Trump Facing Indictment and Arrest?

Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 05-23-2023, 05:46 PM
Yea sure bitch, so everyone else is a fool and you're a genius? What a fucking joke!!! Where is your fucking evidence bitch?

How have I embarrassed myself? You're the conspiracy theory moron and coward. You only come out in public with other Nazi punks like little black sambo primate carrying your tiki torches and giving Nazi salutes.

Elon Musk? What a joke. Yet another cock you long to suck. You'll never dare come in public because you're a fucking coward. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Compared to you, I'm Nikolai Tesla.

And I've given you the proof. Numerous amounts. But you keep asking for proof, thinking I'm going to give you a different response. Is that your dementia kicking in? You remind me of a certain Democrat "president" right now. Oh, you probably would not figure it out so I'll just tell you who it is. Biden. The fact that you're denying Biden's dementia is fucking hilarious.

As for the nazi guys carrying tiki torches. They're stupid ass holes.

However, they are primates just like you.

Keep posting and embarrassing yourself. No matter what you said, everyone can see that you're the bitch who can't debate. I don't care how many times you call me names.

I gave you a list of shit that went down in 2020. Why can't you answer any of em? lol. Afraid? Yeah, I thought so.
Compared to you, I'm Nikolai Tesla.

And I've given you the proof. Numerous amounts. But you keep asking for proof, thinking I'm going to give you a different response. Is that your dementia kicking in? You remind me of a certain Democrat "president" right now. Oh, you probably would not figure it out so I'll just tell you who it is. Biden. The fact that you're denying Biden's dementia is fucking hilarious.

As for the nazi guys carrying tiki torches. They're stupid ass holes.

However, they are primates just like you.

Keep posting and embarrassing yourself. No matter what you said, everyone can see that you're the bitch who can't debate. I don't care how many times you call me names.

I gave you a list of shit that went down in 2020. Why can't you answer any of em? lol. Afraid? Yeah, I thought so. Originally Posted by Aoi

You gave me a list of complete fucking bullshit, one of the points I struck down easily. I could do so with the others but unlike you I have a life.

You're really too fucking stupid to address me. And I am all for exterminating people like you. I suggest you watch your ass in the future.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 05-25-2023, 12:01 PM
You gave me a list of complete fucking bullshit, one of the points I struck down easily. I could do so with the others but unlike you I have a life.

You're really too fucking stupid to address me. And I am all for exterminating people like you. I suggest you watch your ass in the future. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
You didn't strike anything down here except what little credibility you thought you had. You are an expert at losing arguments, not knowing shit about politics and getting mad at everyone who is smarter than you - which is anyone who has an IQ that's above single digits. People like you have no right to vote because you an am embarrassment to the informed voter. You probably have dementia like Biden does, which explains your outbursts.

You shouldn't talk about violence, btw. This is Texas.
You didn't strike anything down here except what little credibility you thought you had. You are an expert at losing arguments, not knowing shit about politics and getting mad at everyone who is smarter than you - which is anyone who has an IQ that's above single digits. People like you have no right to vote because you an am embarrassment to the informed voter. You probably have dementia like Biden does, which explains your outbursts.

You shouldn't talk about violence, btw. This is Texas. Originally Posted by Aoi

Dream on little conspiracy theory bitch. I called you out in front of everyone, so everyone knows you're a pussy.

Tell us again where you got your doctorate in medicine? What a fucking joke!!! Yes, I did strike down your bullshit, now I am done with you.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 05-25-2023, 11:12 PM
Bruh, you raged like a dementia-ridden Biden. And now you're trying to puff up your chest and act like you accomplished something other than look weak.

Yeah, run. Like you've BEEN doing. Never forget how much you suck at debating.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Make America Great Again is not about one person but a movement that will never be
TexTushHog's Avatar
Trump has been given a great gift. If he is the victim of a witch hunt as he’s claimed, he now has a forum in which to prove it. He can cross examine witnesses against him. Subpoena witnesses to testify on his own behalf. Hire the best lawyers money can buy. He’s protected by a presumption on innocence. And his evidence isn’t evaluated by the press or his political enemies, but by a neutral jury selected in open court.

It’s put up or shut up time for the mango Mussolini. He should welcome the opportunity.

All fucking crooks laughing all the way to the bank.

You have to get both partied out if DC.

ON an eccie note, i drive a gtoup of senators and lobbyists to the 4 seasons for a Redskins game years ago.

After the game and ride back, their first request was girls and powder. All paid for by us.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
This looks like a full-on assault against those who dared to stand up to the Establishment. Look at some of those who dared to stand up: John F Kennedy. Robert F Kennedy. Martin Luther King. Julian Assange. Edward Snowden. Dan Bongino. Tucker Carlson. Glen Greenwald. James O'Keefe. Steve Bannon. John Paul Mac Isaac. Matt Taibbi. Donald Trump. And others. They get ruthlessly attacked, persecuted, jailed or killed.

Now, consider the L-O-N-G list of cretins on the Left, and what has happened to them? Hillary/Bill Clinton. Barack Obama. Jeffrey Epstein. Anthony Fauci. Pelosi. Schiff. Comey. McCabe. Clapper. Brennan. Strzok. Big Guy Biden. Degenerate Biden son. The 51 intelligence a-holes who signed the letter attempting to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop contents. And others. What happens to them? Book deals? Cable news assignments? Fawning press coverage? Cash and Prizes.

