Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

LexusLover's Avatar

It’s your supreme leader in meltdown mode. Me, I’m waiting for the trial of your supreme leader to be Whitewashed so the next round can begin. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The last gasp!

If I recall correctly, there have now been five gasps! All failed.

"The Trial"? So far it's just been a lynching! Guess what?

The rope broke!
LexusLover's Avatar
If you don't know we the US has been helping Russia for years ..... Originally Posted by rexdutchman
... and the Russians been helping the U.S.

Jaxson66's Avatar
The last gasp!

If I recall correctly, there have now been five gasps! All failed.

"The Trial"? So far it's just been a lynching! Guess what?

The rope broke! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Like I haven’t heard that from you before, aren’t you the guy claiming the Russian election interference was a lie six months ago?

It’s you who’s parroting the supreme leader calling the impeachment a hoax and Nancy didn’t have the balls to impeachment your golden calf.

It’s you and your Cult leader who insist the Senate whitewash the fat lying bastards trial.

Should I post some of your ignorant fucking remarks from the past....

Like I told you six months ago, this shit won’t be over until the fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office is gone. By whatever means necessary.
Redhot1960's Avatar
Like I haven’t heard that from you before, aren’t you the guy claiming the Russian election interference was a lie six months ago?

It’s you who’s parroting the supreme leader calling the impeachment a hoax and Nancy didn’t have the balls to impeachment your golden calf.

It’s you and your Cult leader who insist the Senate whitewash the fat lying bastards trial.

Should I post some of your ignorant fucking remarks from the past....

Like I told you six months ago, this shit won’t be over until the fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office is gone. By whatever means necessary. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

HoeHummer's Avatar
Well yous got the blind and hairless part right, Ozombies!
LexusLover's Avatar
.....aren’t you the guy claiming the Russian election interference was a lie six months ago?
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
No. I've never said that or posted such on Eccie. But you keep lying about other folks like you lie about yourself, if that makes you feel better!!! And while you are making up shit about people, I've never said there is no such thing as "climate change"!!!!

You are certainly "behind" again! Obaminable should have cleaned up the Russian interference with the U.S. elections ... oh, wait!!!! YOUR SUPREME (sic) LEADER rubbed a thigh to "getter done"!

Instead Obaminable and his whore HillariousNoMore weaponized the Russian bullshit!

After she got the shit kicked out of her in November 2016.

But that's what you do .... LIE! Along with HoesHummer!
Jaxson66's Avatar
It’s a good possibility I have mistaken you for another devout Cult45 member. You all spew the same horse shit and I have neither the time or inclination to research your thousands of post to expose your horse shit.

Btw. That’s a lot of exclamation marks in your silly little post, what’s wrong, you running low on Vagisil or melting down
rexdutchman's Avatar
Crimes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,
It’s a good possibility I have mistaken you for another Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Yeah, you seem to be confusing posters, facts, and details quite a bit lately in your zeal to bring down Trump.

No wonder you are so simpatico with Schiff, Nadler, and Pelosi.

Jaxson66's Avatar
Newly revealed emails show why Trump should fear a real Senate trial

An official from the White House budget office directed the Defense Department to “hold off” on sending military aid to Ukraine less than two hours after President Trump’s controversial phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, according to internal emails.

Michael Duffey, a senior budget official, told Pentagon officials that Trump had become personally interested in the Ukraine aid and had ordered the hold, according to the heavily redacted emails, obtained by the Center for Public Integrity on Friday in response to a Freedom of Information Act request. He also asked the Pentagon not to discuss the hold widely.

Given the sensitive nature of the request, I appreciate your keeping that information closely held to those who need to know to execute the direction,” Duffey wrote in a July 25 email to Pentagon Comptroller Elaine McCusker and others.

This directly undermines the justification Trump’s defenders have so often offered for holding up the aid: that it was not to coerce Ukraine into helping Trump’s reelection campaign but was merely a product of Trump’s passionate commitment to fighting corruption (please stop laughing).

But, but, but the perfect transcript of the perfect call released by the perfect president cried the trump party.
HoeHummer's Avatar
At least he read a deeplys religious message for Christmas that someones from a “friendly” church wrote for him.

Maybe that was part of the deal with the anti-fucking preachers in the Great White South

Or maybe now Trump will have to renounce Santa...
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yeah, you seem to be confusing posters...

Originally Posted by bambino
That’s no lie! You confused the shit out of the one below!

Crimes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, Originally Posted by oebsy
Jaxson66's Avatar
Could Democrats impeach Trump twice? They might have to.

This question has come up because of a court case involving former White House counsel Don McGahn, who defied a subpoena from the House Judiciary Committee to give testimony regarding the shocking findings of Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation into the Russia scandal.

While Democrats had many questions they wanted McGahn to answer, there was particular interest in one episode that seemed a clear case of obstruction of justice. According to Mueller’s report, in 2017 Trump ordered McGahn to fire Mueller, and McGahn refused and threatened to resign. Then later, Trump ordered McGahn to lie publicly about a newspaper article that accurately recounted the fact that Trump had told him to fire Mueller. Finally, Trump tried to get McGahn to create a false paper trail claiming that his order to fire Mueller had never occurred.

But in a filing to the court of appeals on Monday, lawyers for the committee said this:
If McGahn’s testimony produces new evidence supporting the conclusion that President Trump committed impeachable offenses that are not covered by the Articles approved by the House, the Committee will proceed accordingly — including, if necessary, by considering whether to recommend new articles of impeachment.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Looks like your fine Senators are beginning to have some doubts...if you agree, then send friendly Fred a PM! LOLLING!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Lie of the Year 2019: Donald Trump’s claim whistleblower got Ukraine call 'almost completely wrong'

The distinction is awarded to a statement that is more than ridiculous and wrong. The Lie of the Year — the only time PolitiFact uses the word "lie" — speaks to a falsehood that proves to be of real consequence and gets repeated in a virtual campaign to undermine an accurate narrative.

The whistleblower, who to Trump’s consternation remains unidentified, raised the concern that the president’s actions leading up to and on that phone call amount to interference in the coming presidential election. Agree or disagree with the conclusion, or whether the president’s conduct warrants impeachment, the actions described in the complaint stand up to factual scrutiny.

The claim that the whistleblower got his phone call "almost completely wrong" is PolitiFact’s 2019 Lie of the Year.

I don’t call him “fat lying bastard “ for nothing.