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Ceremony's Avatar
I assume that it is just me here and a psycho with a lot of time.

It's easier that way.
LMAO....yup but with only 5 posts, pretty easy to figure out who this recycled cuck was!..... Originally Posted by Celso
Not at all surprised you of ALL would be the one to respond here......
Thx fer confirming ...... Originally Posted by ol'Mary
PM yer clone pal CC in Ft Erie....he'll fill ya in!!!.....

No need ta gets all jimmie Crapper on us and call in yer peanut/penis gallery fer backup!!!.....

PM yer clone pal CC in Ft Erie....he'll fill ya in!!!.....

No need ta gets all jimmie Crapper on us and call in yer peanut/penis gallery fer backup!!!..... Originally Posted by Celso
Hahahahahahaha.... you can't even get the correct half of the population right!!!!
Better to not say anything and let people THINCK one is an idiot.... than to speak... and remove all doubt.....
Hahahahahahaha.... you can't even get the correct half of the population right!!!!
Better to not say anything and let people THINCK one is an idiot.... than to speak... and remove all doubt..... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Something our eminent Gran Poobah excels at better than most......

Carlos Danger's Avatar
FlyboyNY whew
Wonder what happened?....
Iso#1gfe's Avatar
FlyboyNY whew Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
Wonder what happened?.... Originally Posted by Celso
Finally got the chance to have the date he been begging for with Kayla and has fallen madly in love after just one visit that he decided he no longer needs this site as he is going to take her away from all us upset old fucks and enjoy her all day every day until he keels over from all the fucking they will be doing.
Exposing RL info, are you??
...he is going to take her away from all us upset old fucks and enjoy her all day every day until he keels over from all the fucking they will be doing. Originally Posted by Iso#1gfe
What a way to go!.......
rooster's Avatar
FlyboyNY whew Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
Wonder what happened?.... Originally Posted by Celso
Mebbe he had too many other memberships....

(that's yer cue, Goat.....wanna make sure ya' don't miss a chance ta' bitch about that scene again)

MountainGoat's Avatar
Mebbe he had too many other memberships....

(that's yer cue, Goat.....wanna make sure ya' don't miss a chance ta' bitch about that scene again)

. Originally Posted by rooster


rooster's Avatar
Mebbe he had too many other memberships....

(that's yer cue, Goat.....wanna make sure ya' don't miss a chance ta' bitch about that scene again)

. Originally Posted by rooster


Originally Posted by MountainGoat
'bout time.....

MountainGoat's Avatar
'bout time.....

. Originally Posted by rooster
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 06-11-2016, 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by MountainGoat
You really don't need to show us a self portrait - we all know ya are.

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