Cruz to Run

LexusLover's Avatar
Blah blah blah.

Here, let me do it for you: Enforce the immigration laws by aggressively and effectively policing the businesses that hire undocumented workers. Oh wait....the republicans won't do that.....end of discussion and let's get back to the prospect of rounding up 11,000,000 people, some of whom have been living in the United States virtually their entire lives, and deport them. Absurd. Originally Posted by timpage
I'm sorry you failed at "problem solving" ... Oh Wait!!! You didn't take that. You took mouthing off instead.

The primary reason the "11 million" can't be rounded up, is because YOU LIBERALS don't know where the fuck they are. Just like you can't "round up" all the firearms.

But since you liberals think you can't do something without hurting "someone's feelings" you just LEGALIZE it, which includes the "11 million" criminals roaming around the country without supervision or identity.... of their own.

Now for "border security" ... Do you stand at the counter in your kitchen and swat roaches to get rid of them, or do you try to seal the house so they can't get in ... or at least keep the food and water cleaned up so they won't want to come into your house? Or do you just prefer to "peacefully" live with them, because it is too much energy and time to swat at them or seal the house or clean up the sustenance for which they come to your kitchen?

You liberals are solving the "illegal employment" problem ... with "entitlements"!!!!

Seal the fucking borders with "choke points" for entry ... creates lots of jobs BTW ... require ALL EMPLOYERS to quarterly submit paper work on ALL EMPLOYEES's STATUS AND IDENTITY ....... another job creator to create the paper work and sift through it ..... arrest any employer (CEO and CFO) who fails to submit the paper work after 10 days of the deadline ... yet another job creator .... no bond status while awaiting trial .... and also arrest any employer, supervisor on duty, and/or CEO/CFO who uses an "illegal alien" in any capacity at work or HOME with no bond status .... FURTHER job creation ..... establish "immigration courts' to prosecute the employers and employees who use "illegal aliens" and/or work in this country without legal status and have a minimum sentence of 5 years FOR EACH SUCH PERSON WITH mandatory stacking of sentences ... do the math under the Federal sentencing guidelines..... to supervised release on appeal and/or in any sentencing scheme. More jobs created.

Then build facilities to warehouse all those folks .. including those 11 million while they are being rounded up ... more jobs created .... and then start shipping them back to their home countries (those who are here illegally) .... more jobs created ...... until all 11 million are OUT OF HERE.

Oh, did I mention ... FREEZE ALL ENTITLEMENTS to anyone who cannot prove their CITIZENSHIP in the United States of America. That will save a lot of tax dollars, plus make it easy to identify the "11 million" you guys can't seem to find.
I'm sorry you failed at "problem solving" ... Oh Wait!!! You didn't take that.

The primary reason the "11 million" can't be rounded up, is because we don't know where the fuck they are. Just like you can't "round up" all the firearms.

But since you liberal think you can't do something without hurting "someone's feelings" you just LEGALIZE it, which includes the "11 million" criminals roaming around the country without supervision or identity.... of their own.

Now for "border security" ... Do you stand at the counter in your kitchen and swat roaches to get rid of them, or do you try to seal the house so they can't get in ... or at least keep the food and water cleaned up so they won't want to come into your house? Or do you just prefer to "peacefully" live with them, because it is too much energy and time to swat at them or seal the house or clean up the sustenance for which they come to your kitchen?

You liberals are solving the "illegal employment" problem ... with "entitlements"!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
So now immigrants are roaches... this explains a lot. Your simplistic mind and way of thinking is almost sweet. Like Lenny in "Of Mice and Men". Again, like so many other times, you only offer two choices when there are many more.
  • shanm
  • 03-26-2015, 11:00 AM

Now for "border security" ... Do you stand at the counter in your kitchen and swat roaches to get rid of them, or do you try to seal the house so they can't get in ... or at least keep the food and water cleaned up so they won't want to come into your house? Or do you just prefer to "peacefully" live with them, because it is too much energy and time to swat at them or seal the house or clean up the sustenance for which they come to your kitchen? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Nicely done. Comparing Mexicans to cockroaches. This, coming from the guy who supposedly " worked along side of "wet backs" picking cotton by hand in the summer sun, eating at afternoon meal, and scooping your water out of the barrel hanging on the side of the cotton truck."

This really helped your case as to whether you are an ignorant, racist, homophobic, cowardly son-of-a-bitch. Good job.
LexusLover's Avatar
So now immigrants are roaches... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You really are ignorant, aren't you? Roaches are insects.

And I said NOTHING about "immigrants" ... You calling 'illegal aliens" ... "immigrants" is like someone calling burglars .. "house guests."

Do you lock the doors of your house (you do have a house don't you? At least one?) when you leave to go ... errr.... work (you do work don't you?)?

Or do you just leave them standing open so passersby can walk right in?

