Whales, Spinners & Mucho Dollars City

More "depends on what the definition of is, is" bullshit. Do you parse words into something other than their clearly intended meaning for a living or just for fun and defending your pals?

You can say what you want about increasing membership, but the silent majority here would choose an alternative with less drama if given a viable alternative. I don't personally give a damn enough to stomp my feet and swear off this place, but I would gladly pursue a better policed alternative. Actually, I would not even care if you just wanted to do away with any rules, guidelines, etc.. Admit that it is a free for all for some with rules applying if you want them to and I would not object at all. The annoying part is those spewing that line of crap about how some people here are just such geniuses that they walk a fine line. That is bullshit. This isn't a court of law. Those gray areas you cling to exist only because you let them. The idiots in question are bullshit artists, not geniuses. Chess players? Oh, please. They fancy themselves chess champions because they play either even more ill-equipped people or an opponent who was forced to play without a queen because it is in your pocket.

Reading the drama was fun for a while and then it wasn't. Poking the offending morons in the eye was fun for a while and it, too, got boring. So now I don't venture in as often and will eventually join the inevitable migration elsewhere.

Never had a point or been banned here before, but I suspect that is changing soon! Have a great day all... Originally Posted by tracer
Suck a mods dick and get a free pass, or become friends with one and get a free pass. This is like high school for real! I have met some on the inside of the "IN" crowd and I wasn't impressed! I am not for that. I do what I do best and honestly as I can. And the fact that I stand up to the big boys means I might be joining you sooner than later with getting banned lol.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Wow. I will simplify further. I was not referring to ivan.

I suspect the moral equivalence of your second staement makes sense when viewed through the filter of partiality. Your bias will apparently not let you see the ignorance of that position.

I was certain that my statements about the silent majority were stated as my opinion. So certain, that I didn't bother to re-read it because I knew that was what I meant. I was rushing to put down my thoughts before leaving my computer and erred in my haste. You are correct that it appeared I was attempting to speak 'for them' rather than simply imply its existence. That was not my intention.

I suggest your closing statement lacks evidence as well...ijs Originally Posted by tracer
First..... Thank you for the condesension on that first statement........ I just assumed since you quoted a comment in which I was talking about ivan and his thread you were lumping him into my "pal"...... Since it was just a global swipe at me specifically and not my post, I get it now.....

My point of the second statement was to ask you if your "wrong" is really all that much better than their "wrong" because they are asses..... My contention is you are both wrong. Whether one is "more" in the wrong or not makes no difference. It makes you the same "type" of person you deplore when you do just as they do.

I understand what you meant.... But seeing as how my words were held to their letter, I figured I would offer up the same..... My statement was a bit tounge-in-cheek as well...... My intention was to add a little bit of smart-assidness.... My sarcasim font failed me there..... My apologies....

Not sure if you're saying I'm not the smartest tool in the shed, or I'm not the dullest..... Seems you're on the latter side of that..... Can't say I can argue with that at times...... I may not be so smarts..... But at least I'm ugly.......

chicagoboy's Avatar
Suck a mods dick and get a free pass, or become friends with one and get a free pass. This is like high school for real! Originally Posted by bustyamy
What HS did you attend?
JaD, you gotta at least see that MANY are outraged by being called whales. Do you think everyone is wrong? Or are we all wrong? He never had a legitimate thread that was worth 2 cents it was all about the first word in the title ment to be mean! He knew that! What does the future hold? Who the hell knows, how are we suppose to know. He was just being ugly! I read it, and so did MANY. So my question is, are we all wrong?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-25-2012, 06:48 PM
Suck a mods dick and get a free pass, or become friends with one and get a free pass. This is like high school for real! I have met some on the inside of the "IN" crowd and I wasn't impressed! I am not for that. I do what I do best and honestly as I can. And the fact that I stand up to the big boys means I might be joining you sooner than later with getting banned lol. Originally Posted by bustyamy
Who's the in crowd?
What HS did you attend? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Well here the mods are like the cool kids, who have the hook ups. The rest are losers. I can say I didn't suck any high schoolers dicks, I always had older bf that were over 18. I don't get in with the "cool" kids now either My point!
Who's the in crowd? Originally Posted by trey
Whatever clients and providers the mods choose. I should had put in my application before I started running my mouth lol. But I don't think they accept BBW's:/
tracer's Avatar
First..... Thank you for the condesension on that first statement........ Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude

What condescension? You are claiming I intended condescension, but I didn't really spell it out. That is the game here, right? Try to claim it was clear to any intelligent reader and it sets a precedent by which your buddies would have to live and that would not be good.

