Multiple boats participating in a Trump Boat Parade are in distress on Lake Travis near Austin

Lets stop pretending that you care, either. The only time I ever hear about the murders in Chicago (or Dallas, or Kansas City, or anywhere else on this board) is when you're attempting to use it as a talking point.

Wanna know one of the reasons why people who live in bad neighborhoods continue to vote Democrat? Its not due to the social programs-- its because every time there is an outbreak of violence-- the community organizers that show up to work with the community afterward-- are Democrat. Hell, even our own Congressman here-(Republican) -- he shows up in person to the community meetings in white neighborhoods-- but sends his black secretary in whenever its in the hood. I'm not even saying that the Dems actually care more than the Reps.. I'm just saying-- they're the ones smart enough to show up after an incident. It gives the optics of caring.

Chicago has a lot of murders-- but they are not even in the top 10 per capita anymore.. and haven't been for a few years now. Right now-- the murder rate in Cincinnati is higher than in Chicago. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I'm telling you I do not like to see innocent black people get shot.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Wanna know one of the reasons why people who live in bad neighborhoods continue to vote Democrat? Its not due to the social programs-- its because every time there is an outbreak of violence-- the community organizers that show up to work with the community afterward-- are Democrat.
I’m not buying this even a little. Not that democrats show up, maybe they do, but saying it’s an overriding factor as to why minorities vote democrat is a streeeeeeetch. I’d bet if you polled an inner city 90% wouldn’t even know who their representative is, let alone his/her policy positions. They go in and pull the lever like good little lemmings because black “leaders” told them to.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I’m not buying this even a little. Not that democrats show up, maybe they do, but saying it’s an overriding factor as to why minorities vote democrat is a streeeeeeetch. I’d bet if you polled an inner city 90% wouldn’t even know who their representative is, let alone his/her policy positions. They go in and pull the lever like good little lemmings because black “leaders” told them to. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

I live in the "inner city". People around here know more than you think-- they know enough to see the different attempts to keep them from voting (from removing polling places to having to "recertify" that they live at their address every... damn... year-- a thing that I NEVER had to do until I moved to this neighborhood. ) And.. as I said, they see who shows up in the neighborhood-- and who doesn't. Those in the "inner city" who actually vote-- tend to have a pretty decent idea of whats going on. However-- the actual turnout around here is woefully anemic... and from what I understand, that holds true for a lot of "inner city" areas.

EVERYONE around here knows who our Rep is.. and even better, we know his secretary on site, because she's the only one who ever shows up to neighborhood meetings and events.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I’ll have to take your word for it, never actually living there.

I am interested in the quotation marks around inner city though. That’s a common, not derogatory term afaik. I’m perplexed as to why you’d purposefully single it out.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Often times in political discourse-- when someone says "People in the inner city don't know... don't care... don't_________" its borderline derogatory. It tends to be used as the more polite version of "in the hood". People in the inner city aren't the helpless folk that the Dems want to portray them as... nor are they the ignorant folk that the Reps want to portray them as-- while you may not have meant to do the latter-- you very much did with your assumption that people in the inner city don't know anything about the people they vote for. Around here-- the few who vote-- know. You'll be hard pressed to find people who straight-ticket vote. Its a shame that we can't get more people interested and involved in the process.

You likely didn't mean it that way-- but in text, its very hard to read intent.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I agree with you to a point. The groups doing the protesting.. choose the WORST fucking martyrs. There was a black man who was a therapist for an autistic client. He complied with the officers... was laying down on the ground with his hands in the air. Was unarmed. Was murdered. The officer--- was acquitted. But... the outrage, has been non-existent. Guess he wasn't poor enough to qualify.

There are decent examples of people who absolutely should not have died by hands of the police (technically nobody should-- they are not judge, jury and executioner but...). Why the BLMers and media doesn't swarm around them is beyond me. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

how was the officer acquitted?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Obama looked good on paper the first time he ran-- but I didn't vote for him for a 2nd term. I'd call him a shit pita pocket-- looked great on the outside... but....

Bush 2 was mediocre looking-- but did a good job of surrounding himself with people who were strong-- and was willing to take advice. I voted for him both times.

Clinton was an absolute whoremonger-- but did a decent job, although some of his financial decisions that looked great at the time-- led us into the housing crash in 2008. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

except for afghanistan, those 3 got the U.S.A. into wars we had no business getting involved in. they were architects of the so-called "Forever War' plan that were pushed by the Neo-Cons who are now with the Democrats.
This is a discussion on the boat rally held last Saturday by Trump supporters. Please stay on subject.

If you are responding to my request as when I have lied on this forum, you will have to be more explicit than a "2016 flip flop". Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
In regards to the need for debates in 2016 vs. 2020...I know you have selective memory when it suits you. The violence on the left is not winning over the undecided to matter how hard you think it will. You are aligned with the party the doesn't condone the violent lawlessness of the marxist criminal syndicate wreaking havoc on the country. You will ignore this your parties determent.
  • oeb11
  • 09-09-2020, 04:46 AM
bb- Amen - good sir!
Grace Preston's Avatar
how was the officer acquitted? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Sorry.. details slightly off. Therapist was hit, but not killed. So many of these stories in general that its hard to keep them all straight.

