Off the Clock


I wasn't thinking about escorting when I put my sig line up. Granted it's on this board, but not everything on here revolves around escorting....though (just like the sig line) can often still relate to it.

Other than that, your experieces to date have made you so narrow minded that you are the one man that I would advise to just not bother trying to see an escort again. You get back what you put out...and that's not just limited to escorts either...

C x
You're talking through your hat with this invitation. Besides, if you assume I don't have a fortnight to spare, you are correct.
Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I can't figure out if you are being rude or obstinate. Either way, the invite was extended, you declined and thus should resign yourself to the fact Charles that you really don't know anything about what skills are or are not required to be an escort. Are we done beating this shit to death now?

Camille x
MajorHands's Avatar
I won't share what I am working toward in terms of education. It's not relevant anyway. I still think that being a good escort requires a number of skills that a lot of people don't have. Just because you do not respect those skills does not mean that they are not skills. Originally Posted by China Doll
Charles doesn't seem to have any appreciation for what the ladies do. He also doesn't seem to appreciate that we don't really get our hourly rate every hour we work. Taking care of the business brings my hourly pay down to about a third of what I make in a one hour appointment. This is now, and I'm not even currently taking the time to screen new clients. I'd also like to point out that there aren't too many people with an equally viable back-up to their professions lest they find themselves in an unfortunate career-ending situation. Originally Posted by China Doll

If I may, to illustrate China's point. China, among other marvelous skills, is exceptional at customer relations, and that's not supposed to be a double entendre (but I guess it could!). We had our 2nd visit a year ago on St Patty's Day...after our first meeting, we'd done some texting back and forth and I mentioned an erotic story I'd posted on Literotica a few years ago and wondered if she was interested in reading it. Declining would have been fine, and even understandable.

Instead, she agreed to read it.(I just copied and pasted the text from the story into a Word document to see if it was as long as I remembered and it was just over 28 single space pages and 20,229 words!) This was not just a casual read. China not only read the story; she took some great notes for feedback and while she was complimentary, she did take me to task for a couple things I hadn't considered. Talk about prep-time!!! We spent a fair amount of time discussing her thoughts about the story during the appointment and it was really nice.

Now, taking the time to do all that clearly bit into the hourly pay in a big way, and while it was a tremendously human thing to do, it was also a consummately professional act as well. Giving that amount of attention and care for something somewhat outside the pale of a typical client provider and not kissing my ass about it...I was totally smitten, and probably always will be.

I know that on many levels, "China Doll" is a deliberate and carefully created construct and I respect that and the skills required to build and maintain her. At the same time, the core of that creation that still shines through is a pretty remarkable human.
MajorHands's Avatar
Happens often. I have developed some friendships with clients like that. We define lines on what is appropriate to be compensated and what is ok for a friendship. COndition is that the client is interesting enough personally. I have a client turned friendship who books me twice a month and we skype any day. He is my personal assistant with emotional problems and relationship issues (poor guy - i hope he doesn`t send me the bill anytime soon ...;-)....) Originally Posted by ninasastri
I've gotten to the point with one provider where the friendship has transcended the client-provider relationship, and there have been some ripples and overlap between the two aspects of our interaction. Along the way, I've tried to stay very aware of our respective boundaries and done my best to hold up my end of the bargain by being a good friend who brings value to the table (not all value is monetary)...someone she can lean on and depend upon. It's still a work in progress, but I kind of like the idea that the nature of this hobby doesn't necessarily have to constrain us when an opportunity for a genuine personal interaction presents itself.

I will say this about OTC time in general, the only way it would have any appeal is if it was mutually enjoyable for both parties, where again, there was value exchanged, just not monetarily.
London Rayne's Avatar
I think it's a simple concept....each woman runs her business the way she sees fit. If she wants to offer OTC, fine. If not, it does not make her any less of a companion nor is it indicative of someone who is "all about the money."
Naomi4u's Avatar
nor is it indicative of someone who is "all about the money." Originally Posted by London Rayne
Yup and even then they don't tell their dentist or attorney that they're "only in it for the money", do they? So why do it to an escort? She is also a professional.

