covid foia lawsuit

VitaMan's Avatar
Beginning to sound a lot like Joe McCarthy. Your discussion is not even logical. You are stretching everything to fit your biased opinion.

Your logic is analagous to....I know there was no Star Fleet academy, but it must have been fun to meet all those aliens.

"Help me, Spock."

thank you valued poster
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Beginning to sound a lot like Joe McCarthy. Your discussion is not even logical. You are stretching everything to fit your biased opinion.

Your logic is analagous to....I know there was no Star Fleet academy, but it must have been fun to meet all those aliens.

"Help me, Spock."

thank you valued poster Originally Posted by VitaMan

yet another who believes Saint Fauci the infallible and a communist nation with a proven track record of covering up everything. but suit yourself. if you don't at least consider the lab leak possibility at best you are being gullible and at worst simply closed minded. bats! it had to be the bats! right??
Ducbutter's Avatar
Ay guey!
HedonistForever's Avatar
This whole discussion is summed up above. Anything else expressed in this thread is an opinion. And mostly framed by political leanings.

Opinions, theories, uninformed opinions, partially informed opinions, theories with some basis (aliens among us ?), theories with no basis (aliens again ?).

Almost as entertaining as Coast to Coast radio. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Can you elaborate on that.

Democrats believe what? framed by their political leanings and Republicans believe what? framed by their political leanings.

I've heard both Democrats and Republican lean towards the lab leak so I really don't understand your statement that one party believes one thing and the other party believes the opposite.

Who is who? And what politics in particular frame these conclusions.

Merely trying to see this through your eyes.

Fauci to be deposed this week in GOP lawsuit alleging COVID collusion with Big Tech

GOP Attorneys General Schmitt want to know how Dr. Fauci worked with Facebook to control public discussion on COVID

By Brianna Herlihy | Fox News

Dr. Anthony Fauci will sit for a deposition on Wednesday as part of a Republican lawsuit against the Biden administration that says the government colluded with social media companies to censor free speech related to COVID.

Last month, a federal judge ordered that Fauci’s high-profile public comments made him a key figure in the lawsuit from the Republican attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana, who allege "collusion" between the Biden administration and social media companies to censor speech that could be damaging to the White House, such as the origin of the virus and the effectiveness of masks.

The AGs said the deposition is scheduled for Wednesday, November 23, and will be conducted by Attorneys General Eric Schmitt and Jeff Landry, along with lawyers from their office. The deposition will be sealed by court order.

"Since we filed our landmark lawsuit, we have uncovered documents and discovery that show clear coordination between the Biden administration and social media companies on censoring speech, but we’re not done yet," said Schmitt. "We plan to get answers on behalf of the American people. Stay tuned."

"We all deserve to know how involved Dr. Fauci was in the censorship of the American people during the COVID pandemic; tomorrow, I hope to find out. And I will continue fighting for the truth as it relates to Big Government colluding with Big Tech to stifle free speech," saidLandry.

Schmitt and Landryfirst filed the lawsuitin May, and accused top-ranking government officials of working with the giant social media companies Meta, Twitter and YouTube "under the guise of combating misinformation" in order to achieve greater censorship.

One key fact they want to prove is that Fauci worked with Facebook and others to tamp down talk that the virus originated in a lab in Wuhan, China.

"Defendant Dr. Anthony Fauci, a senior federal government official, coordinating with others, orchestrated a campaign to discredit the lab-leak hypothesis in early 2020," Landry and Schmitt said in their brief. "As director of [National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases] NIAID, Dr. Fauci had funded risky 'gain-of-function' research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through intermediaries such as EcoHealth Alliance, headed by Dr. Peter Daszak."

"Thus, if the lab-leak theory were established, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Daszak could be potentially implicated in funding the research on viruses that caused the COVID19 pandemic and killed millions of people worldwide," they said.

Fauci’s last appearance at the White House was Tuesday in the James Brady Briefing Room, where he took questions from reporters for the last time before he plans to retire from his post as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infections Disease and Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden.

Republican AGs want to learn if Fauci worked with Big Tech companies to tamp down talk about the origin of COVID and other issues.

Republican AGs want to learn if Fauci worked with Big Tech companies to tamp down talk about the origin of COVID and other issues. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

"It's really a great pleasure to be back here with you again, albeit I believe for the last time," Fauci said Tuesday afternoon from the podium before once again urging Americans to get vaccinated.

"Every day for all those years I've given it all that I have, and I've never left anything on the field," he continued. "I gave it all I got."

Fox News' Andrew Mark Miller and Anders Hagstrom contributed to this report. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Here's an interesting point Fauci admitts his Daughter worked for Twitter as a Software Engineer, lol.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-11-2022, 12:49 PM
You make absolutely no sense at all. Originally Posted by Levianon17
It is not my fault it went over your head.

and yet you refuse to believe the known and documented efforts by Fauci, the WHO, and most importantly China to discredit any open debate and research into the lab leak theory.

isn't the least bit suspicious to you? certainly China is going to. it's what they do. the WHO is supposed to be about science. yet they clearly sided with the "China Narrative" why? Fauci's reasons are obvious now, he knew dangerous gain of function research was being done on corona viruses, funded by his own organization.

old Vulcan proverb .. those with something to hide cover it up. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
And you refuse to believe Trump lost the election!

