
Yssup Rider's Avatar

That's news to me! I guess I'm too hooked on Sirius/XM and KMFA to notice. Does KVRX play the NPR feed?

Thanks, both of you, for the info!
budman33's Avatar
That is a typical liberal response that are revenue problem is the Bush tax cuts. You could put a 100% tax on the most wealthy Americans and it still will not help with our debt problem. I do think we need to eliminate loop holes and simplify the tax code. I am all for a fair tax and eliminating the IRS.

The Federal Government has too much power and needs to be reigned in. Power needs to be the highest at the local level then State and then the lowest amount of power is at the Federal level. The founders original design was for the power to be set up that way. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
So you listen to Mark Levin on Big talker radio too? You really should source him if your going repeat his show and voice it as your own opinion. just sayin...
That is a typical liberal response that are revenue problem is the Bush tax cuts. You could put a 100% tax on the most wealthy Americans and it still will not help with our debt problem. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Well intended, but sadly wrong again. Clinton did it with the tax rate at only 39%. $86.4 Billion surplus by fiscal year 2000, and he still managed to add 23 million jobs to our economy. Imagine that? Bush lost 800,000 jobs and sent another 2.5 million overseas during his terms while the tax rate was the same as it is now, a cozy 35%. Bottom line, that 4% costs us $126 Billion each year in revenue, or over $1.35 Trillion since they were implemented starting in 2001.


I should clarify that there is a difference between debt and deficit. "Debt" being our total borrowed and owed, while "deficit" being the difference between our revenue and spending each year. Doesn't change the fact that you need more revenue than you spend in order to pay back total debt. Debt incidentally which is $14,407,780,264,415 as I type this...or $129,222 per tax payer if you prefer.

Think about that that number, "$129,222 per tax payer", while considering that GE made $14.2 billion in profits in 2010, and not only did they pay ZERO dollars in U.S. Federal taxes, they actually got $3.2 Billion tax benefit. Further, they laid off 21,000 workers and closed 20 factories between 2007 and 2009, and more than half of their workforce is now outside the United States.


Shall I get you some statistics on Exxon/Mobil, or are have I thoroughly pissed you off enough already? =P

By the way, quite calling me a "liberal" when it comes to matters of money. I happen to be a fiscal conservative, but socially liberal. You can break out the liberal b/s when I start bashing on you about abortion or Jesus.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That is a typical liberal response that are revenue problem is the Bush tax cuts. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Please get a new record. This one is BROKEN BROKEN BR BR BR-O-O-O-O-KEN!
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Please get a new record. This one is BROKEN BROKEN BR BR BR-O-O-O-O-KEN! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Same to you.
WyldemanATX's Avatar

By the way, quite calling me a "liberal" when it comes to matters of money. I happen to be a fiscal conservative, but socially liberal. You can break out the liberal b/s when I start bashing on you about abortion or Jesus. Originally Posted by F-Sharp
When you quit talking like a liberal I will stop calling you one. Liberals like to punish the wealthy with higher taxes. I recall someone said that business moved over seas during the Bush years. I seriously doubt that they moved because of the tax cuts. When you cut taxes business grow and you create a larger pie to collect from. Keep in mind businesses can up and move a lot quicker today than from back when Clinton was in office.

ABC is a liberal media outlet I would not count that as a credible source.

Wikki anyone can alter that site as well.

Think for a change instead of just lashing out in a reaction.

Oh ya I do not take anything personal. So you can't make me upset.
WyldemanATX's Avatar

Links = knowledge

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
That is a joke right????
  • Booth
  • 06-02-2011, 06:19 PM
The rotting corpse of Howard Cosell looks toward Wylde's corner hoping someone looking out for his future will throw their arms around his battered hulk and toss in the towel.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
The rotting corpse of Howard Cosell looks toward Wylde's corner hoping someone looking out for his future will throw their arms around his battered hulk and toss in the towel. Originally Posted by Booth
That is kinda funny. Not really.....
When you quit talking like a liberal I will stop calling you one. Liberals like to punish the wealthy with higher taxes. I recall someone said that business moved over seas during the Bush years. I seriously doubt that they moved because of the tax cuts. When you cut taxes business grow and you create a larger pie to collect from. Keep in mind businesses can up and move a lot quicker today than from back when Clinton was in office.

ABC is a liberal media outlet I would not count that as a credible source.

Wikki anyone can alter that site as well.

Think for a change instead of just lashing out in a reaction.

Oh ya I do not take anything personal. So you can't make me upset. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
I guess if it comes from anywhere but Fox News or Heritage Foundation, it must be bullshit.

WyldemanATX's Avatar
I guess if it comes from anywhere but Fox News or Heritage Foundation, it must be bullshit.

Originally Posted by F-Sharp

Kinda like when the others here have said that if it comes from Fox News or the Heritage foundation that it must be bullshit!

This is why I said that it really does not matter if you post up links for sources each side will discredit the other. Then around and around we go...

That is why I find a lot of the long drawn out extensive post amusing...
  • Booth
  • 06-02-2011, 09:08 PM
The world is flat. You can't post a link that proves otherwise.

WyldemanATX's Avatar
The world is flat. You can't post a link that proves otherwise.

Originally Posted by Booth

That was pointless! Thanks for you efforts....
  • Booth
  • 06-02-2011, 09:18 PM

That was pointless! Thanks for you efforts....
Originally Posted by Wyldeman30

It was your argument in a nutshell.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
It was your argument in a nutshell. Originally Posted by Booth
Oh since I was not in agreement with the left side and have a different point of view. OK I get it.

So when your kid brought home an A did you take away his Atari and give it to the neighbor kid?