What should the U.S.’s role be?

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  • 03-04-2011, 05:49 AM
wow, if you guys were that harsh with us women too, i would really support that. Seems amongst guys discussion have to have higher standards while women talking gibberish most of the time and believe they are intellectuals do get away unquestioned ? . Originally Posted by ninasastri
It is called biased moderation or as SR would say, "It is human nature."

We can only hope he will see his own.

btw did you ever get an apology from the person that accussed you of anti Semitism? The one that SR started a whole thread on? The one about people being more civil, so people would not quit posting in the forum. We'd hate to lose a poster that calls you anti Semitic it appears!

No bias there

No media is unbiased. It is human nature. . Originally Posted by SR Only

What about moderators? Are you unbiased? IF not don't you think it would be a great ideal for the forum that you strive to be? That you not be stuck in one mindset and listen and respond to all? I have learnt my lesson by trying to communicate with you via pm's.

If you are unbiased and know it and don't care then at least we know what we are dealing with.

What we are having SR (and those that whine to him) is D&T version of blowback. Treating people unfairly while thinking that you aren't brings us to this.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well the DOD controls it now!

You no longer have drafted members in the military. The military controls what is said by their employee's! They can not talk to reporters honestly without losing their job.

Look how they are treating the wiki leaks private. Reporters just carry the water for the military brass.

We have a viginia crew of reporters. I agree with charles premis. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF, a day late and a dollar short, as usual. Read posts at #143 and #159 and you’ll find you’re repeating what I already posted. Plus, here are two more American journalist from the Vietnam era. Again, these are a couple of Herr’s associates, and they also reported for foreign news agencies.

Sean Flynn [son of Errol Flynn] the journalist: Flynn arrived in South Vietnam in January 1966, as a free-lance photojournalist; first for the French magazine Paris-Match, then for Time-Life and finally for United Press International. His photos were soon published around the world. He soon made a name for himself as one of that group of high-risk photojournalists who would do anything to get the best pictures; even going into combat.

In March, 1966, Flynn was wounded in his knee while in the field. In mid-1966, he left Vietnam long enough to star in his last movie. He returned to Vietnam and made a parachute jump with the 1st. Brigade, 101st Airborne Division in December, 1966. In 1967, he went to Israel to cover the Arab-Israeli war of 1967. He returned to Vietnam in 1968, after the Tet offensive, with plans to make a documentary about the war. In the spring of 1970, he went to Cambodia, when news of North Vietnamese advances into that country broke.

Disappearance: On April 6, 1970, after leaving Phnom Penh on rented Honda motorbikes to find the front lines of fighting in Cambodia, Flynn and Dana Stone (who was also an American and who was on assignment for Time magazine and CBS News respectively) were captured by Vietnamese Communist forces at a roadblock on Highway One. Investigations by fellow photojournalist Tim Page, reported in the UK Sunday Times on 24 March 1991, indicate that Stone and Flynn were taken first to the village of Sangke Kaong, and then to other villages before being handed over to the Khmer Rouge. Citing various government sources, the consensus is that Flynn and Stone were killed by Khmer Rouge in June 1971. Page and a TV documentary maker tracked down an empty grave in a village known as Bei Met that had allegedly been the final resting place of two foreigners. Forensic examination of the few remains left in the grave suggested they belonged to a tall man and a short man – consistent with the appearance of Flynn and Stone respectively – and that both had died violently. In 2003, the Pentagon's Central Identification Lab in Hawaii confirmed by DNA testing that the remains found by Tim Page were actually of Clyde McKay, a boat hijacker and Larry Humphrey, an army deserter. Flynn and Stone were never heard from again and their remains have never been found.

Flynn's mother, Lili Damita, spent an enormous amount of money searching for her son, with no success. In 1984 she had him declared legally dead.

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  • WTF
  • 03-04-2011, 07:52 AM
WTF, a day late and a dollar short, as usual. Read posts at #143 and #159 and you’ll find you’re repeating what I already posted.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean_Flynn Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I was agreeing with you and charles.

I know you are not used to that!

The media are vagina's and they were back then too but the DOD could not control them as well.

Now the only person with balls is wiki leak founder. He is having to do what reporters are to scared to.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I was agreeing with you and charles.

I know you are not used to that!. Originally Posted by WTF
No, I'm not. LOL

No dollar short today, I won money in Tahoe! Originally Posted by WTF
Now you can go to the Bunny Ranch!

