Dear hunter!!!!!!

Oh, and I fixed that for ya. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Wayward's Avatar
I thinck he is speluncking... Originally Posted by boardman
Oh my gosh. My friends will ask where I've been and that's exactly what I tell them. I do it often. Originally Posted by Ansley
Well, Say "Hai" to dearhunter aka deerhunter for me if you see him. Originally Posted by boardman
Ask The Fucking Prophet has moved to another SHMB there were some censorship issues and as my spiritual advisor and life coach dh felt his ability to express himself clearly to his flocktards was being affected.

It is a heavy burden being the fucking prophet, just as being Father Wayward the murdering rat bastard, is beyond trying at times.

As for the future ex mrs boardman and the coolest cat in SHMB land you kittens should really thinck about getting a room....
Guest031213-03's Avatar
SnL, Did you decide what you will do about the play toy??
Sweet N Little's Avatar
yes i dont seem to have "time" to see him as much so it kind of worked itself out.
thanks for asking Miss Voxxx
London Rayne's Avatar
She has a new love...ME.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
She has a new love...ME. Originally Posted by London Rayne
lol i do love you !!
London Rayne's Avatar
Back at ya!
Chellablaine's Avatar
Wow, I just read all this, and thought onehitwonder was a dude I just saw where she is woman who manages a gentleman's club. So that just means she sucked a whole buncha dick for a whole lot less, and has a managers title to boot. Such a winner! And just a poster? Why so angry at the other women? Your no better and make money off the girls blowing those same guys you had to blow to get your position. You dont just open up a club like that hun out of the blue, you were groomed for it over the years by men who shoved it in your mouth. Sucked your way to where you are today. Sucks doesnt it?

By the way @the OP, ummm Dick is FREE!! Why are you paying for it? Hell no to the sugarmamma...
Wow, I just read all this, and thought onehitwonder was a dude I just saw where she is woman who manages a gentleman's club. So that just means she sucked a whole buncha dick for a whole lot less, and has a managers title to boot. Such a winner! And just a poster? Why so angry at the other women? Your no better and make money off the girls blowing those same guys you had to blow to get your position. You dont just open up a club like that hun out of the blue, you were groomed for it over the years by men who shoved it in your mouth. Sucked your way to where you are today. Sucks doesnt it?

By the way @the OP, ummm Dick is FREE!! Why are you paying for it? Hell no to the sugarmamma... Originally Posted by Chellablaine
This is too funny because for so long I thought she was a dude as well! LMFAO .....but then I learned she was a female, needless to say I was a bit shocked...but still pretty much categorize her in with all the guys.....
notanewbie's Avatar
Ok...I don't like there being more than one Valerie damnit!

Maybe I need a nickname Originally Posted by Valerie
how about man hands.

It is an endearing expression I picked up whilst in West Sussex.
London Rayne's Avatar
And here comes Texas taking another dump on a thread. Classic and predictable. Welcome Almighty Sh3t Eagle.
notanewbie's Avatar
London dear that is not a Texas expression, it was a lovely term relative to a woman's bosom filling a mans hands.
London Rayne's Avatar
Hmm....only those who pull my pig tails call me "dear."
how about man hands.

It is an endearing expression I picked up whilst in West Sussex. Originally Posted by notanewbie

No thanks ....I'll let men and women who have actually met me give me a nickname....perhaps you could just ask one of your fellow board members who've reviewed me about my hands, or perhaps you should contact TER! and ask them why oh why would they let some lady with alleged "man hands" in their top 100 list?? ...or you could always go onto and interrogate the 80+ men who've reviewed me on there if I have man hands?? I just figure, since you guys spend so so so much time obsessing about my hands, maybe you would like more details from people who've seen and touched them...after all is it Wayward or JaD? that is always encouraging everyone to enlighten themselves...

Oh, and I don't want anyone to feel left out, so what I just wrote was for all my other stalkers on ignore (which will include you)...

Now shew...go on back to the trailer park with all your other boys (and shemales)
notanewbie's Avatar
I guess you never heard the expression. Oh well I tried to be nice.

Trailer park?