Officer was convicted of a far more minor crime-- so minor that he can maintain the ability to be an officer in Florida. Like so many others.. its very difficult to convict a cop-- even with a good bit of evidence. If he maintains his job, I certainly hope he hits the range because he's a shitty shot.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
In regards to the need for debates in 2016 vs. 2020...I know you have selective memory when it suits you. The violence on the left is not winning over the undecided to matter how hard you think it will. You are aligned with the party the doesn't condone the violent lawlessness of the marxist criminal syndicate wreaking havoc on the country. You will ignore this your parties determent. Originally Posted by bb1961
Again, you did not explain how I "lied" regarding debates or any other issue.

Pre COVID-19 I said the debates in 2016 were more important than the debates would be in 2020. Opinion. Due to the impact of COVID-19 I now believe the debates will have somewhat more of an impact on the election than before. I still do not believe that there will be much movement among undecided voters based on the outcome of the debates. Again, opinion.

Tell me where I've lied.

Which party I support and why I many support it is irrelevant to that point.
LexusLover's Avatar
Speedo ... what you believe is "irrelevant" .... period.

According to your standards your "beliefs" are "truthful" and others' are not. So you struggle to be "relevant" by making up shit ... cf Lucas McClain! (You never owned "Henry's" or shot one, but you.....!)

You can sit at a gate waiting area at an airport and chat with a local passenger awaiting a flight and suddenly you become an expert on what the citizens of the country feel and believe. Just like you do in the Austin area! Example: You claim to have owned a boat and spent time on Lake Travis, so you suddenly qualified to give your vague opinion that people on boats on the Lake you saw in a video clip and read in a news story were failing to practice "safe boating"!!!

Because they claim to be "ProTrump"? You are the worse kind of idiot!

And the most dangerous kind. Masquerading as an intellect.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Speedo ... what you believe is "irrelevant" .... period.

According to your standards your "beliefs" are "truthful" and others' are not. So you struggle to be "relevant" by making up shit ... cf Lucas McClain! (You never owned "Henry's" or shot one, but you.....!)

You can sit at a gate waiting area at an airport and chat with a local passenger awaiting a flight and suddenly you become an expert on what the citizens of the country feel and believe. Just like you do in the Austin area! Example: You claim to have owned a boat and spent time on Lake Travis, so you suddenly qualified to give your vague opinion that people on boats on the Lake you saw in a video clip and read in a news story were failing to practice "safe boating"!!!

Because they claim to be "ProTrump"? You are the worse kind of idiot!

And the most dangerous kind. Masquerading as an intellect. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yet another worthless post that says abolutely NOTHING.

I gave an opinion on what happened last Saturday on Lake Travis, an opinion that is supported by eye-witnesses, the Travis County Sheriff's Office, and every photo or video posted on the subject.
You've got nothing to support your opinions. Your incredibly stupid statement on the events were WRONG and only your unbridled vanity keeps you from saying "I was wrong".

And I'm still waiting for any evidence at all that supports your LIE that I claimed to simply fly over countries and then claim that I've been to them. Similar to the lie you just made about me talking to people in a waiting area in an airport and coming to conclusions. Your lies just don't stop.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Dim-wits and selective memories ,,
Cali 13% income tax
47 of the top most violent cities DEM, 41 cities below Poverty levels DEMs
Point being deflection and bad memory is all most of them have , facts NEVER on there side,,,,,,,,
LexusLover's Avatar
And I'm still waiting .... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Do the World a favor and hold your breath.

The "evidence" would out you and that's a forum violation....something that little HoeHum aka YR learned the hard way .... but you know all about me so you know I have "the evidence" ... and the last time I confronted you with YOUR ADMISSIONS about your so-called "World-Travels" you starting whining like a little baby, because I mentioned your WIFE (who you had already injected into one of your bullshit world travel stories) and traveling "with her" on her family pass .... from her employer the airline!!!!

Your boat bullshit fits right in ... you're an idiot and loudmouth.

You sort of remind me of the little twerps on here who assert I don't get any pussy, because I don't brag about it in reviews ... let's see .... bragging about paying a female (most of the time) money to disrobe, suck their dick, and fuck them ... bragging about it in a review and most often lying about numerous alleged facts contained in the "review"!

Here's a lie: You claimed you had been on Lake Travis "for years"! There are 365 days in a year ... so how many days have you spent on Lake Travis and the dates of those excursions ON THE LAKE IN YOUR BOAT ... or anyone else's boat for that matter?

Your other lie had to do with the outcome of the 2016 election. It's been posted numerous times! You want me to post your lie again? I have it handy!

10-20-2016, 08:03 AM #21

This election is OVER. Republicans should start focusing on 2020. Unless a bomb hits between now and November 8th there is no way Trump can overcome the lead that Clinton has in the polls. For those of you who are still not believing the polls . . . we'll see in a handful of days how accurate they are.