How many people will die in the USA from the new coronavirus by December 31, 2021??

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

I'm sure Tiny will bump this a few more times.

Shocking to think that almost a third of a million would die in the U.S. alone. Second and third waves of infections and deaths will happen when governors ease restrictions. By New Year's Eve 2021, testing and treatment should finally be routine.

Listening to NPR or something on C-SPAN, I heard a Russian journalist explain the medical practices of physicians diagnosing cause of death. Generally, doctors claim a failure of a major organ or system as cause. Leaving lots of questions about statistics in their country. Maybe also in former Soviet strongholds. Thought it was interesting. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Yeah, there's some conspiracy theory going around that coronavirus deaths are wildly overstated. It's the other way around, and not just in Russia: Originally Posted by Tiny

the numbers will never be right. everyone knows China and Russia are way under reporting on purpose especially China. and US doctors are being pressured to call recent deaths the Wuhan CHINK virus related even without testing.

i say true cases in the US will be less than 100,000 and given a bad flu season can go as high as 60-80 thousand this shutdown was not needed. and in many cases made it worse. of course the leftanistas will blame Trump over any of this. then blame Andy Cuomo too. and Whitman.

just start blaming everyone


How To Make Sense of All The COVID-19 Projections? A New Model Combines Them

The projections vary substantially — with the most pessimistic forecasting a total death toll of 120,000 by June 6 and the most optimistic forecasting 103,000 deaths by that date. But the models have been inching closer to each other. Over the past several weeks, the distance between the highest and lowest estimates has halved from a gap of 36,000 deaths two weeks ago to a gap of 17,000 deaths in the most recent update released Tuesday.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

if these numbers pan out this clearly shows this lock down was not needed. of course Trump banned travel to China and the EU and the Governors with state wide lock downs. they all had to buy into the panic caused by China's coverup.

so how will China be punished for this fuckup? certainly they should be ostracized from the global economy and resulting in a complete financial collapse and the end of the CCP. should we also nuke something too? a small one just to show these miscreant Chinese we still have the balls to use 'em?

winn dixie's Avatar
Eugenics and nukes!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
the numbers will never be right. everyone knows China and Russia are way under reporting on purpose especially China. and US doctors are being pressured to call recent deaths the Wuhan CHINK virus related even without testing.

i say true cases in the US will be less than 100,000 and given a bad flu season can go as high as 60-80 thousand this shutdown was not needed. and in many cases made it worse. of course the leftanistas will blame Trump over any of this. then blame Andy Cuomo too. and Whitman.

just start blaming everyone


For the purposes of this thread, the numbers we need are for the U.S. only. I hope I'm wrong. Still. Only a quarter mil, right - only - is my new estimate. I'm not renigging (don't be racist Wacky) but, the "deadline" is so far in the future.

And, Wackster, why do you state "US doctors are being pressured to call recent deaths the Wuhan CHINK virus related"? By whom? Are you trying to be funny? Or just yourself? Racist.

if these numbers pan out this clearly shows this lock down was not needed. of course Trump banned travel to China and the EU and the Governors with state wide lock downs. they all had to buy into the panic caused by China's coverup.

Fed chairman issues stark warning about U.S. economy

  • Ordinary speech can emit small respiratory droplets that linger in the air for at least eight minutes and potentially much longer, according to a new study, which could help explain why infections so often cluster in confined spaces with limited air circulation.

so how will China be punished for this fuckup? certainly they should be ostracized from the global economy and resulting in a complete financial collapse and the end of the CCP. should we also nuke something too? a small one just to show these miscreant Chinese we still have the balls to use 'em?

BAHHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Be careful when using such power. I know a little about that. With that power comes great responsibility. And as everyone knows, the one with his finger on the Staples "easy" button never takes responsibility for anything.

Chung Tran's Avatar
first time seeing this thread, some of you were WAY low. absurdly so.. makes sense though, you board the Trump Train, you go with his figures.

I think around 310,000 Americans will perish by the end of next year.. and that's with a lot of social distancing still to come.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
first time seeing this thread, some of you were WAY low. absurdly so.. makes sense though, you board the Trump Train, you go with his figures.

I think around 310,000 Americans will perish by the end of next year.. and that's with a lot of social distancing still to come. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
  • oeb11
  • 05-15-2020, 04:05 PM
9500- You for got to post that it is all Trump's Fault - and go buy some China plastic cheap stuff.

Boycott China (not the ROC on Taiwan)
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Noam Chomsky: “You have to decide whether the species is going to survive”

Whether one agrees with him or not, perhaps it takes a structural linguist to best decipher the structural logic of capitalism. His style of pragmatic anarchism in 2020 has transpired to the launch of Progressive International - a global organisation to ‘unite, organise, and mobilise progressive forces around the world’ - along with Naomi Klein, John McDonnell, Arundhati Roy and many others. Chomsky’s words may make for uncomfortable reading, but it seems that they have never been more important given the challenges he describes.

  • oeb11
  • 05-18-2020, 12:36 PM
By "species survival" - chomsky means Marxist Rule Uber Alles.

Thank U, 9500.
Yeah, there's some conspiracy theory going around that coronavirus deaths are wildly overstated. It's the other way around, and not just in Russia: Originally Posted by Tiny
So point of clarification on the "number".

Will you use the currently advertised number or the more official CDC number based on Death Certs. This has been coming up for discussion more and more often and while I think we all realize that neither of the numbers will actually be accurate, something will have to rule the day for the decision in this overly macabre thread.
Chung Tran's Avatar
So point of clarification on the "number".

