Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

HoeHummer's Avatar
So good buddy, is that an endorsements of the conspiracy theory or what?

Must be great for some of yous to know that yous could be in the same room with your nation’s revered leader and be the smartest dude in the room!

The only thing I’d worry about if I was in the room with Trump is what if Melania couldnt stop eyefucking me in front of her arsehole of a husband. Her eyes would give her away. You know how she loves Canadians...

I B Hankering's Avatar
QAnon[a] (/kjuːəˈnɒn/) is a far-right conspiracy theory detailing a supposed secret plot by an alleged "deep state" against U.S. President Donald Trump and his supporters. The theory began with an October 2017 post on the anonymous imageboard 4chan by someone using the name Q, a presumably American individual that may have later grown to include multiple people, claiming to have access to classified information involving the Trump administration and its opponents in the United States Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Bullshit. It's no "conspiracy theory" that Odumbo's deep state minions in the U.S. intelligence agencies used bogus documents and news reports to secure illegal search warrants from a federal court to spy on the Trump campaign in 2016. It's no "conspiracy theory" that nearly a dozen of Odumbo's "deep state" malefactors have been fired, demoted and/or removed from their positions because of their malfeasance. That's all documented fact.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Fireds by whom, Hanksy?
Jaxson66's Avatar
Conspiracy theories like QAnon could fuel 'extremist' violence, FBI says

The FBI has identified prominent conspiracy theories, including the sprawling rightwing hoax known as QAnon, as motivators for “domestic extremists” to carry out violence in the US.

The warning comes from an agency bulletin produced by the FBI’s Phoenix field office, first reported by Yahoo News. It states that “anti-government, identity based, and fringe political conspiracy theories very likely motivate some domestic extremists, wholly or in part, to engage in criminal or violent activity”.

The bulletin warns that “certain conspiracy theory narratives tacitly support or legitimize violent action”, and that “some, but not all individuals or domestic extremists who hold such beliefs will act on them”.

It further warns that conspiracy theories will continue to spread and incite violence unless social media companies make “significant efforts” to “remove, regulate, or counter potentially harmful conspiratorial content”.
Conspiracy theories like QAnon could fuel 'extremist' violence, FBI says

The FBI has identified prominent conspiracy theories, including the sprawling rightwing hoax known as QAnon, as motivators for “domestic extremists” to carry out violence in the US.

The warning comes from an agency bulletin produced by the FBI’s Phoenix field office, first reported by Yahoo News. It states that “anti-government, identity based, and fringe political conspiracy theories very likely motivate some domestic extremists, wholly or in part, to engage in criminal or violent activity”.

The bulletin warns that “certain conspiracy theory narratives tacitly support or legitimize violent action”, and that “some, but not all individuals or domestic extremists who hold such beliefs will act on them”.

It further warns that conspiracy theories will continue to spread and incite violence unless social media companies make “significant efforts” to “remove, regulate, or counter potentially harmful conspiratorial content”. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You want actual domestic violence.

Join the chant, I know you want to.

"AN-TI-FA" - "AN-TI-FA" - "AN-TI-FA"
I B Hankering's Avatar
Fireds by whom, Hanksy? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
That you don't know says much about you.
HoeHummer's Avatar
That yous won’t say his name says much about you, Hanksy.
Jaxson66's Avatar
You want actual domestic violence.

Join the chant, I know you want to.

"AN-TI-FA" - "AN-TI-FA" - "AN-TI-FA" Originally Posted by eccielover
Armed Militias Are Taking Trump’s Civil War Tweets Seriously

It might seem tempting to dismiss this language as of a piece with President Trump’s typical Twitter rhetoric. But it is worth paying particular attention to this tweet—because among the people who read it were militia groups enthusiastic about exactly what Trump portended. And while no violence has yet resulted from the president’s tweet, it would be foolish to underestimate the power of Trump’s comments to call rogue militias to action, particularly if there is an impeachment and he continues to use this rhetoric to fan the flames. In the days after his civil war tweet, he went on to use similarly incendiary language, referring to impeachment proceedings as a “COUP.”
I B Hankering's Avatar
That yous won’t say his name says much about you, Hanksy. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
The fact that you don't know that multiple individuals were involved in removing or demoting Odumbo's "deep state" minions says much, much more about you and your quest to remain ignorant and uninformed.
LexusLover's Avatar
Armed Militias Are Taking Trump’s Civil War Tweets Seriously Originally Posted by Jaxson66
They've been resting ..... VVVVVVV

... "Bring It" .... Captain America!!!!!!!!
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Some senior administration officials worried that by defying a law ordering that the funds be spent within a defined period, Trump was asking the officials involved to take an action that was not merely unwise but flatly illegal.

