Multiple studies; conservatives are just dumb

lustylad's Avatar
Americans didn't attack the embassy in benghazi. Muslims get outraged at cartoons. You don't think a movie would piss them off? I'm not hiding from shit. You ask stupid questions, you get no answer Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
WTF are you babbling about? Read the question again. In his Sept. 2012 UN speech, Obama presumed to speak for all Americans when he said “We understand why people take offense to this (Innocence of Muslims youtube) video because millions of our citizens are among them...”

I didn't ask you what may or may not outrage Muslims, I asked you what outrages Americans.

Which of the following do you think Americans were truly outraged at:

1) American James Foley having his head sliced off by Islamic terrorists.
2) American Stephen Sotloff having his head sliced off by Islamic miscreants.
3) American Peter Kassig having his head sliced off by Islamic extremists.
4) A youtube movie trailer for the Innocence of Muslims.

WTF are you babbling about? Read the question again. In his Sept. 2012 UN speech, Obama presumed to speak for all Americans when he said “We understand why people take offense to this (Innocence of Muslims youtube) video because millions of our citizens are among them...”

I didn't ask you what may or may not outrage Muslims, I asked you what outrages Americans.

Which of the following do you think Americans were truly outraged at:

1) American James Foley having his head sliced off by Islamic terrorists.
2) American Stephen Sotloff having his head sliced off by Islamic miscreants.
3) American Peter Kassig having his head sliced off by Islamic extremists.
4) A youtube movie trailer for the Innocence of Muslims.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
I read your question correctly the first time. And I'll answer again, Americans did not attack the Benghazi compound. Why are you asking what outrages Americans? That's irrelevant. It was ONE statement out of hundreds or even thousands he's made. The Republican-led report of last November came back and said that when Rice went on the shows, she was operating with the best intelligence they had at the time. They also concluded there was no order to stand down and no troops were nearby to help. It also determined that there was no cover up by intelligence agencies. Don't you think that if a republican-led panel could find something to nail them with, they would have found it? They tried. It was bullshit. Get over it, let's move on. We have other pressing matters that need attention.
lustylad's Avatar
I read your question correctly the first time. And I'll answer again, Americans did not attack the Benghazi compound. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
No, you didn't read the question correctly. I asked nothing about Benghazi.

Why are you asking what outrages Americans? That's irrelevant. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
There it is, folks. ISIS keeps beheading Americans and undercunt shrugs and calls this "irrelevant". He won't even feign outrage. Don't you just love him? Isn't he a great American?

If what outrages Americans is irrelevant, then why did Odumbo tell the UN that millions of Americans were "offended" by a stupid movie trailer video?

Get over it, let's move on. We have other pressing matters that need attention. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Uh-huh. Move along folks. Don't be upset. Don't be outraged just because they're slitting your throat. More important to understand why THEY are pissed off about a stupid movie trailer video. Your POTUS was deeply offended by that stupid movie trailer video. And he told the UN millions of Americans were too.

There you have it, folks. Another fine example of stand-up libtarded thinking at its most patriotic!

  • shanm
  • 03-28-2015, 09:51 AM
In his Sept. 2012 UN speech, Obama presumed to speak for all Americans when he said “We understand why people take offense to this (Innocence of Muslims youtube) video because millions of our citizens are among them...” Originally Posted by lustylad
Your questions are FUCKING STUPID, and you should feel FUCKING STUPID, because you are FUCKING STUPID.

When Obama said is that there are millions of in America that were also offended by that movie, he was correct. There were millions of American Muslims that were offended by that movie. Wait, you don't consider those muslims American? well, tough shit, go fuck yourself.

Obama ALSO condemned the murder of Foley, Sotloff and Kassig. Here:

What? These weren't good enough for you?

Again, Go fuck yourself.
Funny how undercunt and shammyturd squirm and sweat and run away and hide whenever you confront them with these uncomfortable questions!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
I think the video you seek is in the post above me, you ingrown butt hair.
No, you didn't read the question correctly. I asked nothing about Benghazi.

There it is, folks. ISIS keeps beheading Americans and undercunt shrugs and calls this "irrelevant". He won't even feign outrage. Don't you just love him? Isn't he a great American?

If what outrages Americans is irrelevant, then why did Odumbo tell the UN that millions of Americans were "offended" by a stupid movie trailer video?

Uh-huh. Move along folks. Don't be upset. Don't be outraged just because they're slitting your throat. More important to understand why THEY are pissed off about a stupid movie trailer video. Your POTUS was deeply offended by that stupid movie trailer video. And he told the UN millions of Americans were too.

There you have it, folks. Another fine example of stand-up libtarded thinking at its most patriotic!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Do I have to fall to my knees and weep and gnash my teeth? I'm sorry any time an american is killed by terrorists. I didn't know I needed to don sackloth and ashes and stay inside my house. These conditions you place on things are absolutely fucking ridiculous. Should we NOT understand why they are pissed off? Here's a little Sun Tzu on why you should know your enemy. This is why we are constantly fucking up in the Middle East. We don't know the culture, we don't want to take the time to know the culture. We simply think, because we are arrogant as you so aptly display by your posts, that we know better and if they would just subjugate and let us do our bidding it would all turn out ok. Well, of course it hasn't turned out ok. It's an absolute shitstorm over there, of which you think we carry no blame of course. Wake the fuck up you child.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
Your questions are FUCKING STUPID, and you should feel FUCKING STUPID, because you are FUCKING STUPID.

