No shame in her game!

TryWeakly's Avatar
^^ good question. Ima still tryin to figure out which oart of this trainwreck thread is "~ Zero Attitude, Zero Drama" ....

Let me know if you figure it out.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I would like to report him for malicious lies and slander Originally Posted by Italia DiBella
Hey Italia, I never saw you let anyone get under your skin like this before. He's not worth the aggravation; just put his ass on ignore and breathe deeply.
bryleexoxo's Avatar
The "Meltdown" Starts here........................

take note gents..........

****BTW.... i didnt know me being 40 was an 'OLD MAN"...... but take notes gents.. for those of you 40 and older........ She considers you OOOOOOOOOOOOLD............... A real winner here.......

I'll be sure to warn my 40 year old friends that Alyssa71 thinks we're ALLL OOOOOOLd.....

. Originally Posted by threshold
If 40 is OLD I'm scared to think what people must think of 55 year olds? *shudders* Age is coming for us allllllll *doom type music*
bryleexoxo's Avatar
So hookers browse other hookers' ads?

Muy interesante! Originally Posted by NubianPrince
Usually to take notes/implement their advertising style within their own business
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Age is coming for us allllllll *doom type music* Originally Posted by bryleexoxo
Not all, just the lucky ones.
bryleexoxo's Avatar
After this if you guys keep on it's just plain cruel. It's what she desires to do, like just leave her alone. If this isn't your cup of tea, cool drink yours. No one would be here if someone wasn't barebacking. Like leave her alone, she seems like a good enough person. Look, we are wearing condoms to screw these ladies, even the hottest ones I promise you if you'll saw their so's they are barebacking who are buying Jordans with our money you would literally reconsider your life. I work around strippers, I know. I do this because I can't talk a woman into giving me free pussy with a manual and a free pussy for dummies book. I have zero game. Let her do her.... Originally Posted by shinepro
Your comment made my day
  • pxmcc
  • 02-20-2017, 11:00 PM Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Nice plug! ha ha.
Oralist's Avatar
Hey Italia, I never saw you let anyone get under your skin like this before. He's not worth the aggravation; just put his ass on ignore and breathe deeply. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
+1. Cajun22 has been on my Ignore List for some time, along with the other huge trolls on this site. He doesn't have CD to torment any more, so you are, unfortunately, his new target.