NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

TheDon's Avatar
Holy shit, Bret Hartmann- cut. Daryll Sharpton on PUP, Randy Bulluck on IR? o.O
Is it me just noticing the Schaub doesn't have the arm strength and deep ball accuracy he once had??? Were it not for Andre adjusting on that one deep throw, that would have been an interception for sure.. Originally Posted by Easye
I was wondering about that myself and I thought that was the case the first few games last year also.

However, good game against the Saints.

If their defense plays like it can, Schaub just has to be good, not great.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-02-2012, 01:33 PM
I'm really glad the Texans decided to keep Holiiday. It gives us a threat on kickoffs and punts....& saves Mannimg and Johnson...

I was a bit sad to see them waive Case and get rid of Troy Nolan. At least Case is on the practice squad but Nolan has been picked up by the Dolphins (who we play first)... I just hope he doesn't come back to haunt us.

It looks like Butler is out for the year (torn biceps) so our right side of the line is a bit shaky again...
TheDon's Avatar
Not worried about the Phins, they're going to probably be terrible this year. And I don't think Hard Knocks did them any favors, everyone now knows how bad their talent roster/coaching is. I really see no upside being on that show. Rex Ryan and the Jets I think were the only team that has come across looking good on the show. Really glad the Texans declined being on the show for last year (or whenever it was offered...)

Nolan was surprising, glad he didn't get traded to the Bears though, I think they would have benefited more from him than they are with Shane McManis. Hopefully that FB we got is decent.

Posey looked good with that TD catch the other night, just plowed right through the guys, great yards after contact.
BigLouie's Avatar
Lots of people starting to pick the Texans as Super Bowl candiates. SI and CBS Sports have Texans one of the favorites to make it.
Lots of people starting to pick the Texans as Super Bowl candiates. SI and CBS Sports have Texans one of the favorites to make it. Originally Posted by BigLouie
In my opinion, as long as Schaub and Dre remain healthy, the Texans have as good of a chance to make it to the Super Bowl as any team in the AFC. Without them I suspect it will be another long season!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-05-2012, 08:20 AM
Well the season officially kicks off tonight with the Giants vs The Girls...

It should be a good game....(I hope)...

It looks like a lot of writers have penciled in the Texans in the Superbowl or AFC Championship game. Health will obviously play a big role in how much that will come true. Sunday can't get here fast enough....I'm ready to tailgate right now...
Let's go Baby!!!! I want to see Tannehill on his back knocked the fuck out!!! I suspect the Dolphins will try to pound the rock with the run game, that's what coach Daddio would do!!! I think that may still be our only defensive weakness(well besides mfing KJ). The run D will be shored up by the return of the JJ Watt so I am not to worried. The Dolphins do have a good O line.

Can't Wait!!!
TheDon's Avatar
So the Texans are 13.5 point favorites, this is around the same number Houston was favored by last season against Indy. And I'm going to say the same thing now that I said last year, I like Houston by at least 20...

I think tonight might be bad for Cowboy fans, that Giants front four could potentially rape that O-line of Dallas, should be interesting, surprised NY is only 3.5 point favorites.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-05-2012, 04:30 PM
...And not a peep from one Cowgirl fan.....hello? Easye? Ike? Mixshow? WTF fellas?!!! Lmao....
TheDon's Avatar
I bet some of them don't even know that there is a game on, can't blame them though. Wednesday is pretty random to start the season.
Mixshowdj's Avatar
Cowboys 1-0......looks like a completely different cowboys team from last year. Easy,thank u for stealing DeMarco from my fantasy team,but I will accept a spare cowboy home ticket,as a consolation prize.....hahaha.........
TheDon's Avatar
Yeah, that game surprised me. I mean, it isn't uncommon for the Giants to not show up for a game, but that Cowboys O-line looked terrible in the start. But props to Romo for bringing them back.

I didn't think this should have been the game to start the season, tonight proved it, even thought it was competitive, there was some pretty bad football. Would have loved to have seen the Giants take on the Saints or Packs instead.

But they did show this which was awesome: FUCK YEAH:

Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-06-2012, 08:59 AM
A nice win like that and no cowgirl fans show up to gloat?!!! WTF!?
TransAm's Avatar
The only thing last night's game showed me was the fallacy of paying too much attention to pre-season predictions. I didn't think there was ANY way Dallas could win that game, and I'm still amazed at how bad the Giants looked for long stretches. The pass rush was there, but they never figured out that all they were doing was flushing Romo out. Kept waiting for them to go to a contain scheme, but it just didn't happen.

Can't wait for Sunday. Dolphin steaks, anyone?