For those who need proof of election fraud....

Will the audit presentation be secret. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Ya, it will be secret but they will constantly tout how bad it is for the winners of the election...
  • oeb11
  • 08-19-2021, 08:01 PM
DPST minions - what is secret is fiden's complete incompetence - hidden by hishandlers and the DPST party to enhance their subversion of Aemrica.

Communits seditionists - One adn All!
DPST minions - what is secret is fiden's complete incompetence - hidden by hishandlers and the DPST party to enhance their subversion of Aemrica.

Communits seditionists - One adn All! Originally Posted by oeb11
Snore, wake me up when you have an original idea to present.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
One minute twenty-four seconds. Priceless quote.
bambino's Avatar
Can't wait for this earth shattering news. lololol.
texassapper's Avatar
Jovan Pulitzer let the cat out of the bag regarding the microdots on printed media. This has been known for a long time... Privacy advocates were talking about it in 2005 and it goes back to at least the early 90s if not earlier because I remember reading about it back then. Apparently it came at the request of the Secret Service who wanted to be able to track down threatening letters. Typewriters were like fingerprints but they wanted something similar in printers I guess. Every document you print has a series of dots on it that tag the serial number of the machine and the date it was printed.. If not more info now. They are not visible to the naked eye and unless you had some connection to the printer industry you'd probably not know about this.

Apparently that's what the optical scans were of the ballots (among other things). So they will be able to trace every ballot to the printer is was made on and the time hack too. If there were fraudulent ballots, it will be blindingly obvious... and given how networked printers are these days, they may be able to tie the printer serial address to an IP or owner.

If there is fraud we will know it and it will be nearly impossible to deny. I expect that to be so... which is really not a good thing... because there is no Constitutional remediation for fraudulent election activity. How the FCUK do we resolve this.

Again, IF this is proven to be true, EVERY Democrat is going to get splattered with this shit... and it may well mean the end of the party - it will reform itself into a more aptly named Democratic Socialist party akin to what the Germans have.

We are definitely living in interesting times...
  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2021, 09:04 AM
Democrat party survived Tammany hall

The party is like roaches - resistant to facts, truth, and intellectual rigor despite the corruption, Lies, Communist ideology, and obstinate refusal to see the consequences coming of their hyperspending, subversion of teh Constitution. and adamant defense of the senile puppet they placed in the oval Office.

bambino's Avatar
How long before the report is out Bams? I can’t wait to see what the cyber ninjas found. I’ll bet a Jr that the whatever they come up with will require that they be paid MORE money to really answer any questions.
  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2021, 02:08 PM
AnyOne foolish enough to bet - Good luck collecting!!!
Jovan Pulitzer let the cat out of the bag regarding the microdots on printed media. This has been known for a long time... Privacy advocates were talking about it in 2005 and it goes back to at least the early 90s if not earlier because I remember reading about it back then. Apparently it came at the request of the Secret Service who wanted to be able to track down threatening letters. Typewriters were like fingerprints but they wanted something similar in printers I guess. Every document you print has a series of dots on it that tag the serial number of the machine and the date it was printed.. If not more info now. They are not visible to the naked eye and unless you had some connection to the printer industry you'd probably not know about this.

Apparently that's what the optical scans were of the ballots (among other things). So they will be able to trace every ballot to the printer is was made on and the time hack too. If there were fraudulent ballots, it will be blindingly obvious... and given how networked printers are these days, they may be able to tie the printer serial address to an IP or owner.

If there is fraud we will know it and it will be nearly impossible to deny. I expect that to be so... which is really not a good thing... because there is no Constitutional remediation for fraudulent election activity. How the FCUK do we resolve this.

Again, IF this is proven to be true, EVERY Democrat is going to get splattered with this shit... and it may well mean the end of the party - it will reform itself into a more aptly named Democratic Socialist party akin to what the Germans have.

We are definitely living in interesting times... Originally Posted by texassapper
Can't wait for the ultra micron dots to take over the Micro Dots.
Jovan Pulitzer let the cat out of the bag regarding the microdots on printed media. This has been known for a long time... Privacy advocates were talking about it in 2005 and it goes back to at least the early 90s if not earlier because I remember reading about it back then. Apparently it came at the request of the Secret Service who wanted to be able to track down threatening letters. Typewriters were like fingerprints but they wanted something similar in printers I guess. Every document you print has a series of dots on it that tag the serial number of the machine and the date it was printed.. If not more info now. They are not visible to the naked eye and unless you had some connection to the printer industry you'd probably not know about this.

Apparently that's what the optical scans were of the ballots (among other things). So they will be able to trace every ballot to the printer is was made on and the time hack too. If there were fraudulent ballots, it will be blindingly obvious... and given how networked printers are these days, they may be able to tie the printer serial address to an IP or owner.

If there is fraud we will know it and it will be nearly impossible to deny. I expect that to be so... which is really not a good thing... because there is no Constitutional remediation for fraudulent election activity. How the FCUK do we resolve this.

Again, IF this is proven to be true, EVERY Democrat is going to get splattered with this shit... and it may well mean the end of the party - it will reform itself into a more aptly named Democratic Socialist party akin to what the Germans have.

We are definitely living in interesting times... Originally Posted by texassapper
Some of the stupidest fucking shit I have ever heard, not surprised considering the source.
bambino's Avatar
texassapper's Avatar
Some of the stupidest fucking shit I have ever heard, not surprised considering the source. Originally Posted by royamcr
You heard it? Do you have voices in your head? maybe you should get some help with that.

Do you actually doubt that the printer ID'ing on media is a real thing?