For those who need proof of election fraud....

eccieuser9500's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2021, 07:45 PM
DPST brain dead never inquire, and do not want to know anything that does line their own pockets.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

katie hobbs: whine, whine, whines no fraud! whines some more!!!

When there is so much resistance to a forensic audit, it sows even more doubt in the election. Maricopa County and Katie Hobbs have fought this audit at every step.
How’s that report? Did it expose all the massive fraud? The Cyber Ninjas are so well respected for their great work up to this point, so surely the report is completed and public? Looking for it.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Hey Cyber Ninjas!!! We're still waiting!!

After 3 days of waiting, Arizona Senate still has not received Cyber Ninjas' draft report

For a third day, Republican leaders of the Senate on Wednesday were still waiting for even a partial draft of the 2020 election audit report they expected to receive Monday from their contractor conducting the review.

While a nine-member review committee met Wednesday as previously planned, there was no draft report from the Cyber Ninjas, the contractor, to actually review.

So the sham "forensic" audit continues.
I’m just awaiting the “we need more money” part to come. We know it’s coming. This has been a money grab from day one. And not just the Cyber Ninjas. The whole Trump and GOP play has just been about separating fools from their money. They’ve known all along that there was no significant fraud. In two elections the man lost by 10M votes. 10M. Lol. And fools think he somehow won. Lol.
  • oeb11
  • 08-26-2021, 08:21 AM
Thank You - for nonsense from teh DPST sheeples in denial and ddflection
Proudly carrying the banner of Communism and comrade Xi.

Divorced from Reality!

Be ready - if you get your marxist Rule - it will be much more like teh Taliban than you anticipate
First thing they will do - as did Lenin, mao, Maduro - and Castro - is "Kill all teh lawyers"!

Perhaps thinning the now marxist profession - might not be a bad idea.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Over 1800 posts, and still no evidence of fraud, that would have changed the outcome of the election!

bambino's Avatar
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-26-2021, 11:21 PM
Over 1800 posts, and still no evidence of fraud, that would have changed the outcome of the election!

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Evidence? Proof? Why worry about such minutia? Rudy G tells you all you need to know. But don't worry. Assuming they are still alive in 2121 the great grandkids of Der Fuhrer Trump will still claim he will be reinstated in the WH and day.
  • oeb11
  • 08-27-2021, 07:56 AM
poster took a clue from lm - nothing but argumentative nonsense - Lies, obstruction, denial, dflection
Sad how teh intelelctual rigor of Commie DPSTs is non-existent

All have is marxist Lies!
And 'Blame Trump" for all their voted for fiden screwups.!

Bowing to the 'Brain dead Communist idiots"

bambino's Avatar
AUGUST 27, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

If the Democrats could fight wars as well as they execute Election Fraud, we would have obliterated all of our many enemies throughout the World, and would have nothing to worry about!

texassapper's Avatar
Troll Level: Master

AUGUST 27, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

If the Democrats could fight wars as well as they execute Election Fraud, we would have obliterated all of our many enemies throughout the World, and would have nothing to worry about!

### Originally Posted by bambino
Sounds like something that would lead us to WW3, good thing trump is fired.

AUGUST 27, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

If the Democrats could fight wars as well as they execute Election Fraud, we would have obliterated all of our many enemies throughout the World, and would have nothing to worry about!

### Originally Posted by bambino
  • oeb11
  • 08-27-2021, 02:29 PM
marxist DPSTs are the party of War - Proven many times over
Their fiden proves that they cannot do

War at all well, despite our military - which has been subverted into CRT and pantywaist agenda idiots.

Proven many times over
Let's see if 'r' and the marxist DPSTs stick their feet into that pile of DPST pontificating.