You know what you signed up for. She does not owe you free or extra time. If you're looking for a girlfriend.. Click here.
London Rayne's Avatar
LOL. I mean the nerve of some women charging for escorting! Guys are entitled to use us even in a BUSINESS, I suppose. What's funny is like you said, those who come here knowing what it is about and wanting to change it after the fact. I don't ever recall using lines or misleading someone into thinking I was here for sh3ts and giggles, or to fall in love.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I don't ever recall using lines or misleading someone into thinking I was here for sh3ts and giggles, or to fall in love. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong then? I was proposed to twice last year and again just a few weeks ago via text message.

This is the new
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-23-2011, 07:29 AM
There are two types of OTC time. Those that offer and market it, which really isn't OTC time. It is more a marketing ploy where time and money have been factored into the equation. Stay past their factored in time and cut into their real OTC time and see how they react!

Then there are ladies that just do not offer it for any number of reasons. They may have had a stalker in the past that they were initially friendly with or a boyfriend they like to spend their free time with.

THe main thing I always try and preach to my male freinds that partake in this business is that wtf you are doing is hiring an actress...if you like her performance, hire her again and again. If not move on. If you want a real life girlfriend or wife, then go try and hire one of those, they sure the fluck are out there!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Wives are a lot more expensive than escorts. The guys just don't know it until shit hits the fan.
London Rayne's Avatar
There are two types of OTC time. Those that offer and market it, which really isn't OTC time. It is more a marketing ploy where time and money have been factored into the equation. Stay past their factored in time and cut into their real OTC time and see how they react!

Then there are ladies that just do not offer it for any number of reasons. They may have had a stalker in the past that they were initially friendly with or a boyfriend they like to spend their free time with.

THe main thing I always try and preach to my male freinds that partake in this business is that wtf you are doing is hiring an actress...if you like her performance, hire her again and again. If not move on. If you want a real life girlfriend or wife, then go try and hire one of those, they sure the fluck are out there! Originally Posted by WTF
Camille -- Yes, that was me. I think I actually said something like "It can be fast money, it can be good money, but it is never easy money." It was left deliberately vague, but as a warning to those who believe sex work is fast, easy cash.

In following this discussion through most of these pages, I'd like to state that men are quite willing to pay for social time. My rates for my time are my rates for my time -- I do not charge differently based on what we do/don't do during that time. This blows the minds of some, but certainly not all.

When I was a stripper, I made a lot of money sitting at the bar all night, drinking and talking with guys. Never danced for them.

This doesn't mean I'm opposed to sex (or table-dancing), it just means that yes, I'm that good at foreplay. Men's biggest sex organ is the exact same one as a woman's.


PS: That would be the brain -- for those of you who might be anatomically-confused.
PS: That would be the brain -- for those of you who might be anatomically-confused. Originally Posted by texasgoldengirl
I'm glad you clarified that.
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  • WTF
  • 03-23-2011, 08:02 AM
Camille -- Yes, that was me. I think I actually said something like "It can be fast money, it can be good money, but it is never easy money." It was left deliberately vague, but as a warning to those who believe sex work is fast, easy cash.

. Originally Posted by texasgoldengirl
I have seen it fast and easy for ladies that just dabble.

But I agree as a is well a job.

Jobs you love are easy for the mere fact that you love them but to much of even a good thing is not good fer ya.

PS: That would be the brain -- for those of you who might be anatomically-confused. Originally Posted by texasgoldengirl
Not if you have a big penis and a little brain!
London Rayne's Avatar
Hmm I don't know about that. I love to play Tennis and paint, but if it were something I had to do on demand, I doubt I would still love it as much doing it freely.

This is a job that requires you to be "ready" at any given moment, and that is almost impossible. I don't get turned on until I am actually with someone, so prebooking a week in advance is sort of funny.

It's like, "Ok London, you have to be horny on Monday at 9 a.m. when you would rather be sleeping." Much easier for a guy to do this job I would think lol.