NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 09-11-2012, 10:44 PM
Seedy, don't let DED get to you bro. He's just mad at the world because Shittsburgh sucks and he can't do shit about it. His team is old, slow, hurt and just got fucked in the ass with no condom by old ass Peyton Manning. lol

30-40% chance they make it to the Superbowl? Man, are you drinking or smoking crack? Dude, you only have about a 10% chance to even make the playoffs... You better be glad you don't play the Texans because my boy JJ and company would tear that ass up worse than a $2 whore....

Quit while you're behind bro....I can do this shit all day long.... Originally Posted by Satin
No sweat , but he can't be all bad, he is a Steelers fan. Now if he was also a Nittany Lions fan, I'd have to back his sorry ass up..... lmao
carkido45's Avatar
Didn't the Texans Fuck the Steelers in the ass last year LOL
and yes I know Mario is playing with another team this year
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 09-11-2012, 10:57 PM
LMMFAO. that, IS some. funny shit!!!!
I am glad to see that Satin is focused on criticizing other teams and their players and leaving Schaub, KJ and the Texans alone!

Keep up the good work, Bro!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-11-2012, 11:53 PM
I'm an equal opportunity criticizer bro. Just because I'm a Texan's fan don't mean I won't point out obvious weaknesses on our team where I see fit. I'm not such a homer that I will let shit slide. Since I spend a lot of cash on them, I can surely voice my opinion. That's if it's ok with you sir...

Btw...answer your damn phone sometimes...I left Austin today very unfulfilled...

Carkiddo, good one bro....lmao....I like it.

I'm gonna try to get back to talking about a "winning football program"...if its ok with Mr DED....
I'm an equal opportunity criticizer bro. Just because I'm a Texan's fan don't mean I won't point out obvious weaknesses on our team where I see fit. I'm not such a homer that I will let shit slide. Since I spend a lot of cash on them, I can surely voice my opinion. That's if it's ok with you sir...

Btw...answer your damn phone sometimes...I left Austin today very unfulfilled...

Carkiddo, good one bro....lmao....I like it.

I'm gonna try to get back to talking about a "winning football program"...if its ok with Mr DED.... Originally Posted by Satin
I will readily admit that I am the ultimate "homer." As for letting "shit slide." I prefer to leave the coaching decisions to the experts. Kubes, Wade and the rest of the coaching staff have an opportunity to analyze the players skills every day in practice, I don't. I just pull for the players the coaches decide to put on the field! Even if I occasionally disagree with their decisions, they are still going to do what they believe will be in the best interest of the team!
Since I don't even have a vote on the Coaches or their decisions, I view bitching and moaning about things I have no control over to be wasted energy!

As for me answering my phone, I offered to buy you lunch. I had a hot Austin tip lined up for you but you chose to have lunch elsewhere. I was in private consultation with the hot Austin tip at the time of your call!

You snooze, you lose!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-12-2012, 08:57 AM
That's cool, do whatever you feel and I do what I feel and it's all good. But I will still "bitch and moan" whenever I see fit. I have a lot of energy to "waste".. Again, this thread is all about anyone can say whatever they want even though they don't have a vote with the coaches. It's pretty much common sense.

So what do you boys think about the Jags? I just hope MJD don't go off for one of his 200+ rushing days...
Mixshowdj's Avatar
JAGS are gonna be much better this year.They had a tough,hard fought loss against the vikings on the road. This is the test for the texans. This is a "HANDLE YOUR BIDNESS" game for them this week. They gotta tackle much better this week,and cannot let jacksonville hang around til the 4th quarter,and try to steal one. I say Texans take care of their BIDNESS....24-13........2-0....on to DENVER.....
TheDon's Avatar
Yeah, I agree. Spencer Tillman actually considers this a trap game, so I think that says a lot. I don't think Gabbert will suck this year, and I think Justin Blackmon will torch Jackson if they are locked for the game, The Jags are 9 point dogs in this game, I think that number is a little too high, I think this is going to be a grind it out game. And I'm guessing the front 7 Jacksonville is better than Maimi's, I still see the Texans winning though, it's never easy with them..
Mixshowdj's Avatar
Your Right on Don,The Jags are texans kryptonite(kinda like "us Cowboy Fans with the eagles")The jags play the texans as if its THEIR SUPERBOWL,every year,so they need to jump out early and shut them down. Gabbert is still learning,if they shut run game down,and hit GABBIE a couple of times....the game is over..........
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-12-2012, 02:28 PM
I agree with both of the above. I don't think it will be easy at all. Gabbert has been playing well and I think he is greatly improved. MJD will be looking to prove a point and our run defense was not stellar last week. In Jacksonville, it will be tough...

Foster leaves practice again early today with an "illness"...
Mixshowdj's Avatar
Your on point as usual satin. Contender's take care of their bizness during the early part of the season. Pretender's play down to the level of competion..that's how teams go from 11-5 division winners,to 9-7 and fighting for a wildcard...Hell,the cowboys better take care of seattle on the road this week too......
OMG! This thread is one of the LONGEST I have seen! I am still a basketball fan so please pm me anybody...when a thread starts up on the pre season etc. I am holding on tight to my OC Thunder tickets as we speak! Lol!

My bad...carry on...Its Football season now and I did not mean to mess it up
I do like football dont get me wrong but I am really a basketball fan.By the way I was living in Seattle right after I was born and don't remember it so I will have to go with Texas...
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 09-12-2012, 06:15 PM
Exotic, anytime a hot chick wants to stop by we welcome it no matter what you have to say. Feel free to come in anytime to talk about basketball, hockey, politics or even to announce your birthday. It's all good mami... Lakers are gonna smash your OKC team this year, you can count on it...