Russia is interfering AGAIN in 2020 election to help Donald Trump get a second term, intelligence officials secretly told Congress

gfejunkie's Avatar
It seems the OP's original assumptions are full of holes.

From, of all places, CNN...

"The US intelligence community has assessed that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election and has separately assessed that Russia views Trump as a leader they can work with. But the US does not have evidence that Russia's interference this cycle is aimed at reelecting Trump, the officials said."

It appears that the Russians view Trump is a talented deal maker. Which is true.
Jaxson66's Avatar
It seems the OP's original assumptions are full of holes.

From, of all places, CNN...

"The US intelligence community has assessed that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election and has separately assessed that Russia views Trump as a leader they can work with. But the US does not have evidence that Russia's interference this cycle is aimed at reelecting Trump, the officials said."

It appears that the Russians view Trump is a talented deal maker. Which is true. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Trump puts an unqualified loyalist in charge of national intelligence

It didn’t take long for the fat lying bastards piss boy Grenell to begin another whitewash for the racist pig fucker squatting in the Oval Office!
It seems the OP's original assumptions are full of holes.

From, of all places, CNN...

"The US intelligence community has assessed that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election and has separately assessed that Russia views Trump as a leader they can work with. But the US does not have evidence that Russia's interference this cycle is aimed at reelecting Trump, the officials said."

It appears that the Russians view Trump is a talented deal maker. Which is true. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
we all knew it was b.s. from the start - mere dim spin cuz they aint got nuthin' else once again
  • oeb11
  • 02-24-2020, 07:01 AM
j666 is trying to spin moonbeams and flatus again!!
What an exercise in futility he plays on this forum!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Jaxson66's Avatar
j666 is trying to spin moonbeams and flatus again!!
What an exercise in futility he plays on this forum! Originally Posted by oeb11
Hitler attacked the legitimacy of democracy itself, purging the voting rolls, challenging the integrity of the electoral process, and questioning the ability of democratic government to solve Germany’s problems,” Neuborne notes.

“Trump has also attacked the democratic process, declining to agree to be bound by the outcome of the 2016 elections when he thought he might lose, supporting the massive purge of the voting rolls allegedly designed to avoid (nonexistent) fraud, championing measures that make it harder to vote, tolerating—if not fomenting—massive Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, encouraging mob violence at rallies, darkly hinting at violence if Democrats hold power, and constantly casting doubt on the legitimacy of elections unless he wins.”

Both attack the judiciary and rule of law. “Hitler politicized and eventually destroyed the vaunted German justice system. Trump also seeks to turn the American justice system into his personal playground,” Neuborne writes. “Like Hitler, Trump threatens the judicially enforced rule of law, bitterly attacking American judges who rule against him, slyly praising Andrew Jackson for defying the Supreme Court, and abusing the pardon power by pardoning an Arizona sheriff found guilty of criminal contempt of court for disobeying federal court orders to cease violating the Constitution.”

Like Hitler, Trump glorifies the military, staffing his administration with layers of retired generals (who eventually were fired or resigned), relaxing control over the use of lethal force by the military and the police, and demanding a massive increase in military spending,” Neuborne writes. Just as Hitler “imposed an oath of personal loyalty on all German judges” and demanded courts defer to him, “Trump’s already gotten enough deference from five Republican [Supreme Court] justices to uphold a largely Muslim travel ban that is the epitome of racial and religious bigotry.”

Trump has also demanded loyalty oaths. “He fired James Comey, a Republican appointed in 2013 as FBI director by President Obama, for refusing to swear an oath of personal loyalty to the president; excoriated and then sacked Jeff Sessions, his handpicked attorney general, for failing to suppress the criminal investigation into… Trump’s possible collusion with Russia in influencing the 2016 elections; repeatedly threatened to dismiss Robert Mueller, the special counsel carrying out the investigation; and called again and again for the jailing of Hillary Clinton, his 2016 opponent, leading crowds in chants of ‘lock her up.’” A new chant, “send her back,” has since emerged at Trump rallies directed at non-white Democratic congresswomen.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Didn't take long for the H word again , there's a pattern of rhetoric ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,
  • oeb11
  • 02-24-2020, 08:09 AM
H... - Hitler or H... - she whose name must not be spoken????
not much difference in those two.