When Obama said is that there are millions of in America that were also offended by that movie, he was correct. There were millions of American Muslims that were offended by that movie. Wait, you don't consider those muslims American? well, tough shit, go fuck yourself.

Obama ALSO condemned the murder of Foley, Sotloff and Kassig. Here:

What? These weren't good enough for you?

Again, Go fuck yourself. Originally Posted by shanm
He said he couldn't find the videos. But he has no trouble finding all these other weird fucking videos. Oh wait, that's shiteater, but I think they're the same dumbass cunt. He didn't want to find the videos. Like IB and the rest of the klan... err clan, they simply dismiss the evidence that proves their point to be bullshit.
I B Hankering's Avatar
He said he couldn't find the videos. But he has no trouble finding all these other weird fucking videos. Oh wait, that's shiteater, but I think they're the same dumbass cunt. He didn't want to find the videos. Like IB and the rest of the klan... err clan, they simply dismiss the evidence that proves their point to be bullshit. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
When you say "evidence", you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion, do you mean "evidence" like you didn't have to support your POV about what Officer Wilson knew and didn't know, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion, or maybe you are referring to the "evidence" you didn't have to support your POV about what Zimmerman did or did not do, you "#Grubered", cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion?
lustylad's Avatar
Your questions are FUCKING STUPID, and you should feel FUCKING STUPID, because you are FUCKING STUPID. Originally Posted by shanm

i love men that "argue like a girl". . .don't you? Originally Posted by SeekingTruth

He's all yours, Debbie.
lustylad's Avatar
When Obama said is that there are millions of in America that were also offended by that movie, he was correct. There were millions of American Muslims that were offended by that movie. Originally Posted by shanm
Somehow I seem to have missed that, shammytard. Got a link?

And if you can't show me those "millions of offended American Muslims", how about a dozen or so?
  • shanm
  • 03-28-2015, 01:43 PM
Somehow I seem to have missed that, shammytard. Got a link?

And if you can't show me those "millions of offended American Muslims", how about a dozen or so? Originally Posted by lustylad
So........that's what you're trying to hang your hat on now?

You're saying that Muslim Americans weren't offended by a video that showed their prophet as a homosexual and child rapist?

I feel bad for you now. I truly do.

JK! You're a piece of shit who deserves to get stepped on.
lustylad's Avatar
I think the video you seek is in the post above me, you ingrown butt hair. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

No it's not, you jihadist-loving scumbag. Here is what I asked for:

We have ISIS beheading American citizens and putting the videos online, undercunt. Where is the Coddler-in-Chief's speech to the UN expressing outrage? Can you help me find it? Originally Posted by lustylad

Here is what you gave me:

After the third beheading it was too ho-hum an event for our Coddler-in-Chief to even comment, so all you could produce is the WH releasing a statement.

To sum up: 3 beheaded Americans warrant at best a brief comment on the way to the first tee. But a stupid youtube movie trailer video gets marquee attention in a speech to the United Nations. Anyone can see that our Coddler-in-Chief's perspective and priorities are completely upside-down, just like yours. You stupid fuck. You called 3 beheaded Americans "irrelevant". You and Odumbo pretend to have soooo much libtard feeling and empathy and compassion for everyone - but not for your fellow citizens whose heads are sliced off! They're irrelevant!

lustylad's Avatar
Somehow I seem to have missed that, shammytard. Got a link?

And if you can't show me those "millions of offended American Muslims", how about a dozen or so? Originally Posted by lustylad

So........that's what you're trying to hang your hat on now? Originally Posted by shanm
What, you can't even come up with a dozen? Ok, how about one?

No it's not, you jihadist-loving scumbag. Here is what I asked for:

Here is what you gave me:

After the third beheading it was too ho-hum an event for our Coddler-in-Chief to even comment, so all you could produce is the WH releasing a statement.

To sum up: 3 beheaded Americans warrant at best a brief comment on the way to the first tee. But a stupid youtube movie trailer video gets marquee attention in a speech to the United Nations. Anyone can see that our Coddler-in-Chief's perspective and priorities are completely upside-down, just like yours. You stupid fuck. You called 3 beheaded Americans "irrelevant". You and Odumbo pretend to have soooo much libtard feeling and empathy and compassion for everyone - but not for your fellow citizens whose heads are sliced off! They're irrelevant!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
No, I didn't. I said the way we felt about it was irrelevant. Which it is. What good are feelings going to do? You keep trying to equate things and that's your mistake. He did this when this happened, so he must do this when that happens. He's the president. He doesn't give a fuck what some far-sighted goober like you thinks. It's not upside down to want to know WHY something happened or WHY someone is acting a certain way. It's simply common sense. And you have, like you constantly do, presented another false dichotomy. I either completely agree with you or I'm a 'jihadist-loving scumbag' to quote you. Those aren't the only two options you grubered odumbo minion. I'm done fucking with you. You're a goddamn ignorant cunt and the worst part is you're willfully ignorant. Stupidity I could forgive. Willful ignorance is something else.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Willful ignorance is something else. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You need to forgive yourself, and try to do better. Maybe you and the missus, ShamWow could use some couples counseling. Ijs.