A president cannot simply ignore Congress’s direction, no matter how inconvenient or unappealing that instruction might be. If funds are withheld or shifted elsewhere, this cannot be done in secret, and Congress must approve.
Not reporting the delay was a seperate violation. Let alone holding the funds.

Not reporting the delay was a seperate violation. Let alone holding the funds. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
LOL...I am literally laughing out loud if anyone thinks that line of bullshit is any justification for an impeachment of the POTUS.

You are literally talking about maybe 10 days where the funds "possibly" should have been dispersed by law and they weren't. The basic law stated dispersed by Sept 30th, which they were. The 45 day vs actual 55 day is laughable in the grand scheme of things and is also questionable at best.

It's hilarious watching the left do back spins to nail Trump and keep failing in the process.
Jaxson66's Avatar
So it goes in Trump’s America. Not a week goes by without fresh evidence of President Trump’s total disregard for the rule of law and the guardrails of a functioning democracy. He pardons war criminals because Fox News told him to. He takes the position that the president is impervious to accountability for possible crimes. He profits from domestic and foreign interests who book his hotels and golf at his courses. He shakes down foreign leaders in exchange for personal favors, calls on foreign adversaries to meddle in U.S. elections, incites violence among his supporters, and demands loyalty from those around him in office, even if that means ignoring a legal subpoena.

But Trump exists in a different realm. He thinks he is the law, an untouchable and all-knowing sovereign. Reality bends to his will. He stands in front of the American people and tells them to believe the opposite of what they see and hear, tells them that he alone can fix what’s broken in American politics.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Nothing in this universe is more repugnant or hypocritical than a fucking dim-retard standing on his/her soapbox shouting about the "rule of law".
Jaxson66's Avatar
Thing is, the support of Trump in Texas — and I speak specifically of my region, East Texas — goes beyond the smart and the not so smart, the educated and the uneducated. It is more a result of what I like to call the happily stupid; the ones who hold stupid views by choice, not due to lack of intelligence, but due to a kind of tribalism. Facts that interfere with their version of the world are there to be ignored…Trump has provided a dark, dank hole into which these folks can dump whatever it is they’re mad about…

“Most of what Trump is selling shouldn’t convince a distracted 12-year-old, and certainly it’s hard to see how a conniving real estate tycoon represents the average person, but those are the people he has made the greatest inroads with…Trump could have unhealthy relations with a dying donkey on the White House lawn and they would see it as him being refreshingly politically incorrect, and isn’t there a chance that donkey could have illegally crossed the border from Mexico and got what it deserved?

“They have decided to hear what they want to hear and dismiss the rest. But this isn’t as new as some suggest. What appeals to the Trump supporter is what has long appealed to the Republican party. Before, it was thinly concealed, like a cheap coat of whitewash over bathroom graffiti. No longer. Now we know for certain what’s written on the wall, and what has been going on in the basement. Trump is the Frankenstein monster Republicans have been tinkering with all these years, and now It’s Alive! and running amok…

“It’s a jungle out there. At least, to hear the Republicans tell it. But what it’s really about, in earthier conservative circles, is a chance for people to feel important, to think they are standing on the lines of freedom, fighting back the zombie hordes. What drives these folks is fear; but for many, it’s a delicious fear…

“Fear sells, and it stimulates. Trump and his cronies constantly tell us, without actual facts, how bad crime is and how evil all foreigners are…and you better build that bunker and stock up, because if you don’t, all you’ll have for protection from the certain rise of crazed liberals is harsh language. This is a world so many conservative Republicans feel they can control. A frightened world. A world where the happily stupid, bless their little hearts, can thrive within their own fear-based mythology.”