Why more Americans don't travel abroad

I would love to but I personally don't get enough vacation time.
Forecast in NYC next week is for temps in the fifties! Woo hoo! Time to grab a six pack and head to the beach. Instead take me with you to Florida please? Going for Spring Break and your own version of a "six pack?" Originally Posted by SR Only
Noooooooooo. Please tell me next week is NOT spring break
I haven't been to Florida for Spring Break since I was 17..and that was a mistake my dad NEVER made again..hahahahaha.

C x
Don't worry your okay:
Question: When is Spring Break?
Answer: Aside from spring, of course, when is spring break? Spring break actually starts for some schools in mid February and starts as late as the second week in April for a few, but most schools take spring break in March. So -- if asking, "When is spring break 2011?" do ya actually want to know when the big weeks are? Answer: March 7-18 (especially March 14-18), 2011.
I used to love looking foward to Spring Break. Least untill I worked for a Hotel that catered toward them. Lots of wild crazy parties. Had some dumb drunktard almost kill me by throwing a beer off a 15 story building building, it laded just 5 feet from my head.
Sisyphus's Avatar
Don't worry your okay:
Question: When is Spring Break?
Answer: Aside from spring, of course, when is spring break? Spring break actually starts for some schools in mid February and starts as late as the second week in April for a few, but most schools take spring break in March. So -- if asking, "When is spring break 2011?" do ya actually want to know when the big weeks are? Answer: March 7-18 (especially March 14-18), 2011. Originally Posted by SR Only
She misses Spring Break...lol...dunno about Spring Training...which might be even worse! When do pitchers & catchers report?
atlcomedy's Avatar
I think there are many factors, one being marriage.
In the US, people tend to marry younger (see the graph on the left in the link below) http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/...marriage_N.htm

For some darn reason the link to marriage is Europe won't post...but the age is 30+ People tend to travel abroad at a much younger age In Europe..because they can afford to as single working people.

A higher number of Americans also go straight to college from school than they do in Europe. Many Europeans take a GAP year and travel. American college education is also much more expensive than in Europe. In England, it's very very common for familes to go abroad for their summer holidays during school breaks. Until recently, those same familes didn't have worry about saving for their kids college funds though...and even now, the costs are relatively low compared to the US.

Sooooo...I think the deck is stacked against Americans from a young age. They have parents saving for college funds (which probably inhibits their own ability to travel to some degree) the kids then get out of college with large debts and marry younger. Also, as someone else mentioned, y'all don't get a lot of holiday time off work here. Starting time off in the UK is 4 weeks and can rise to 6 over a 10 year period (and that has little to do with teh kind of job you have)...plus all bank holidays. Not using that holiday is a real faux pas...where as here it is rewarded. Give me my holidays any day lol...

C xx Originally Posted by Camille
There is probably some merit to that. Both time while younger and amount of holiday.

Don't worry your okay:
Question: When is Spring Break?
Answer: Aside from spring, of course, when is spring break? Spring break actually starts for some schools in mid February and starts as late as the second week in April for a few, but most schools take spring break in March. So -- if asking, "When is spring break 2011?" do ya actually want to know when the big weeks are? Answer: March 7-18 (especially March 14-18), 2011. Originally Posted by SR Only
"Spring Break" seems to last forever...want to find out if your beach will be full of kids? Check the prices (& stay requirements) for mid-priced hotels before, after & during your desired stay...if things are sold out or priced at a premium assume the kids are in route from Wisconsin in Dad's Suburban...chugging SOuthern Comfort cut with Kool-Aid all the way stopping only for gas and urination breaks