Rules on Outing

bon69's Avatar
  • bon69
  • 02-28-2017, 06:28 PM
This thread is entertaining if anything. Now I do not live on this site or define myself by this site as some of y'all seem to. I'm just going to say that my experience with Natalia was outstanding and she has been nothing but professionally sweet.

I'm curious do some of y'all figure your best way to reach enlightenment is to argue with people on the internet. Then have fun! For me there are many many many many more better things to do.

Natalia Mori, You Rock!

A shout out to Fancyinheels, met her and she was awesomely cool.
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 02-28-2017, 06:31 PM
Not defending the whore, just blasting NaMo for being a BSC outing whore herself. She likes throwing names around like any other outing whore.
Only difference is she sucks enough mod cock to get immunity for it. Originally Posted by bottoms up
Dude you're on your feelings cause I call out your multiple handles.
That's not outting. Why don't you just post with your original handle already ? Ban is over...

N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 02-28-2017, 06:31 PM
This thread is entertaining if anything. Now I do not live on this site or define myself by this site as some of y'all seem to. I'm just going to say that my experience with Natalia was outstanding and she has been nothing but professionally sweet.

I'm curious do some of y'all figure your best way to enlightenment is to argue with people on the internet. Then have fun! For me there are many many many many more better things to do.

Natalia Mori, You Rock!
Originally Posted by bon69
Miss you sweetheart
TryWeakly's Avatar
Dude you're on your feelings cause I call out your multiple handles.
That's not outting. Why don't you just post with your original handle already ? Ban is over...

Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
^ because they dont have any balls except for behind the keyboard .
  • pxmcc
  • 02-28-2017, 07:03 PM
Bruh it's obvious shorty asked u for help
There wasn't any need for u to go back and respond to Nat's post this late
You already had multiple comments in this thread

Let's not forget what this thread is about
Go read Op posts again.."Outing is dangerous". " Outing ruins lives"

And come on dude a man?really?

This coming from a guy who's quick to get on all fours or lay on his back helplessly like a toddler getting his diaper changed and let some big chick with David Ortiz hands manhandle his bootyhole?

Get real.. Originally Posted by NubianPrince
Let's stipulate that there's a grain of truth to this mischaracterization. You know about this how again? And why were you banned again exactly?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-28-2017, 07:13 PM
This thread is entertaining if anything. Now I do not live on this site or define myself by this site as some of y'all seem to. I'm just going to say that my experience with Natalia was outstanding and she has been nothing but professionally sweet.

I'm curious do some of y'all figure your best way to reach enlightenment is to argue with people on the internet. Then have fun! For me there are many many many many more better things to do.

Natalia Mori, You Rock!

A shout out to Fancyinheels, met her and she was awesomely cool.
Originally Posted by bon69
Do not give them your personal information and then get on their bad side!
bottoms up's Avatar
^ because they dont have any balls except for behind the keyboard . Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Surprise surprise, you're behind a keyboard.
While we cannot get into the specifics of any one case, I can tell you that the only single guideline violation that carries a one year ban is for Outing.

So, it's safe to say that if you know a person was banned for a year for a single violation then you can pretty accurately deduce that it was for outing.
Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
So WTF according to your last post on 2/22/2016 & your recent post which puts you in the ban of a little over a year we can assume you were indeed banned for OUTTING?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-28-2017, 07:24 PM

The problem it's what she has done to other providers and hobbyists off the board to fuck with their personal lives, including myself. She has posted my photos on other sites like a psycho a lot of them including my old incalll address , did you miss that part?

I don't have a problem with you, but if you're going to support a whore who has outted me personally, at least 2 other hobbysts that I know of and a well known provider who worked hard for years to have a presence on the board and in the community and never hurt a hobbyist or provider. Not to mention all the delusional and evil lies she made up about a lot of people.
Then I'm going to ask you to please not address me anymore.

I don't want to have anything to do with someone who supports that kind of dangerous behavior.[/B]
Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
Shit ain't nobody gonna be able to address any providers here on eccie if that is the new standard! All you girls suck up personal information and use it to your advantage under the guise of safety!
TryWeakly's Avatar
Surprise surprise, you're behind a keyboard. Originally Posted by bottoms up
And I am also in your head....apparently.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-28-2017, 07:28 PM
So WTF according to your last post on 2/22/2016 & your recent post which puts you in the ban of a little over a year we can assume you were indeed banned for OUTTING? Originally Posted by Penelope Pearl
You can assume wtf ever you want You have no idea if I was banned for a single infraction or 10. As you might know , I pile up a shit load and have never given a fuck. This is a whore board , not a court of law...speaking of a court of law, that is wtf you girls best keep your head on a swivel for and quit all this other nonsense.

But whore wars are what yhey are. Bunch of whores and their WK's throwing shit at other whores and their WK's.

You just came on board, yet seem to act as if you know it all. Who can I assume you to be? Just another outting whore who karma caught up with!
bon69's Avatar
  • bon69
  • 02-28-2017, 07:29 PM
Do not give them your personal information and then get on their bad side! Originally Posted by WTF
For the record, neither asked me for any personal info. Did I give them any? My name and number (only got one phone). WTF, unlike you, I don't live my life scared of anyone, have my tail between my legs and act cowardly. I'm not scared of some lil girl like you are. You must live frighten all the time, SAD really. No, I live a pretty protected life, anyone that knows me well knows I choose to P4P. Hell, my 77yo mother knows. I don't care! I am not deceiving anyone with my P4P, so no need to hide? I do hope things get better for you WTF.

BTW, my mother's attitude was "good for you, better than giving someone half your money"
TryWeakly's Avatar
You can assume wtf ever you want

You just came on board, yet seem to act as if you know it all. Who can I assume you to be? Just another outting whore who karma caught up with! Originally Posted by WTF
Ive never done anything to anyone so you can assume what you want...
TryWeakly's Avatar
You can assume wtf ever you want

You just came on board, yet seem to act as if you know it all. Who can I assume you to be? Just another outting whore who karma caught up with! Originally Posted by WTF
Deflecting again? The new chick isnt the only one smart enough to figure that shit out.