Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Thing is, the support of Trump in Texas — and I speak specifically of my region, East Texas — goes beyond the smart and the not so smart, the educated and the uneducated. It is more a result of what I like to call the happily stupid; the ones who hold stupid views by choice, not due to lack of intelligence, but due to a kind of tribalism. Facts that interfere with their version of the world are there to be ignored…Trump has provided a dark, dank hole into which these folks can dump whatever it is they’re mad about…

“Most of what Trump is selling shouldn’t convince a distracted 12-year-old, and certainly it’s hard to see how a conniving real estate tycoon represents the average person, but those are the people he has made the greatest inroads with…Trump could have unhealthy relations with a dying donkey on the White House lawn and they would see it as him being refreshingly politically incorrect,

and isn’t there a chance that donkey could have illegally crossed the border from Mexico and got what it deserved?

“They have decided to hear what they want to hear and dismiss the rest. But this isn’t as new as some suggest. What appeals to the Trump supporter is what has long appealed to the Republican party. Before, it was thinly concealed, like a cheap coat of whitewash over bathroom graffiti. No longer. Now we know for certain what’s written on the wall, and what has been going on in the basement. Trump is the Frankenstein monster Republicans have been tinkering with all these years, and now It’s Alive! and running amok…

“It’s a jungle out there. At least, to hear the Republicans tell it. But what it’s really about, in earthier conservative circles, is a chance for people to feel important, to think they are standing on the lines of freedom, fighting back the zombie hordes. What drives these folks is fear; but for many, it’s a delicious fear…

“Fear sells, and it stimulates. Trump and his cronies constantly tell us, without actual facts, how bad crime is and how evil all foreigners are…and you better build that bunker and stock up, because if you don’t, all you’ll have for protection from the certain rise of crazed liberals is harsh language. This is a world so many conservative Republicans feel they can control. A frightened world. A world where the happily stupid, bless their little hearts, can thrive within their own fear-based mythology.” Originally Posted by Jaxson66

If you wouldn't mind telling us who you're quoting, I would really like to know.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Thing is, the support of Trump in Texas — and I speak specifically of my region, East Texas — goes beyond the smart and the not so smart, the educated and the uneducated. It is more a result of what I like to call the happily stupid; the ones who hold stupid views by choice, not due to lack of intelligence, but due to a kind of tribalism. Facts that interfere with their version of the world are there to be ignored…Trump has provided a dark, dank hole into which these folks can dump whatever it is they’re mad about…

“Most of what Trump is selling shouldn’t convince a distracted 12-year-old, and certainly it’s hard to see how a conniving real estate tycoon represents the average person, but those are the people he has made the greatest inroads with…Trump could have unhealthy relations with a dying donkey on the White House lawn and they would see it as him being refreshingly politically incorrect, and isn’t there a chance that donkey could have illegally crossed the border from Mexico and got what it deserved?

“They have decided to hear what they want to hear and dismiss the rest. But this isn’t as new as some suggest. What appeals to the Trump supporter is what has long appealed to the Republican party. Before, it was thinly concealed, like a cheap coat of whitewash over bathroom graffiti. No longer. Now we know for certain what’s written on the wall, and what has been going on in the basement. Trump is the Frankenstein monster Republicans have been tinkering with all these years, and now It’s Alive! and running amok…

“It’s a jungle out there. At least, to hear the Republicans tell it. But what it’s really about, in earthier conservative circles, is a chance for people to feel important, to think they are standing on the lines of freedom, fighting back the zombie hordes. What drives these folks is fear; but for many, it’s a delicious fear…

“Fear sells, and it stimulates. Trump and his cronies constantly tell us, without actual facts, how bad crime is and how evil all foreigners are…and you better build that bunker and stock up, because if you don’t, all you’ll have for protection from the certain rise of crazed liberals is harsh language. This is a world so many conservative Republicans feel they can control. A frightened world. A world where the happily stupid, bless their little hearts, can thrive within their own fear-based mythology.”
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
See the avatar at left. Famous, Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman voiced the same concerns decades before Trump entered the political arena and made Friedman's concerns his own. It's trivially obvious to sentient human beings that this is a reality that predates Trump and not a manifestation of Trump. The fact is, Biden, Pelosi, hildebeest, Odumbo, Schumer, Slick Willie, etc., also echoed Friedman in their thoughts -- before Trump was elected. Only dim-retard clowns who refuse to acknowledge this reality are among those living in bunkered, lib-retard echo chambers of perpetual ignorance.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Only dim-retard clowns who refuse to acknowledge this reality are among those living in bunkered, lib-retard echo chambers of perpetual ignorance. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Speak for yourself.

