ukrainian prosecutor alleging wrongdoing by Mr. Biden. Mr. Giuliani has promoted the document, even though the charges in it have been shown to be false.
Redhot1960's Avatar
rexdutchman's Avatar
If you don't know we the US has been helping Russia for years Just think of billarys Russian re-set, urainmum one the bidens sooooooooooo so what I don't what my tax dollars going to ukrain or any other place , so the question still is what Qud/and Pro ?
Meltdown? You obviously haven’t been following the supreme leader’s Twitter account, day after day of sniveling about how unfair his impeachment is, while he constantly spews Russian propaganda to his Cult even though his lies have been debunked over and over.

It’s your supreme leader in meltdown mode. Me, I’m waiting for the trial of your supreme leader to be Whitewashed so the next round can begin. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
It's funny, the left has railed on and on about Trumps tweets since day 1. And now they feel they can denote a meltdown mode in them.

Seems like most of their projection - nothing more than wishful thinking, while they are melting down, getting angry, spewing bullshit, comparing Trump to Hitler in their small little minds.
Jaxson66's Avatar
When Trump confronts scandal, projection remains his go-to move

Viva la Whistleblower
Jaxson66's Avatar
House Democrats say in court filings new impeachment charges possible

In the first case, House Democrats are asking the court to enforce a subpoena for Donald McGahn, who lawmakers have said is the “most important” witness in whether Trump obstructed justice in special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

The second case involves the House’s effort to gain access to certain secret grand jury material from Mueller’s probe.

Good, lube the big dildo up Nancy and ream that fat lying bastards ass.
Jaxson66's Avatar
New evidence for impeachment keeps turning up. That’s why we need witnesses.

An email the government had tried to hide but was forced to hand over in a lawsuit shows precisely why testimony from a crucial witness like the Office of Management and Budget’s Michael Duffey can still add critical details to our collective understanding of Trump’s Ukraine misdeeds. Duffey’s email reveals stunning illegality at the direct behest of the White House. It’s no surprise that he’s one of the four witnesses Senate Democrats have asked to testify, even before the email was released. The email underscores just how essential it is to have Trump’s impeachment trial work like any other trial does: with the presentation of evidence.

The fat lying bastard can’t keep the drip, drip, drip of facts leaking out.

Viva La Whistleblower