Making a Living

atlcomedy's Avatar
A meal or a "snack?" Originally Posted by London Rayne
that was pretty good London
London Rayne's Avatar
Yea that's what he said lol.
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  • 01-18-2011, 09:50 PM
A meal or a "snack?" Originally Posted by London Rayne
LOL, that might depend on how hungry we are
London Rayne's Avatar
I am going back on Atkins so I need my protein.
Naomi4u's Avatar
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Deleted, CC Originally Posted by Issabellafox
Wow I giggled so hard at this comment. A poet! LOL
Your new Socks are safe Originally Posted by WTF
So Becky has "safe socks" -- good to hear.
So Becky has "safe socks" -- good to hear. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Did Clinton?
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  • 01-19-2011, 12:17 PM
So Becky has "safe socks" -- good to hear. Originally Posted by pjorourke
It 'taint her socks I'm after
Guest071315's Avatar
1. Depends on the lady.
2. Depends on the lady.

FYI, it's a little uncouth to ask strangers about their financial affairs, no matter what business they're in. I know you're probably just curious, but remember that, in general, the same rules of etiquette from "the real world" apply here too. Keep in mind that we also don't know you -- you could be a lady looking to enter the biz, or you could be the IRS. And anyone could be reading!

Personally, yes, this has been a very sound financial decision for me, and when I'm actively working, I'm happy with the number of gentlemen I see. But unless you're my accountant, that's about as detailed as I'll get. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest

I always love your posts Carrie!! Upstanding, well mannered lady!
The whole "service" thing makes me cringe. As I say on my site, I'm a person, not a service. The only "service" I offer is perhaps arranging an incall or recommending restaurants.

The statistic that 1/3 of murdered wives are murdered by their husbands is intriguing. (I guess I don't need to point out the obvious that that doesn't mean 1/3 of wives are murdered by their husbands. LOL!)

I actually would have thought it was higher! Every murder I've read of lately is by the "estranged husband."

So what composes the other 2/3?
I've read in news articles that the majority of people are murdered by people they know, so strangers can't be the remaining 2/3. Maybe 1/3 strangers and 1/3 other family members +

Hookers must have a higher murder rate than average women. Just the category of "Murder by her boss" would point to that! (A pimp will more likely murder an employee than, say, a hospital administrator would.)
Hookers must have a higher murder rate than average women. Just the category of "Murder by her boss" would point to that! (A pimp will more likely murder an employee than, say, a hospital administrator would.)[/COLOR][/SIZE] Originally Posted by HoneyRose
and its interesting to see that in the light of society that does not care whether a "hooker" gets murdered or not. There are so many cases of unsolved or even unknown murders of "hookers" that i wonder if statistics can be right at all. They must be much much higher. Because usually a dead "hooker" doesn`t make it in the news or anything or statistics. Because making statistics is already too much attention. Especially when said person is not known to be working as a hooker.
London Rayne's Avatar
Yep, only in this present day is a CEO respected for robbing his clients while a hooker is less than human for working her way through school or feeding her family...go figure.
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  • 01-29-2011, 01:07 PM
Yep, only in this present day is a CEO respected for robbing his clients while a hooker is less than human for working her way through school or feeding her family...go figure. Originally Posted by London Rayne