TexTushHog's Avatar
This looks like a full-on assault against those who dared to stand up to the Establishment. Look at some of those who dared to stand up: John F Kennedy. Robert F Kennedy. Martin Luther King. Julian Assange. Edward Snowden. Dan Bongino. Tucker Carlson. Glen Greenwald. James O'Keefe. Steve Bannon. John Paul Mac Isaac. Matt Taibbi. Donald Trump. And others. They get ruthlessly attacked, persecuted, jailed or killed.

Now, consider the L-O-N-G list of cretins on the Left, and what has happened to them? Hillary/Bill Clinton. Barack Obama. Jeffrey Epstein. Anthony Fauci. Pelosi. Schiff. Comey. McCabe. Clapper. Brennan. Strzok. Big Guy Biden. Degenerate Biden son. The 51 intelligence a-holes who signed the letter attempting to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop contents. And others. What happens to them? Book deals? Cable news assignments? Fawning press coverage? Cash and Prizes.

Banana_Fucking_Republic_FUBAR Originally Posted by Vanilla Gorilla
So if Trump didn’t do what is alleged in the indictment, you don’t think he’ll have any trouble in proving the falsity of the claims, right?
So if Trump didn’t do what is alleged in the indictment, you don’t think he’ll have any trouble in proving the falsity of the claims, right? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Using reason with conspiracy theory morons will get you nowhere. Lost causes who should be dealt with.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
That is because he has no facts to debate with. All he can do is insult someone. Originally Posted by dogfart
Fat, dumb, drunk, and stupid is no way to go thru life child. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
You have no brains or wits child, and could not deal with me on my worst day...on your very very best day. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Nothing fails like prayer little primate. Figures you're also a delusional fairy tale believer, as well as an idiot conspiracy theorist. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid

Under Trump, there was COVID u moron, which forced demand down, hence prices went down, u stupid mo fo.

Run off punk, it's all you can do. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
There was no debate u stupid mo fo, you still have no facts to back your bullshit...must suck being a total loser and failure who blames that mean old guvment for fucking you.

I suggest u avoid going out in public. You might run into someone like me. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
You mean your list of lies with no backing? Amazing what a delusional fuck u are kid. Even Fox News knew in 2020 Trump was full of shit, but you're still sucking that orange cock aren't u?

What a joke u are kid. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
No bitch, you were never in the game. You're a pathetic conspiracy theory dork with no life, no brains, and no future. So how does that orange dick taste bitch? Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
You're too fucking stupid to even know what a debate is little punk ass bitch Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
You have no facts, just your laughable opinions. Where is a doctor's report detailing Biden's dementia? I can show you a video of orange ape claiming windmills cause cancer....if that is not fucking dementia, I don't know what is.

I am easily found if you want some of me kid, but being a punk ass bitch, you'll never man up. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
I don't care about some damn youtube video, where is EVIDENCE FROM A FUCKING DOCTOR....provide or admit you're a piece of shit liar faggot!!!

Now tell us about that orange dick you suck and how windmills cause cancer!!! RUN FAGGOT RUN!!!! Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
I am LAUGHING at you conspiracy theory moron. Funny that you're also a wanna-be doctor handing out opinions. I bet you did not even finish high school.

And I lost nothing little bitch. PM me if you want to find out specifics on getting your ass handed to you. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Yea sure bitch, so everyone else is a fool and you're a genius? What a fucking joke!!! Where is your fucking evidence bitch?

How have I embarrassed myself? You're the conspiracy theory moron and coward. You only come out in public with other Nazi punks like little black sambo primate carrying your tiki torches and giving Nazi salutes.

Elon Musk? What a joke. Yet another cock you long to suck. You'll never dare come in public because you're a fucking coward. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
You gave me a list of complete fucking bullshit, one of the points I struck down easily. I could do so with the others but unlike you I have a life.

You're really too fucking stupid to address me. And I am all for exterminating people like you. I suggest you watch your ass in the future. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Dream on little conspiracy theory bitch. I called you out in front of everyone, so everyone knows you're a pussy.

Tell us again where you got your doctorate in medicine? What a fucking joke!!! Yes, I did strike down your bullshit, now I am done with you. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Using reason with conspiracy theory morons will get you nowhere. Lost causes who should be dealt with. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid gcmVtaXg%3D

That is because he has no facts to debate with. All he can do is insult someone. Originally Posted by dogfart
I'm living rent free in Look-at-Stupids head...Can you feel the LOVE?
Jethro Gibbs's Avatar
Trump has been given a great gift. If he is the victim of a witch hunt as he’s claimed, he now has a forum in which to prove it. He can cross examine witnesses against him. Subpoena witnesses to testify on his own behalf. Hire the best lawyers money can buy. He’s protected by a presumption on innocence. And his evidence isn’t evaluated by the press or his political enemies, but by a neutral jury selected in open court.

It’s put up or shut up time for the mango Mussolini. He should welcome the opportunity. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

As far as Trump is concerned he has never done anything wrong in his entire life. It’s time for him to put up or shut up to an impartial jury.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
Dudes here simpin' for trump is both funny and sad...definitely a cult.