Tahoe is fun. I'll be in Vegas next week to help them pay the light bill.
All the Mideast problems .
... simple.
I think the US needs to mind their own business , Our country is a mess and falling apart and all we do is meddle in other countries business We need to focus on the people here , debts ,healthcare ,Jobs. Our soldiers have risked their lives over + over on 2,3 ,4 tours and come home and can not even get a job and we have lost way too many over the past few years already . We secure oil fields all over the world but it doesn't matter as gas is steady getting to 5$ a gallon if they want US Military these countries should have to pay us if not in $ in oil .The US also needs to stop killing everyone on taxes , legalize prostitution, Marijuana, to get out of the hole they put our country in and ruining lives of peope that are not hurting anyone . Originally Posted by AmericanGeisha
I believe you can`t exclude foreign politics from interiour politics that easy. To focus on a better healthcare system and Jobs it is imperative that a good standing with foreign countries is established as well (especially when it comes to jobs - much less when it comes to healthcare since the US majority does not really like the european model of healthcare since its too costly. But when it comes to interactions of science for pushing new medication and treatments international ressources are imperative as well )

Its not like "anyone wants US military" somewhere in the first place, but to maintain their economic status quo and their power they have to intervene. They do usually not intervene because they are so "social" and because they worry so much if egypt or libya`s people get killed, but much rather for political purposes, as usual. The US military is not welfare. And Gadaffi is a threat, always has been. So now it would be wise to intervene. The EU has done so already. Frozen the bank accounts :-) (love that one). I mean its hilarious. They have their system of corruption but to finance that they need to leave their money in democratic countries because their system does not work, really?? Its outrageous!!!!! So the democratic countries finance these systems anyway. So - we can also say stop to it, right?

If - eg. - they did not start intervening in Afghanistan or soon enough in Pakistan you don`t need to worry about healthcare in the long run anymore since the nuclear weapons and the al Kaida will make this wish of yours completely irrellevant just exploding one of these things on your heads. I am still unsure if the Irak war was really necessary, especially the Hussein trial was more than ridiculous, but it happened. Now we have to deal with the consequences.

Its wishful thinking that countries should leave eahc other alone. But its not realistic. Ever. All countries are intertwined.And the dependence on oil is political as well. Too many oil lobbyists intertwined in politics and the words of power .
There are already invented other ressources than oil, but these "fat cats" make it impossible to solicit to them. So - get rid of the "fat cats" and the oil dependency first - then it might be possible to not intervene with other countries, but even then i seriously doubt that. Just my 5 cents.
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  • 03-04-2011, 08:21 AM

Now you can go to the Bunny Ranch!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
My better half wanted to go. ''Hell no'', I said, ''You seen those chicks!?''

Tahoe is fun. I'll be in Vegas next week to help them pay the light bill. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Plenty of fresh powder at Heavenly.

Last time I was in Vegas to pay their light bill I think they had bought some Enron wattage!
It is called biased moderation or as SR would say, "It is human nature." Originally Posted by WTF
I believe so far SR Only has done a great job at moderation. He is very diplomatic and helpful and i like that about him. I can`t say much about any other moderators because i feel i am not long enough on the board to judge.

Now the only person with balls is wiki leak founder. He is having to do what reporters are to scared to. Originally Posted by WTF
that is true, and he is a hippie. He is on nobody`s payroll.
that is true, and he is a hippie. He is on nobody`s payroll. Originally Posted by ninasastri
Well in that case, he is certainly blessed and must be on the side of all that is right and good.
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  • 03-04-2011, 09:00 AM
Well in that case, he is certainly blessed and must be on the side of all that is right and good. Originally Posted by pjorourke
The truth is not always right and good but it beats the fuc out of the alternative.....for most of us anyway.
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  • WTF
  • 03-04-2011, 09:03 AM
I believe so far SR Only has done a great job at moderation. He is very diplomatic and helpful and i like that about him. I can`t say much about any other moderators because i feel i am not long enough on the board to judge. Originally Posted by ninasastri
Either he is biased or he is not.

Either he realizes it or not.

But it is really hard to argue that everything/one is biased but oneself!
I B Hankering's Avatar
All the Mideast problems .
... simple.
I think the custodians at the Smithsonian would suffer cardiac arrests if they had to make placards to include a second mission.
discreetgent's Avatar
If we are going to move to moderation and people discussions I think we need to bring in a discussion on abortion as well; might as well concentrate all the hot buttons in one place.
If we are going to move to moderation and people discussions I think we need to bring in a discussion on abortion as well; might as well concentrate all the hot buttons in one place. Originally Posted by discreetgent
Lets not forget our all time favorite: "No piece of ass is worth..." or NPOA for short.