nothing reply anything you want

offshoredrilling's Avatar
no balls?

OSD impression Originally Posted by GP
crap, GP errrrrrr now I do have to call the maid LOL

just a joking
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Frankie Fine's Avatar
  • Saige
  • 03-02-2014, 05:50 PM
Sorry hun but I have to ask, with you being 25, 5'2" and 120 lbs., how young and lil was this punk ?
And maybe you should clue us in on what the "asshole comment" was so one of your clients doesn't repeat it and have you go all postal on his ass.
Originally Posted by rke324
Awwww! Honey!
I'm 29!
He was 21.... oddly enough I have a stepson that's 21... so yes. Young punk.

I don't want to get into what was said... referring to profession and forever sickness.
I don't tolerate that shit
  • Saige
  • 03-02-2014, 07:25 PM
your welcome in this thread at any time.

And Saige, if you would ever like to be a guest speaker at a GOBC event, just let me know.... Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Ooohhhh EMmm GGGG!
I'd be honored!
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 03-02-2014, 07:31 PM
Awwww! Honey!
I'm 29!
He was 21.... oddly enough I have a stepson that's 21 Originally Posted by Saige
Ted: Your Stepmom is cute, though.
Bill: Shut up, Ted.
Ted: Remember when I asked her to the Prom?
  • Saige
  • 03-02-2014, 08:04 PM
Ted: Your Stepmom is cute, though.
Bill: Shut up, Ted.
Ted: Remember when I asked her to the Prom?
Bill: SHUT UP, TED! Originally Posted by MC
jokacz's Avatar
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 03-05-2014, 03:49 PM
Ted: Your Stepmom is cute, though.
Bill: Shut up, Ted.
Ted: Remember when I asked her to the Prom?
Bill: SHUT UP, TED! Originally Posted by MC
awesome! Originally Posted by Saige
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 03-06-2014, 08:13 PM
Has anyone else seen the new Godzilla trailer?

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  • MC
  • 03-07-2014, 09:58 PM
Just started watching season 2 of Vikings on The History Channel. Love the show.

Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 03-17-2014, 06:55 PM

Since Victoria Lane has some costumes, I thought she might like this one.
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