Don't make the REAL AMERICANS angry

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The thing about that guy is that A) He's a billionaire, B) Chinese, C) Seems to be a point person for moving a lot of Chinese money (his, Xi's and others) around and investing in US things and elsewhere. That is what is purported to be on the drive image he brought with him, i.e. the book keeper, if you've ever watched any old Mafia movies

not really surprised by what the CCP was doing. 15 years ago, I was reading an article about chinese corruption and how they were cracking down. it went on to showcase some high profile commie leaders got jailed, others executed. it mentioned that there was blackmail involved.

I figured that it was only a matter of time when Xi used the art of corruption to a new level and that was with the New Silk Road Belt vision which involved entrapping as many countries as possible in bad deals; blackmail and entrapment were key to this. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
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Let's take care of this problem now... 1:30:00
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I always struggled with word problems in math until someone taught me the simple trick of using a table, aka matrix, to lay it out. Plus that whole notion of gematria never really made sense to me. So slogging through an equation that involves both is mind boggling and nearly impossible for me and frankly, makes most Americans Angry and frustrated.

Here's an example:
((((((Hunter's laptop contents - Russia disinformation) + multiple validations of the contents from multiple sources) * multiple bank accounts through shell companies) * multiple foreign countries participation) * multiple large sums of $$) / by Joe-mentia Hiden's 10 %) and run the result through gematria to get the end result = H-E-S- -F-U-C-K-E-D

Back in the day, I would never have been able to solve that equation
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Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Cross posting here for Real Americans, so it doesn't get lost in the dross of the idiot-class. But I mean that in a good way

As opposed to totally compromised, corrupt, self-serving and financially invested professional politicians?!? Thanks but no.

I know this is way too hard for most to slog through.

Take a gander at Balding's World website.
The full report called Project Time is 64 pages and goes into gory detail, but it does contain some pretty pictures of the key players and how they all tie together. It ain't no little laptop porn and rant stuff. This was professional research put together and validated. Basically it is the depth of the ocean that that little laptop dingy is floating upon ... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
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Cross posting here for Real Americans, so it doesn't get lost in the dross of the idiot-class. But I mean that in a good way Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Reading it now, Thanks

In the Mean Time, watch this... about 25 min when you skip the breaks
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dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Cross posting here for Real Americans, so it doesn't get lost in the dross of the idiot-class. But I mean that in a good way Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

he doesn't like Trump and thats over immigration issues.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
he doesn't like Trump and thats over immigration issues. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

That report, handed to a seasoned prosecutor of RICO crimes (I wonder what Rudy's calendar looks like these days?), would save person-years of research. And that's not counting the recent hard drive dumps, which would essentially amount to cooberating evidence. Only point in having an actual trial is in case someone, wanting to reduce their own sentence, was ready to initiate ye olde circular firing squad against their former peeps - presumably because they didn't get as a big a cut of the goodies as the rest did..
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October 25, 2020

Forget the Hunter Biden sex tapes. The real news is much bigger than that.

By Andrea Widburg

GTV, a Chinese dissident billionaire’s Taiwan-based media outlet, is releasing sordid, depressing videos and photographs of a person purported to be Hunter Biden engaging in sex and seemingly smoking crack. That’s not the big news. The big news is that the same outlet claims that (a) Communist China owns Joe Biden; (b) Joe Biden sold out CIA assets in China who were then executed or imprisoned; and (c) GTV has millions of images showing other presumably influential people in comprising positions. If all this is true, we may see a complete realignment in Western politics.

The Hunter Biden videos and images are at GTV’s video site. I won’t give the link here because the material is pornographic. However, the following are two cropped pictures. In both, the person appearng to be Hunter is naked and with a woman. In the second picture, Hunter appears to be lighting a crack pipe while engaged in sexual activity with the woman:
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Guo is an eccentric.... prolly why he got into trouble with china.