YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

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  • 08-31-2015, 07:33 AM
I don't watch American Idol but I know pop culture. I am Simon Cowell, Lil Stevie is Randy Jackson, WTF is Britney Spears, CJ is Paula Abdul, COG is Steven Tyler, XNYer is Mariah Carey, and Biggen is Nicki Minaj. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Aww....I became a Judge in these here musing the very 4th post!

We need to get DG, in on this thread..... lmao Originally Posted by Seedy
Who's DG??? =P Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Notice I am taking frequent breaks to watch YouTube, check the board, and scheming to save the world before bedtime...

Me sitting through ANYTHING through its entirety is unheard of...ask DG...lol Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Is DG the infamous DorianGray? How would he know what you can and can not sit through?

Not gonna comment!!! Not gonna comment!!! DG always pressing my buttons...Marie is not nice...she just possesses a very strong filter!!! Originally Posted by YummyMarie
So you are not nice....Hmmm, I have been finding that out of late.
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  • 08-31-2015, 07:39 AM
Wait, she gets her own sticky? I've had a frigging blog with amusing musings for 6 years, and I don't get a sticky.


Originally Posted by Fancyinheels

Temporarily she does. We'll see where this one goes.
I've not seen your musing thread here, dear lady. Originally Posted by Guest082315
So Yummy, you had gotten a temporary sticky for musing purposes...that you now seem to have tried turning into a threAD.

Was that the direction the Admin that granted you this temporary sticky wanted you to head do you think?

Do you really think that fair to all the other providers who have to play by eccie's advertising policy of one free add a week? Can you stick to musing or is this now a Kardashian Instagram account? Do you worship the Kardashians? Do you wanna grow up to be just like them? Muse away dear girl...
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  • 08-31-2015, 07:42 AM
Good morning peeps. Originally Posted by YummyMarie

Why good morning Yummy, nice transition from muse to threAD.

Since it seems to be now a threAD......Could we see a picture of your MummyTummy? Below is a pic of my favorite MummyTummy.

I have ADD too , I might ad. This musing threAD will be perfect for the both of us.
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  • 08-31-2015, 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by WTF
Hahaha...I LOL'd
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  • 08-31-2015, 08:15 AM
Hahaha...I LOL'd Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Maybe we can return this back to an a-musing thread...instead of a annoying threAD
My latest obsession has been makeup. I love this chick on YouTube!
Favorite video, not for the exact techniques or palette, but the transformation is super cool IMO.

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  • 08-31-2015, 08:48 AM
Favorite video, not for the exact techniques or palette, but the transformation is super cool IMO.

] Originally Posted by YummyMarie
That brings up good points...

I'm not sure if that is an indictment on makeup?

Or one on our own insecurities?

Or maybe deceptive advertising?

Or all of the above?

That's a great point. If have a history of posting pics before and after makeup, so I'm good either way. Unfortunately, someone with a hard-on for me used enough intimidation for me to believe they would share my personal information in several ways, so alas, all you get are blurred images of my visage.
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Does Yummy object to guys having a hard-on - or LD having a BBC - for her?

How does Yummy feel about makeup sex?
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  • WTF
  • 08-31-2015, 10:24 AM
That's a great point. If have a history of posting pics before and after makeup, so I'm good either way. Unfortunately, someone with a hard-on for me used enough intimidation for me to believe they would share my personal information in several ways, so alas, all you get are blurred images of my visage. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Unfortunately you missed the point. Posting Selfies of you gives this musing thread the appearance of a personal threAD. I'm sure you do not want to rub other providers face in the fact that you are taking undue advantage of the generous sticky provided.

You are appearing to promote yourself much like the Kardashians do. Pretty sure that was not the purpose of this sticky.

Unfortunately, someone with a hard-on for me used enough intimidation for me to believe they would share my personal information in several ways, so alas, all you get are blurred images of my visage. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
If you really believed someone was after you, you'd take down all your pictures and quit posting Selfies. It appears to me you are using that as an excuse for some other thing...maybe you are after sympathy or revenge on a rival. I'm just musing here but if someone is after you....posting Selfies makes no sense if in fact you are/were worried.