Is the word Negro derogatory....

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[Intro: The IAT measures the strength of associations between concepts (e.g., black people, gay people) and evaluations (e.g., good, bad) or stereotypes (e.g., athletic, clumsy). The main idea is that making a response is easier when closely related items share the same response key.]

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Implicit association.
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In a few years we will be having a debate on whether the word 'half-caste' or 'mixed race' or 'mongrel' is offensive.

I was a little surprised when I read the following in an important widely reported speech by the Mayor of London:

....we will have a dynamic, diverse, globalised economy and we will have dealt eupeptically and by the normal romantic human processes with the recent period of mass immigration so that our cities are not just proudly British but also boast a vast mongrel energy.

In my part of London (I split my time between Houston and London) a very large number of people are of mixed race, mixed couple are the norm rather than the exception. I still find the racial segregation in American media a little peculiar and old fashioned.
Derived from the word Negroid. One of the three racial classifications of humans. The others being Caucasoid and Mongoloid. Originally Posted by boardman
Correct. Except somewhere along the political correctness line "race" became associated with "location" and not "physical attributes" of a group of people. "Negro" = "African American", "Mongoloid" = "Asian". Except for white folk and everyone south of the Rio Grande. Until about 2000, everyone in Texas who was Oriental called themselves Oriental. Now, its back to location: "Asian." Everyone knew the slurs for Orientals and it wasn't "Oriental." "We're screwed, they have a lot of Orientals on their Math team."

And in what context it is being said...... Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
Sorry. There's the context it is being said and the context it is being interpreted.

So it's OK to call an AA hooker Negrolicious? Originally Posted by spear88
An upcharge may be involved.

ok... so now that the dust has settled I gotta ask...

One of the options in the poll is People of color need to learn to get over "words" Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
I can understand people being offended by "colored people." But flipping words and putting a conjunction in the middle to "people of color" and thinking that's a significant change that "makes it right" causes me to question their understanding of English and sincerity of outrage.

In my part of London (I split my time between Houston and London) a very large number of people are of mixed race, mixed couple are the norm rather than the exception. I still find the racial segregation in American media a little peculiar and old fashioned. Originally Posted by essence
Hey essence, on the census forms, job applications, etc in Great Britain what are the "race selections?" Do they even ask that? If you are Jamaican are you assumed "black?"

Hey essence, on the census forms, job applications, etc in Great Britain what are the "race selections?" Do they even ask that? If you are Jamaican are you assumed "black?" Originally Posted by gnadfly
Not sure, I will have to look it up when I get back. I don't think you are allowed to ask on job applications. A couple of years back a London newspaper printed a photo of somebody who lived (not visited) London, and it represented every country in the world bar one or two.

Lots of Nigerians, Ghanains, Somalis, you name it you got it.

I think Jamaicans would fall under 'afro-caribbean'.

The list of possible racial classifications probably gets longer each year.

Don't ever think caribbeans and west Africans get along together. Totally different. Nor do Ghanains and Nigerians. Nor do different Nigerian tribes.

As your question implies, most Caribbeans are mixed - sexiness and madness!

Seriously, my Jamaican family has a lot of Scottish in them.

My current London squeeze is Zimbabwean. The avatar girl is mixed/caribbean.

I don't know how my kids classify themselves, I guess mixed.

I'm a quarter irish, hence my bandy legs and thirst for Guinness and a touch of the 'playboy of the western world'.

Isn't every body tired of all this?

ps. to the person who said 'foremost I am American', I assume he meant he was human first, American second.