Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

I B Hankering's Avatar
Jaxson66's Avatar
Lie of the Year 2019: Donald Trump’s claim whistleblower got Ukraine call 'almost completely wrong'

The distinction is awarded to a statement that is more than ridiculous and wrong. The Lie of the Year — the only time PolitiFact uses the word "lie" — speaks to a falsehood that proves to be of real consequence and gets repeated in a virtual campaign to undermine an accurate narrative.

The whistleblower, who to Trump’s consternation remains unidentified, raised the concern that the president’s actions leading up to and on that phone call amount to interference in the coming presidential election. Agree or disagree with the conclusion, or whether the president’s conduct warrants impeachment, the actions described in the complaint stand up to factual scrutiny.

The claim that the whistleblower got his phone call "almost completely wrong" is PolitiFact’s 2019 Lie of the Year.

I don’t call him “fat lying bastard “ for nothing. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Like I said on the last page he’s a fat lying bastard.
  • oeb11
  • 12-28-2019, 11:08 AM
Why do the clueless generate so much CO2 and useless bandwidth. ???
Happy New Year!!! To All.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Why do the clueless generate so much CO2 and useless bandwidth. ???
Happy New Year!!! To All. Originally Posted by oeb11
Because yous suck. !!!

Greats fucking question oebsy. Yous are getting yourselves confused, eh!
LexusLover's Avatar
Because yous suck. !!! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
I detect the stench of jealousy. Is that why you pretended to leave the country and move to Canada .... ? Or did you think the Canadian ladies would drop their thongs for you? Psssst.... it wasn't your "nationality" that stopped them. Those Canadian babes don't like the pansy French guys, so what makes you think they'd like you more?
Jaxson66's Avatar
Why do the clueless generate so much CO2 and useless bandwidth. ???
Happy New Year!!! To All. Originally Posted by oeb11
Probably because they continue to chase Hillary emails or the elusive server.
Happy impeachment year 2020
HoeHummer's Avatar
Do yous think maybe Trump’s paranoia is fueling the continued wild goose chase? Or is it one of his advisors who’s playing Trump’s paranoia?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
A Gangster in the White House

Impeaching a president whose party holds a majority in the Senate obviously presents many grave practical difficulties. But Trump’s post-Christmas mania confirms House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s prediction that Trump would impeach himself.

Donald Trump will not be bound by any rule, even after he has been caught. He is unrepentant and determined to break the rules again—in part by punishing those who try to enforce them. He is a president with the mind of a gangster, and as long as he is in office, he will head a gangster White House.

  • oeb11
  • 12-28-2019, 04:09 PM
Donald Trump will not be bound by any rule, even after he has been caught. He is unrepentant and determined to break the rules again—in part by punishing those who try to enforce them. He is a president with the mind of a gangster, and as long as he is in office, he will head a gangster White House.

Amazing how the DPST's purport to read minds with their motive attributions.

Reality - it is projection - they describe themselves and the House impeachment process to a "T" .

"T"wo of the biggest "gangsters" in modern politics are the Clintons.

Well described, 9500. H... is running - and I predict will be the DPST nominee again!!

Thank you dead muses.
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump is the only one who can oust him from office. That's what's hilarious.

Even more hilarious than this....VVVVV
Jaxson66's Avatar
6 Trump associates have been convicted in Mueller-related investigations
Jaxson66's Avatar
Trump retweets a post naming the alleged whistleblower

On Friday night, Trump shared a Twitter post from @surfermom77, who describes herself as “100% Trump supporter,” with his 68 million followers. That tweet prominently named the alleged whistleblower and suggested that he had committed perjury.

The Twitter feed for @surfermom77, who identifies herself as “Sophia” on the social media site, is a daily stream of pro-Trump and anti-Democrat memes and propaganda. In 2016, the account shared the false conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama was a Muslim.

In the days after Christmas, Trump retweeted more than a dozen posts from users affiliated with QAnon, the conspiracy theory that there is a “deep state” secretly plotting to take down Trump. The FBI has identified QAnon as a potential domestic terrorism threat.

The trump party has to be the most ignorant and gullible party in America’s history to believe the horse shit that fat lying bastard shovels.
LexusLover's Avatar
6 Trump associates have been convicted in Mueller-related investigations
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Out of how many "associates" of his? Oh, .....

... how many were "convicted" of "colluding with the Russians" to defeat HillariousNoMore in the 2016 election? ... aka "The Mueller-related investigation"?

I look forward to the Obaminable Body Count from the INVESTIGATIONS of the Conspiracy to Defeat Trump and Overturn the Trump Victory and Presidency that is ongoing!!!
Jaxson66's Avatar
QAnon[a] (/kjuːəˈnɒn/) is a far-right conspiracy theory detailing a supposed secret plot by an alleged "deep state" against U.S. President Donald Trump and his supporters. The theory began with an October 2017 post on the anonymous imageboard 4chan by someone using the name Q, a presumably American individual that may have later grown to include multiple people, claiming to have access to classified information involving the Trump administration and its opponents in the United States