The Year Neil Cavuto, Fox News’ Affable Trump Skeptic, Got Angry

In August, an exasperated Cavuto fact-checked Trump’s claim that tariffs won’t end up punishing U.S. consumers with higher prices. “I don’t know where to begin here,” the Fox host said before reinforcing to viewers that the tariffs “will most directly be felt by consumers directly, because that happens on almost entirely consumer items rather than industrial-related items.” Similarly, earlier this year, he mocked Trump’s incessant claim that Mexico will pay for a wall along the southern U.S. border.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Speak for yourself.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

You're intentionally deflecting to avoid the fucking point!

Trump and I are saying the same fucking thing Friedman and Odumbo said long before Trump entered the political arena.

But there are some stupid mutha fuckers in this world who are too blind to see.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

You're intentionally deflecting to avoid the fucking point!

Trump and I are saying the same fucking thing Friedman and Odumbo said long before Trump entered the political arena.

But there are some stupid mutha fuckers in this world who are too blind to see. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I addressed a specific part of your post. The echo chamber. Hence, Neil Cavuto. You didn't address Jax's fuckin' point about Trumpettes gullibility. Or acquiescence to being lied to.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I addressed a specific part of your post. The echo chamber. Hence, Neil Cavuto. You didn't address Jax's fuckin' point about Trumpettes gullibility. Or acquiescence to being lied to. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

No. You are lying. What you did was take one sentence out of context so you could 'pretend' to have a substantive argument when the truth is you lack a substantive argument to disprove the point Friedman, Trump, myself -- and several dim-retards -- supported BEFORE Trump made it part of his platform.

You continue to intentionally deflect in order to avoid the fucking point!

Trump and I are saying the same fucking thing Friedman and hildebeest said long before Trump entered the political arena.

But there are some stupid mutha fuckers in this world who are too blind to see.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

No. You are lying. What you did was take one sentence out of context so you could 'pretend' to have a substantive argument when the truth is you lack a substantive argument to disprove the point Friedman, Trump, myself -- and several dim-retards -- supported BEFORE Trump made it part of his platform.

You continue to intentionally deflect in order to avoid the fucking point!

Trump and I are saying the same fucking thing Friedman and hildebeest said long before Trump entered the political arena.

But there are some stupid mutha fuckers in this world who are too blind to see. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You're full of shit. You redirected Jax's point to your avatar. How does what Jax posted relate to your avatar? The people were made to believe falsehoods about immigration?
I B Hankering's Avatar
You're full of shit. You redirected Jax's point to your avatar. How does what Jax posted relate to your avatar? The people were made to believe falsehoods about immigration? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
An intelligent and sentient person can discern that Trump's agenda on immigration is the same as Friedman's for the same reasons expressed by Friedman -- economic -- and NOT the product of Hannity, et al, as some ignorant and mendacious liars would have the feeble minded believe.
  • oeb11
  • 12-29-2019, 06:44 PM
IBH - the DPST's adhere to their narrative Uber Alles - and will deny and deflect proof put in front of them.

The behavior of 9500 and others as above reveals depth of their devotion to their Marxist DPST narrative of Lies.
Chung Tran's Avatar
funny you toss out Milton Friedman like he's an ipso facto Deity who can not be dismissed. is he a God-like figure to you?

his economic monetary theory has largely been proven false.. he pounded the drum against deficits, Reagan told him to go to Hell, and the economy soared, just like it has under Trump's cascading deficits.

but that is irrelevant, right? what you like about him is his anachronistic fear of Immigrants, and his bunker mentality.
  • oeb11
  • 12-29-2019, 07:05 PM
CT - you are welcome to go with the "economic truths" espoused by Warren and Bernie.

See how well it worked for Hollande and France.

And Maduro in Venezuela.
I B Hankering's Avatar
funny you toss out Milton Friedman like he's an ipso facto Deity who can not be dismissed. is he a God-like figure to you?

his economic monetary theory has largely been proven false.. he pounded the drum against deficits, Reagan told him to go to Hell, and the economy soared, just like it has under Trump's cascading deficits.

but that is irrelevant, right? what you like about him is his anachronistic fear of Immigrants, and his bunker mentality.
Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Your remarks about Friedman are hilarious and show how much you don't know and understand. Maybe you should listen to Slick Willie since you don't know or understand Friedman.
LexusLover's Avatar

Obaminable! And you can keep your doctor and your insurance!!!!
Jaxson66's Avatar

If you wouldn't mind telling us who you're quoting, I would really like to know. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I can’t, it was sent by email in that form.
Jaxson66's Avatar
See the avatar at left. Famous, Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman voiced the same concerns decades before Trump entered the political arena and made Friedman's concerns his own. It's trivially obvious to sentient human beings that this is a reality that predates Trump and not a manifestation of Trump. The fact is, Biden, Pelosi, hildebeest, Odumbo, Schumer, Slick Willie, etc., also echoed Friedman in their thoughts -- before Trump was elected. Only dim-retard clowns who refuse to acknowledge this reality are among those living in bunkered, lib-retard echo chambers of perpetual ignorance. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Dose that guy Friedman know anything about impeachment?

The impeachment of the fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office is the thread topic.