BTW: You must have a ton of "immigrants" in your house!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Nicely done. Comparing Mexicans to cockroaches. This, coming from the guy who supposedly " worked along side of "wet backs" picking cotton by hand in the summer sun, eating at afternoon meal, and scooping your water out of the barrel hanging on the side of the cotton truck."

This really helped your case as to whether you are an ignorant, racist, homophobic, cowardly son-of-a-bitch. Good job. Originally Posted by shanm
You really are ignorant, aren't you? Roaches are insects.

And I said NOTHING about "immigrants" ... You calling 'illegal aliens" ... "immigrants" is like someone calling burglars .. "house guests."

Do you lock the doors of your house (you do have a house don't you? At least one?) when you leave to go ... errr.... work (you do work don't you?)?

Or do you just leave them standing open so passersby can walk right in?

BTW: You must have a ton of "immigrants" in your house!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Ditto-Kid aka Shamnless aka bt's lappup ...made it so easy for me.

Since I figured you guys know a lot more about roaches than you do "illegal aliens," I thought you might understand. Apparently you do. You don't mind either one sharing your meals and and your money.

The bench is over there ... shorty.----------------------}
Speaking of .... "Monica is BAAAAAAAACK!"

And looking hotter than ever .... "the other woman" is ready for a job! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Ahhh...she's just blowing smoke to see what pops up.
You really are ignorant, aren't you? Roaches are insects.

And I said NOTHING about "immigrants" ... You calling 'illegal aliens" ... "immigrants" is like someone calling burglars .. "house guests."

Do you lock the doors of your house (you do have a house don't you? At least one?) when you leave to go ... errr.... work (you do work don't you?)?

Or do you just leave them standing open so passersby can walk right in?

BTW: You must have a ton of "immigrants" in your house!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
So now all immigrants are burglars. Jeez. You must live in a hell of a place. The immigrants where I live work hard and raise their families and generally adapt just fine.
  • DSK
  • 03-26-2015, 04:03 PM
So now all immigrants are burglars. Jeez. You must live in a hell of a place. The immigrants where I live work hard and raise their families and generally adapt just fine. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
So they don't need any taxpayer assistance for themselves or their families?
Sounds like anecdotal evidence, anyway.
So they don't need any taxpayer assistance for themselves or their families?
Sounds like anecdotal evidence, anyway. Originally Posted by DSK
Not the ones I personally interact with. Some have even created businesses.
  • DSK
  • 03-26-2015, 04:49 PM
Not the ones I personally interact with. Some have even created businesses. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
If they have created businesses & they employ others and enable them to take care of their families with no government assistance, and they immigrated legally, then they are helping our great, exceptional, and unequaled country.
If they have created businesses & they employ others and enable them to take care of their families with no government assistance, and they immigrated legally, then they are helping our great, exceptional, and unequaled country. Originally Posted by DSK
Exceptional? Unequaled? We were fortunate, first off. Fortunate that we came along in the age of the industrial revolution. This arrogant attitude of exceptionalism is one reason why people dislike us. Like we are the first country to be successful.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So now all immigrants are burglars. Jeez. You must live in a hell of a place. The immigrants where I live work hard and raise their families and generally adapt just fine. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Immigrants who came to this country illegally with the intent to come here illegally are criminals. If a person willingly breaks the law, they are criminals. It doesn't matter what they may have done while being criminals, they are still criminals. If someone robs a bank, and uses the money the start a food pantry and homeless shelter, they are still a criminal.

We should treat criminals as criminals. I don't know why that is controversial.
  • DSK
  • 03-26-2015, 09:53 PM
Exceptional? Unequaled? We were fortunate, first off. Fortunate that we came along in the age of the industrial revolution. This arrogant attitude of exceptionalism is one reason why people dislike us. Like we are the first country to be successful. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
We created the industrial revolution. We didn't inherit it. America - Love it or Leave it!
We created the industrial revolution. We didn't inherit it. America - Love it or Leave it! Originally Posted by DSK
Ummmm... it's pretty common knowledge that the industrial revolution began in Great Britain... hate to rain on your parade.

you can find info here


or here, where this quote is from

"The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain"
Immigrants who came to this country illegally with the intent to come here illegally are criminals. If a person willingly breaks the law, they are criminals. It doesn't matter what they may have done while being criminals, they are still criminals. If someone robs a bank, and uses the money the start a food pantry and homeless shelter, they are still a criminal.

We should treat criminals as criminals. I don't know why that is controversial. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Because not all criminals are equal, that's why. Robbing a bank is not the same as killing someone just as killing someone is not the same as coming here illegally. To equate the two is baffling. We lock up people at an alarming rate already. You want to lock MORE people up? And the rate of those locked up now who are in for violent crimes has dropped and more are now incarcerated for non-violent crimes. We put people in prison for non-violent offenses and if they aren't hardened criminials, which most aren't, they sure as hell are when they come out. Now they've fallen behind others competing for the same job. Or if they're felons, they can't even GET a job. We should be doing something to help non-violent offenders cycle back into society and have a chance or all we are doing is using prisons as farms where we grow criminals.