you know j666 and the Fascist DPST's are desperate when they go to the "H" Word.
gfejunkie's Avatar
H... - Hitler or H... - she whose name must not be spoken????
not much difference in those two.

you know j666 and the Fascist DPST's are desperate when they go to the "H" Word.
LOL Originally Posted by oeb11
The first one loses. Godwin's Law...
Jaxson66's Avatar
Sanders condemns Russian interference in 2020 elections

“ Unlike Donald Trump, I do not consider Vladimir Putin a good friend,” the statement said. “He is an autocratic thug who is attempting to destroy democracy and crush dissent in Russia. Let’s be clear, the Russians want to undermine American democracy by dividing us up and, unlike the current president, I stand firmly against their efforts, and any other foreign power that wants to interfere in our election.”

Bernie could win, but then any candidate who survives the Democratic scrum will beat the fat lying bastard.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Don’t mince words. Trump is abetting an attack on our country.

When the Senate acquitted President Trump of the high crimes he committed against our country, Republicans and Democrats alike fell back on a convenient fiction: No, Trump has not really placed himself beyond the law and accountability entirely — for he can always be held accountable in the next election.

Republicans adopted this fiction to obscure Trump’s crimes — that his Ukraine shakedown was all about corrupting that same election. Democrats adopted it to diffuse pressure to sustain the investigative war footing that protecting the country demands.

The news that intelligence officials warned House lawmakers that Russia is again trying to sabotage our election for Trump, and that this disclosure angered him, shatters that fiction entirely.

These revelations are already getting shrouded in euphemism. One CNN analysis insists “America” is “blundering” into another crisis of electoral legitimacy, and that the “partisan divide” is hampering the U.S. response to it.

This notion that the country writ large is stumbling helplessly into this crisis, when in fact one party is inviting it in a manner the other simply is not, and its companion idea that “partisanship” will paralyze our response to it, will be ubiquitous.

So let’s not mince words: Trump and his GOP defenders appear to be actively abetting an attack on our country. By contrast, Democrats can be accused only of passivity — a serious abdication, but not remotely comparable to what Trump and his defenders are orchestrating. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
  • oeb11
  • 02-24-2020, 10:13 AM
j666 and WaPo - where would he/she be without their mis-direction.

Bernie and Putin are both communists - and j666 cannot understand that.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
j666 and WaPo - where would he/she be without their mis-direction.

Bernie and Putin are both communists - and j666 cannot understand that. Originally Posted by oeb11

putin is not necessarily communist.

he was kgb, but that doesn't mean he believes in communism. what he is a nationalist and pines for the Russian Empire that was lost, that is not in doubt.
  • oeb11
  • 02-24-2020, 11:48 AM
Communism was the ideology - the religion of the UISSR . The rality was authoritarian totalitarianism.

Putin knows the russians have always lived under authoritarian government - from centuries of teh Tsars - and Lenin was just a different Tsar.
How much does Putin believe the religion - he is the Dictator of Russia - completely and effectively - and is the authoritarian totalitarian Tsar.

DF - you are correct - his annexation of Crimea made his his plans for Rusisa clear - achieve the control of the the Cold War years - if not all of Europe.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Communism was the ideology - the religion of the UISSR . The rality was authoritarian totalitarianism.

Putin knows the russians have always lived under authoritarian government - from centuries of teh Tsars - and Lenin was just a different Tsar.
How much does Putin believe the religion - he is the Dictator of Russia - completely and effectively - and is the authoritarian totalitarian Tsar.

DF - you are correct - his annexation of Crimea made his his plans for Rusisa clear - achieve the control of the the Cold War years - if not all of Europe. Originally Posted by oeb11

i think the russians have an unspoken manifest destiny, a russia that stretches from the east coast to the west coast.