Will you use the currently advertised number or the more official CDC number based on Death Certs. This has been coming up for discussion more and more often and while I think we all realize that neither of the numbers will actually be accurate, something will have to rule the day for the decision in this overly macabre thread. Originally Posted by eccielover
I don't care about numbers at this point.. I'm not sure how believable they are, this side has its figures, that side has its that are much different.

talk to me about trends.. tell me you're going to TRY to social distance for a while. I think that's the most I can ask.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I’m trying to socially undistance, to set a good example for others. The government and media’s fear mongering isn’t going to stop me from shaking a clients hand or wrestling with my kids because there’s a chance, less of one than falling off a cliff on Salar de Uyuni, that one of us gets sick. They can fuck right off with that shit.
Chung Tran's Avatar
June 6... D- Day.

that is about when I think my mind will be made up about all of this.

given that most States just "opened up" this past week or two, I can see Social distancing breaking down somewhat, and.. there is a lag time between exposure and infection of 14-21 days, so I'm told.

if hospitalizations and deaths aren't up significantly, like more than 10%, I'm good.. if they are up 20% or more, I'm bad, I'm Nationwide.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Gates and Fauci, sitting in a tree - working on the cure for you and me.
Appears that many might actually survive the cure so far.

20% of Human Test Subjects Severely Injured from Gates-Fauci Coronavirus Vaccine by Moderna

Despite Moderna’s cheery press release this morning, the clinical trial results for its groundbreaking COVID vaccine could not be much worse.

The vaccine, developed and championed by Anthony Fauci and financed by Bill Gates,used an experimental MRNA technology that the two men hoped would allow rapid deployment to meet President Trump’s ambitions “warp speed” time line...

...Dr. Fauci was so confident of his shot’s safety that he waved ferret and primate studies ( Moderna suspiciously reported no health data from its mouse studies). That appears to have been a mistake.

Three of the 15 human guinea pigs in the high dose cohort (250 mcg) suffered a “serious adverse event” within 43 days of receiving Moderna’s jab. Moderna did not release its clinical trial study or raw data,but its press release,which was freighted with inconsistencies acknowledged that three volunteers developed Grade 3 systemic events defined by the FDA as “Preventing daily activity and requiring medical intervention. “...

Clearly, we can find a win/win here by having Demonicrats fill in for the ferrets and primates in the study. Start with leading members of the House perhaps??
  • oeb11
  • 05-20-2020, 04:00 PM
June 6... D- Day.

that is about when I think my mind will be made up about all of this.

given that most States just "opened up" this past week or two, I can see Social distancing breaking down somewhat, and.. there is a lag time between exposure and infection of 14-21 days, so I'm told.

if hospitalizations and deaths aren't up significantly, like more than 10%, I'm good.. if they are up 20% or more, I'm bad, I'm Nationwide. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

The wuhan virus is already nationwide - and two levels ahead of any tracking and intervention efforts.

social distancing is just a delay tactic - it will go through the population until we rach her immunity - just as Influenza A virus in its' yearly iteration.
  • Tiny
  • 05-20-2020, 07:33 PM
Gates and Fauci, sitting in a tree - working on the cure for you and me.
Appears that many might actually survive the cure so far.

20% of Human Test Subjects Severely Injured from Gates-Fauci Coronavirus Vaccine by Moderna

Despite Moderna’s cheery press release this morning, the clinical trial results for its groundbreaking COVID vaccine could not be much worse.

The vaccine, developed and championed by Anthony Fauci and financed by Bill Gates,used an experimental MRNA technology that the two men hoped would allow rapid deployment to meet President Trump’s ambitions “warp speed” time line...

...Dr. Fauci was so confident of his shot’s safety that he waved ferret and primate studies ( Moderna suspiciously reported no health data from its mouse studies). That appears to have been a mistake.

Three of the 15 human guinea pigs in the high dose cohort (250 mcg) suffered a “serious adverse event” within 43 days of receiving Moderna’s jab. Moderna did not release its clinical trial study or raw data,but its press release,which was freighted with inconsistencies acknowledged that three volunteers developed Grade 3 systemic events defined by the FDA as “Preventing daily activity and requiring medical intervention. “...

Clearly, we can find a win/win here by having Demonicrats fill in for the ferrets and primates in the study. Start with leading members of the House perhaps?? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
There was something on CNBC about this several weeks ago. Moderna decided to try three doses, 25 mcg, 100 mcg and 250 mcg. Normally they would have started with 25 mcg and then based on immune response in volunteers upped the dose if desirable to see what works best. However, with over 1000 Americans dying every day, it's important we come up with a vaccine sooner rather than later. In coordination with the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services (maybe pushed by the HHS?), Moderna went ahead and tried the higher doses at the beginning. The three "adverse events" occurred in the group of volunteers that received 250 mcg.

Moderna is seeing good response at 25 mcg, and is expecting the final product, if this goes to market, to be at doses closer to 25 mcg than 100 mcg.

If I were dictator I would have offered volunteers $200,000 for participating. And then not only given some the 250 mcg dose, but shot half of them full of the coronavirus to see if the stuff really works.

If Oeb is right in his last post (below), and I don't think he is, then the new coronavirus may snuff out over a million Americans. Regardless, a few adverse reactions or deaths during testing is nothing in comparison to the potential benefits of the vaccine.

social distancing is just a delay tactic - it will go through the population until we rach her immunity - just as Influenza A virus in its' yearly iteration. Originally Posted by oeb11