My point of the second statement was to ask you if your "wrong" is really all that much better than their "wrong" because they are asses..... My contention is you are both wrong. Whether one is "more" in the wrong or not makes no difference. It makes you the same "type" of person you deplore when you do just as they do.
What wrong on my part? I admit to no wrong. Let's say someone sees a fat woman get slapped on the street and the man says he did it just because he detests fat people. That witness goes over and slaps the moron in question. It is true that the witness committed a violent act as well, but you would not want me on a jury if you were the prosecutor trying the witness for assault.
JaD, you gotta at least see that MANY are outraged by being called whales. Do you think everyone is wrong? Or are we all wrong? He never had a legitimate thread that was worth 2 cents it was all about the first word in the title ment to be mean! He knew that! What does the future hold? Who the hell knows, how are we suppose to know. He was just being ugly! I read it, and so did MANY. So my question is, are we all wrong? Originally Posted by bustyamy
I didn't think my question would be answered.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
You know something? I've been upset about this and all the other negative bulltwinkie on ECCIE lately, but in the bigger picture, this thread and others like it are raindrops (or teardrops) that will soon evaporate and be forgotten.

My beloved Sweet Pea is dying, and I just got word a couple of hours ago that my number one gentleman friend, a great man who provided me attention, affection, loyalty, friendship, and to be honest, a third of my income for the last 4 years, someone I'd traveled from one end of the country to another with, who introduced me to his goddamn family at Christmas 3 years ago despite my profession, passed away in his sleep overnight, a widower only 63 years old and less than 6 months away from retirement and being able to do whatever he wanted, and now all his plans are dead with him. I'll be going to his funeral Friday morning, and most likely burying Sweet Pea that afternoon or the next.
Btw, he was an ECCIE member, MontBgent, not vocal, just someone who appreciated the board for what it originally used to be, a place to find companionship, information, and have a friendly discussion,

I'm hitting the Jameson about as hard as I ever have right now. Screw ALL of this. None of these petty arguments over who meant what when they typed this or that mean diddly. Life is too short to spend it fussing with people who aren't going to change their minds anyway, who I'll most likely never meet because we are incompatible for whatever reason, and whose opinions don't pay my bills or at least make me laugh or smile.

Go back to your squabbling. OR, you could go write or call or hug someone and tell them how much you appreciate them and would miss them if they just suddenly disappeared. Way more important than the definition of whales, zebras, donkeys, hooktards, fucktards, haters, bigots, NBA, CIA, FUBAR. Get OFF the damn keyboards and your soapboxes.
Wakeup's Avatar
Go back to your squabbling, now. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Okay, thanks.
  • ivan
  • 07-25-2012, 08:45 PM
WoW just managed to catch up with this thread. If the "whales" term didn't go well with some of you I genuinely apologize and I mean it. English is not my first lingo and I tend to use my own language slang translated into English, and you can see the result Don't ask me what "whales" is used for in my own country we will never end this thread and it will only get better :-)

But this is some funny shit as in some of you read so much into it.
So back to the topic, what does the future looks like? And no more drama please :-)

Or maybe now is a good time to close this one entertaining topic :-)
Eccie Addict's Avatar
You seem to articulate your thoughts pretty well for someone who doesn't speak English all that well
DarthMaul's Avatar
The providers influx for the past year has been very interesting in the looks, service and price department. Without too much drama, what does the future looks like for Houston? Originally Posted by ivan
That's the question...now how many people replied to the question? Let's start counting...(4 or 5 maybe). What are the rest of the replies about? Are they about the original question?
  • ivan
  • 07-25-2012, 10:35 PM
True that mate, but I don't have control over them answers and all the excitement
But to your point, I think we totally missed the value of this thread so closing it is probably the most natural step. But man it was fun to see the workout on some members

That's the question...now how many people replied to the question? Let's start counting...(4 or 5 maybe). What are the rest of the replies about? Are they about the original question? Originally Posted by DarthMaul