just when you think you've seen it all on eccie

Chica, a word of advice. Don't get worked up about it. Just put him on ignore if you have to and don't let anyone get any entertainment from you about it. It sucks, yes, but the assholes here are way more relentless than the norm, which is why it (the assholism, and yes I'm guilty also) prevails. A chick got on my shit list real good once and I rode her ass like a Vespa until she left. No amount of pointing or banning was gonna do it, because I'd be right back in her ass like a brand new thong. He doesn't make his money here, you do. The more you rail about it, the more people look. All you can do is take your feelings out of it. All of them. You've lost enough already. Don't allow anyone to take any more.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
He's not under my skin and im far from being worked up.

I only have one on my ignore list and he's not one of them, because he does not bother me...

Thanks for the advice honey
junglemonkey's Avatar
The price you pay for being a potty mouth outting whore.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
And that does not pertain to me, but I know who it is going to pertain to. And not giving hints
Champagne Brown's Avatar
And thank's to ideas from hobbyist.

And that's why im not bothered by this bs..
Wakeup's Avatar
So.. never. Fair enough.. Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
Oh no, there is an end, as I said. I doubt she'll let it end though...

WU, take it somewhere else. Originally Posted by flyinghi
Let me know how that works out for you...
dearhunter's Avatar
There is an end for Wakeup..........ijs
Champagne Brown's Avatar
What ever... Rolling my eye's
What ever... Rolling my eye's Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
Watch out they may get stuck
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I think we all know that's not true...

Rolling my eye's...
dearhunter's Avatar
We have yet to grind the gristle...........potty mouth outing whore will be singing a new song should we choose to go there........ijs
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Yep my song will be sung heading to the bank... Trust..
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Kiss my
Champagne Brown's Avatar
And the title of the song would be, I got plenty money I got plenty money...

This is real world, that some fail to realize, and I am real person...