Random Thoughts

Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
Ed be like “damn you woman for making me wear this! I plot your demise soon...”
Ed be like “damn you woman for making me wear this! I plot your demise soon...” Originally Posted by Parttimehobbyist
You are correct, he absolutely hates outfits. Lol
Rollypolly's Avatar
Ed is reluctantly getting into the Christmas spirit! Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
The face you make Christmas morning when family comes over and you got blue balls
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
When you’re over halfway through writing a review on your mobile device and you fat finger the refresh button and review disappears right before your eyes....
Ed is reluctantly getting into the Christmas spirit! Originally Posted by Ginger Doll

Ed's face says "I better get a whole case of Fancy Feast and a whole bag of shrimp for this"!
Wrangling a drunk supervisor and making sure he gets home safe better be worth at least a few days off!
Also, just want to say "thank you" for all the well-wishes I have received regarding my license test... it's going to be a long few months, but the support from everybody is very much appreciated! I realize that I probably don't need to worry about passing, but the support means the world to me!
g0lfnutt's Avatar
When you’re over halfway through writing a review on your mobile device and you fat finger the refresh button and review disappears right before your eyes.... Originally Posted by Parttimehobbyist
Ha Ha! OMG I hate that shit! Happened to me last week. I almost threw my phone at the wall!
Zenovia's Avatar
When you’re over halfway through writing a review on your mobile device and you fat finger the refresh button and review disappears right before your eyes.... Originally Posted by Parttimehobbyist
There are times when preparing an update I'm not quick enough and although i have finished and click the submit button, nothing happens.. "blank screen"... I feel your pain PTH
Zenovia's Avatar
Ha Ha! OMG I hate that shit! Happened to me last week. I almost threw my phone at the wall! Originally Posted by g0lfnutt
Oohhhh noooo dont throw the phone you need that to get ahold me!!!
Lets look for the positive in this....
By rewriting your report, you can once again relive the magical time that you had.
BabyDallass's Avatar
If us ladies wrote reviews on you guys would you want to be able to read the "Rest of the story?" asking for a friend....<~~~
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
If us ladies wrote reviews on you guys would you want to be able to read the "Rest of the story?" asking for a friend....<~~~ Originally Posted by BabyDallass
Me personally, yes. I’d be curious to see if they had a good time as much as I did. If I did something bad, I’d like to know just so it wouldn’t happen again.
austin88998833's Avatar
If us ladies wrote reviews on you guys would you want to be able to read the "Rest of the story?" asking for a friend....<~~~ Originally Posted by BabyDallass
Yes yes I would! As PTH said, if I’m doing something they don’t like I want to know so I can fix it. If I’m doing something right I can do more of it!
If us ladies wrote reviews on you guys would you want to be able to read the "Rest of the story?" asking for a friend....<~~~ Originally Posted by BabyDallass

What PTH said, yes, of course. That would only make be a better hobbyist or tell me I'm in the wrong hobby. You may find some that don't care how well/bad they did while others who really enjoy your company do. Meaning, you're going to run into some a-holes and you'll find that some men in general do care. So, you have to take the good with the bad.

I'm even open to you all telling me outright what I could/should do better! I'm sure we've all heard the "lies and damn lies" before. You know, "Oh, you were so awesome, you're the best lover", "I'm 5 minutes away", "I'm not like the rest of them".

I'd rather have the truth honestly. I'm a grown adult, I should be able to handle constructive criticism. If I can't, like I said, find a new hobby.
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
Glad Eccie is back, but thankful oh2 exists. Once you get the hang of OH2, it’s actually a bit better because of the following reasons: providers can post rates, sexier and provocative pics, and ads can be posted quicker. Eccie is awesome because it’s much more popular, but ads and pics have to be approved first. Both have their pros and cons.

In the mean time, im going to sit back and monitor the situation and political climate going on. It’s going to be an interesting 2019 in the hobby world. I would suggest to use this time to exchange screening info with each other.

Happy hunting y’all!