Old Volcan proverb...if you believe in pizzagate and election fraud, your judgement concerning point of orgin might be considered suspect.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-11-2022, 12:50 PM
Here's an interesting point Fauci admitts his Daughter worked for Twitter as a Software Engineer, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
It is not my fault it went over your head.

And you refuse to believe Trump lost the election!

Old Volcan proverb...if you believe in pizzagate and election fraud, your judgement concerning point of orgin might be considered suspect. Originally Posted by WTF
I think he's for once telling the truth.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-11-2022, 04:44 PM
I think he's for once telling the truth. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Trump or Waco?
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  • 12-13-2022, 04:06 PM
On Sunday, entrepreneur Elon Musk called for your prosecution, claiming that you lied to Congress and funded research that killed millions of people. How do you respond to the tweets?
I don’t pay attention to that, Max, and I don’t feel I need to respond. I don’t tweet. I don’t have a Twitter account. A lot of that stuff is just a cesspool of misinformation, and I don’t waste a minute worrying about it.
adav8s28's Avatar
A lot of that stuff is just a cesspool of misinformation, and I don’t waste a minute worrying about it. Originally Posted by WTF
Like the document written by scientists associated with the Steve Bannon organization. Which claims the backbone of SARS-CoV2 is a virus that is 3,000 nucleotides smaller that the actual SARS-CoV2 virus and that it was made in the Lab.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
EcoHealth Alliance wanted to block disclosure of Covid-19-relevant virus data from China

Posted: January 10, 2022 by Sainath Suryanarayanan

EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak opposed the public release of Covid-19-related virus sequence data gathered from China as part of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) PREDICT program, according to emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know.

The conversation in late April 2020 involved employees of EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit that has received millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funding to genetically manipulate coronaviruses, including with scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology; and Metabiota, a San Francisco-based biotechnology company backed by Google that works with PREDICT, a “virus hunting” program that tracks unknown viruses.

Tammie O’Rourke of Metabiota emailed Hongying Li, who coordinates EcoHealth programs in China and Southeast Asia, an attachment with virus sequences detected in China that had been submitted to the public genetic sequence database GenBank. They then discussed whether the genetic sequences should be uploaded into the public database.

Hongying Li wanted to hold off on uploading the virus sequence data for several reasons, including that, “due to the COVID-19, any relevant data publication needs to be reviewed and approved by the institution in China…”

Daszak then wrote, “It’s extremely important we don’t have these sequences as part of our PREDICT release to Genbank at this point. As you may have heard, these were part of a grant just terminated by NIH.” He referred to an article in Politico, “Trump cuts U.S. research on bat-human virus transmission over China ties,” and urged holding off on public sharing of Chinese viral genomic data, even though the generation of the data was funded by U.S. taxpayers. Having them as part of PREDICT will being [sic] very unwelcome attention to UC Davis, PREDICT and USAID,” Daszak wrote.

The emails were released as part of a California Public Records Act request to UC Davis. They do not contain attachments and so the actual viral sequence data are not included in the information received by U.S. Right to Know. It is not known whether the data referred to in the emails are still embargoed or were subsequently shared on GenBank.

EcoHealth Alliance denied that any sequences were kept out of GenBank. In response to a query, Daszak emailed an August 2020 Nature Communications article co-authored by EcoHealth and Wuhan Institute of Virology scientists, and wrote: “All sequences of SARS-related coronaviruses discovered by EcoHealth Alliance in China were sequenced using NIH funding and have been made public in peer-reviewed scientific papers and via the publicly available Genbank database. The Genbank accession numbers for over 600 sequences can be found in the attached paper. Two further sequences were identified and submitted separately to NIH on 11/18/21 (Genbank Accession # OK663614 & OK663615).”

For more information

All four batches of documents USRTK obtained by public records requests to UC Davis – including the most recent one, which as reported on in this article – are available here.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-14-2022, 11:12 AM
EcoHealth Alliance denied that any sequences were kept out of GenBank. In response to a query, Daszak emailed an August 2020 Nature Communications article co-authored by EcoHealth and Wuhan Institute of Virology scientists, and wrote: “All sequences of SARS-related coronaviruses discovered by EcoHealth Alliance in China were sequenced using NIH funding and have been made public in peer-reviewed scientific papers and via the publicly available Genbank database. The Genbank accession numbers for over 600 sequences can be found in the attached paper. Two further sequences were identified and submitted separately to NIH on 11/18/21 (Genbank Accession # OK663614 & OK663615)
Just a bunch of dumb fucking morans going after a very intelligent man of science. You think they need attention from the mega cult much?

And btw...trumpy could have gotten rid of fauci anytime but he needed someone to blame while he was fucking everything up. Trumpy never is at fault
Just a bunch of dumb fucking morans going after a very intelligent man of science. You think they need attention from the mega cult much?

And btw...trumpy could have gotten rid of fauci anytime but he needed someone to blame while he was fucking everything up. Trumpy never is at fault
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
If you're one who is following the Science think about who the Science is following, lol.