Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Jaxson66's Avatar

Obaminable! And you can keep your doctor and your insurance!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Sounds like a personal problem. The fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office has been impeached and I still have my Dr.
Sounds like a personal problem. The fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office has been impeached and I still have my Dr. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
And Trump still has his job and likely will continue with it.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Impeached ,,,,
HoeHummer's Avatar
Likely? Seems likes there’s a tinge of doubt in your assessment, bamsy.

Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Jaxson66's Avatar
And Trump still has his job and likely will continue with it. Originally Posted by eccielover
And when the trial of the fat impeached lying bastard is over his evaluation of his job performance is due, people won’t forget Moscow Mitch whitewashed the trial of the fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office...and I’ll still keep my Dr.
LexusLover's Avatar
Likely? Seems likes there’s a tinge of doubt in your assessment, bamsy. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
There's always a "tinge of doubt" when one deals with lawless Loons!

There's more doubt about your relocation to Canada ... Canada has higher standards than we do .... at the moment!
And when the trial of the fat impeached lying bastard is over his evaluation of his job performance is due, people won’t forget Moscow Mitch whitewashed the trial of the fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office...and I’ll still keep my Dr. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
At the moment more public opinion has apparently been swayed by the whitewash he received in the House.

It's not looking like that maneuver has paid any dividends to the Dems.
LexusLover's Avatar

It's not looking like that maneuver has paid any dividends to the Dems. Originally Posted by eccielover
We'll see the day after the fall election ... like we did in 2016.

As we "stand" here today NOTHING the Dems have tried since about this time in 2016 as been a "win" for them in so far as stopping Trump and/or ousting him from office. He's out-maneuvered and out-thought them each turn they've taken .... and he's taken every punch they've thrown ... and like their King said ....

... Trump can be more "flexible" after 2020!!!!!!!!!!!

Jaxson66's Avatar
Explosive new revelations just weakened Trump’s impeachment defenses

If Mitch McConnell is going to pull off his scheme to turn President Trump’s impeachment trial into a quick and painless sham with no witnesses, the Senate majority leader needs the story to be covered as a conventional Washington standoff — one that portrays both sides as maneuvering for advantage in an equivalently political manner.

But extraordinary new revelations in the New York Times about Trump’s corrupt freezing of military aid to Ukraine will — or should — make this much harder to get away with.

McConnell badly needs the media’s both-sidesing instincts to hold firm against the brute facts of the situation. If Republicans bear the brunt of media pressure to explain why they don’t want to hear from witnesses, that risks highlighting their true rationale: They adamantly fear new revelations precisely because they know Trump is guilty — and that this corrupt scheme is almost certainly much worse than we can currently surmise.

Viva la Whistleblower
  • oeb11
  • 12-30-2019, 09:09 AM
Poor j666 - going into what will be a bad year for those addicted to the DPST narrative.

But it is ok - DPST's will just institute a "resist and obstruct" program after Nov 2020 and carry on as they have since Nov 2016 without any change.

Happy 2020 to all!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Poor little oeb, the lies of the fat lying bastard continue to be exposed and he has no defense.

It looks like Nancy is making the right decision about holding onto the Articles of Impeachment of Donald J Trump until more facts trickle out.

Viva la Whistleblower

Viva la Whistleblower Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Viva la ultimate Acquittal
HedonistForever's Avatar
Explosive new revelations just weakened Trump’s impeachment defenses

If Mitch McConnell is going to pull off his scheme to turn President Trump’s impeachment trial into a quick and painless sham with no witnesses, the Senate majority leader needs the story to be covered as a conventional Washington standoff — one that portrays both sides as maneuvering for advantage in an equivalently political manner.

But extraordinary new revelations in the New York Times about Trump’s corrupt freezing of military aid to Ukraine will — or should — make this much harder to get away with.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66

You either care that he held up the funds or you don't ( I don't ) and how many minutes or hours or days it took to reach that conclusion, is irrelevant as with most things you think are "extraordinary new revelations". Trump said "I'm tired of pissing away American dollars" to which a loud cry of "Hell Yes"! could be heard through out the land.

There is nothing "NEW" that could be said from any witness, there is nothing new from the Mueller report that will change the minds of 20 Republican Senators and that's a fact.

Trump held up aid to Ukraine unless they agreed to investigate the Bidens. Them's the facts! And not only do I do not care that he did it, I'm glad he did, I agree with what he did and so do ten's of millions of Americans. If you want Trump removed from office, you'll have to do it at the ballot box.
  • oeb11
  • 12-30-2019, 10:52 AM
HF- +1
LexusLover's Avatar

You either care that he held up the funds or you don't ( I don't ) and how many minutes or hours or days it took to reach that conclusion, is irrelevant as with most things you think are "extraordinary new revelations". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
One must consider the poster's intellectual insight into revealed FACTS when one writes "extraordinary new revelations" .... after all same topic has been discussed a couple of weeks ago .....

.. that's practically a lifetime for mentally challenged fire fighters, and particularly those who were promoted based on the "Peter Principle" .... (and no WTF don't get excited I'm not talking about Dick!).